Quote Originally Posted by GannonFan View Post
Hasn't the Ivy League, 50 years ago, tried the same thing you're saying? Sure, Ivy League games still get decent crowds, especially compared to other FCS teams, but it's a far cry from the heydays when the Ivy League was fielding some of the best teams in the land with players who were just a couple of inches taller and just a few steps faster. People will still watch because, like you say, they like watching their school in their uniforms play other schools. But you're being silly (and the Ivy League example proves it) when you pretend that attendance (and tv revenues) would not drop significantly if the B1G was no longer putting some of the top teams in the country out there on the field.
The Big 10 could put some of the worst teams in the nation and draw well since they have marketing tools like no other team has... most notably the Big Ten TV Network. They can also not play the FCA schools to give the illusion they are so much better. It's called putting lipstick on a pig but the general public is stupid