Quote Originally Posted by Apphole View Post
App football went to **** (by our standards) BEFORE the FBS move. I can see it now. LFN citing App State as a once-great FCS powerhouse moving to the FBS and subsequently becoming a stinky program. It happened before the move as a result of green coach and a green team.

I'm not counting us out for the long haul, but I will call a spade a spade. App football in 2013 is not very good. I wanted to clarify BEFORE HAND that it has nothing to do with our choice in subdivision.

We have a bright future in Price, Cox and more. We need a leaders to learn how to lead before we return to dominance on the field, in any subdivision.

App will be fine, I remember thinking in 2004 how sad it is that App will never be a highly competitive team with us again.... yeah I thought that. Then Richie Williams threw like 4736839 complete passes against Furman and I began to worry.

PS: Nice to meet you, via twitter yesterday.