Quote Originally Posted by clenz View Post
All of this is where the "JUST PAY TAXES. HAVE SOME ACCOUNTABILITY" really starts to break down.

We have the biggest "JUST PAY TAXES. HAVE SOME ACCOUNTABILITY" people on the planet here who have just known, in their DNA, that taxes have to be paid a certain way depending how you get paid, sitting here debating back and forth on how taxesw ould need to be paid or not paid or based on where. Yet the expectation is just these 18-20 year olds who have likely never had more than a few hundred at a time to be accountable for is expected just to instantly know this.

Plus the speed at which NIL is evolving and expecting these students to just instantly know all of this.

Are we starting to see where it's not entirely just "PAY YOUR TAXES" and it goes deeper than that?

As CH said, "those in power don't want you to know". He's right, and I said the same earlier. Tax code and tax law are intentionally as complicated as possible. They spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year trying to get congress to pass new tax laws making it as hard as possible for people to file on their own. Hell, a couple of them have tried to make it illegal/impossible for people to file on their own without paying exorbitant costs in doing so.
What we've done with the 1693 Alliance at W&M is have an athlete-alum who is a tax accountant prepare a handout for all NIL recipients outlining tax considerations. He will also offer periodic workshops for recipients to get more personalized tax advice. If schools and collectives are truly interested in enhancing athletes' opportunities they need to make sure athletes have the knowledge to deal with those opportunities.