Great thread. One thing that needs pointed out is that all this NIL stuff is going to kill the golden goose. I'm a huge CFB fan, obviously, I'm on this board after all. I was just thinking yesterday how this fall I'll go to the USD games, tailgate, and have a good time, but on road weekends I think I'll spend my Saturdays golfing. I'm just not excited for this upcoming CFB season at all, and I'm someone who will watch every single game from Gameday to Hawaii at 2 AM and my favorite TV show this fall was the Dr. Pepper Fansville series.

It's being turned into professional football and I can watch the best professional football on Sundays. Just not interested in watching college kids get paid all this money. Frankly, I didn't, and I resent the hell that these kids are getting paid. If I feel that way being decades removed from the locker room how do you think the current backup left guard feels about the WR getting a seven figure deal while he gets chump change to nothing? These are college kids, not pros, they can't handle that type of locker room dynamic. I can see all hell breaking loose in many locker rooms. The first time one of these high dollar NIL guys loafs on a play, doesn't run out a sprint, skips a workout, etc. there is going to be animosity and hell to pay.

I'm to the point where I'm almost done with "big time" college sports.