Q: How about giving Georgia Southern a game. Tech has never played the Eagles in football.

A: We called them this year when we struggled for a game because Army cancelled on us. That's why we're playing Jacksonville State and Gardner Webb. I guess (GSU) was already playing Georgia and they didn't want to play two (I-A teams). But if we could work out a game, yeah that would be great.

I have no qualms about scheduling them. That's why we scheduled them at Navy (for the 2009 season). When I first left (GSU), I didn't want to play against the guys I recruited. That's a no-win situation. But now, yeah, sure. It would draw a good crowd. If you're going to play a team from that division, might as well play them.
GSU looks like they're finally getting those big games: with UGA and maybe Georgia Tech in the future.