View Full Version : App State fans and Kidd Brewer Stadium

October 30th, 2011, 08:49 PM
First, this is my first trip to boone and my first time in KBS. I sat at the VERY top of the upper deck above our band.

I have only been to a few away games at the following locations for reference...

Furman, Florida, UGA, Samford, Furman, Wofford, Coastal and now KBS.

I'll never say this again, but KBS has the best atmosphere i've ever seen. ALL of the fans before the game were extremely polite and all warmly welcomed my group of 4 to the stadium. I was TERRIFIED when I realized I had to walk through the tailgate lot to get to the stadium. When I took my wife through a similar lot at Coastal Carolina a bunch of students said my wife and I had STD's and we were rednecks and it was a terrible first away game experience for us. KBS was different and other than the bum ankle it was not a bad walk. xthumbsupx

The score was not what I was hoping for and the only complaint from the entire day was about 5 drunken idiots sitting 25 seats away would stand up and flick us off every time ASU did something good but this only started after the game was tied in the 3rd. I also saw one DRUNKEN GSU fan that was equally terrible and making a fool out of himself the entire game and cussing like a sailor. Every team has a bad apple and these guys probably never took a class at either of their respective schools to begin with. With that said, our seats were nice and the view was AMAZING. xsmileyclapx

I have heard horror stories from boone but the ride in the "applecart" bus system was not bad and everyone smiled and talked casual football with us and wished us well and honestly the worst we recieved for the most part was some smiling "boooo's" and some thumbs downs during the day outside of the stadium.

I had a BLAST and I loved the atmosphere from start to finish, it was an amazing experience and other than the score I want to thank everyone for making the day so good.

Going through this makes me want to be a better host so, hopefully, when schools make their first trip to the 'boro during the playoffs we can leave others with similar fond memories.

KBS is something the fans should be proud of and the SoCon should be proud to have App as a member.

Thanks again, hope we return the favor, and score, next year! xnodx


Reign of Terrier
October 30th, 2011, 08:51 PM
CCU is the SC capital of STDs so those students knew a thing or 2 about STDs xnodx

October 30th, 2011, 08:53 PM
When I took my wife through a similar lot at Coastal Carolina a bunch of students said my wife and I had STD's and we were rednecks

Coastal fans have no legs to stand on in that argument. xthumbsdownx

October 30th, 2011, 08:54 PM
Most of the App fans are great and only a few take things to far. There were two guys in the upper deck shouting trash talk down at us below. One of them was even screaming trash at us while his own player was injured on the field. I can't understand heckling opposing fans while your own guy is lying hurt on the astroturf. One guy shouted a few things at us in the parking lot after the game, but it wasn't worse than what you'd hear anywhere else. The one that really took it too far was the guy that cussed us out and tried to pick a fight on the way out. Like I said, almost all of the fans are good people, but the obnoxious few tend to get more attention. It really is a shame when 1% of the fans tarnish the reputation of the other 99%. I think we should all #occupybanfans and work to police our own ;)

SideLine Shooter
October 30th, 2011, 08:55 PM
CCU is the SC capital of STDs so those students knew a thing or 2 about STDs xnodx

They know about JAIL too.

October 30th, 2011, 08:56 PM
Pictures from my friends OLD blackberry camera phone...
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/304197_2492185994648_1552722172_32584599_287528760 _n.jpg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/317800_2492187874695_1552722172_32584600_292635596 _n.jpg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/391019_2492193354832_1552722172_32584601_187215430 0_n.jpg

October 30th, 2011, 09:07 PM
I have to say that I have gone to the ASU vs. GSU game for over 10 years now. I travel to Statesboro and now to Boone every year. There have only been a couple games that I have missed in this intense rivalry. I am glad to hear that fellow App fans made your trip so welcoming. I'm not going to say that I don't talk a little respectful trash to the away team but I am always glad to share a beer and some football with a fellow fan. No matter who comes up the mountain I am glad to say that most of the Appalachian crowd is very welcoming. I have never been around as many friendly people than when I am in Boone. Now we all know there are those few that take the rivalry a little too far mostly due to a little too much to drink. Just know that the few does not outnumber the many that want to have a good time with other good fans. I'm glad you had a great time at the 'Rock' and enjoyed one of the most beautiful stadiums out there (I'm biased). It is an unbelievable atmosphere that still makes me stop in awe. I hope you had a nice trip and will come back up to another game in Boone.

October 30th, 2011, 09:09 PM
Nice to hear you has a positive experience. The GSU fan did make a run thru the tailgate area with his flag but it was a very fast run thru. He didn't stop long enough to make friends. Met a young couple living in Raleigh who are GSU grads. Had a nice civilized chat. They surely seemed educated...go figure. The weathee turned out to be decent. Hope all GSU people had a safe drive down looooooong 301. Don't want to play GSU again.

October 30th, 2011, 09:14 PM
I'm glad you had a great time at the 'Rock' and enjoyed one of the most beautiful stadiums out there (I'm biased).

I was agreeing with you up until this point:p

October 30th, 2011, 09:40 PM
I was watching a bit of the GSU/APP game in one of the computer labs near me yesterday before NDSU/UNI, and someone saw what I was watching on the screen, and asked me, "College football, right?? Is that one of the SEC games going on right now??"

Granted he was a Canadian, and Canadians know as much about NCAA football as Americans do about the Australian Football League, but it was still cool to hear.

October 31st, 2011, 05:42 AM
I will admit that one of the reasons I made such a big push to go was to see all of the new additions and I was slightly scared that you guys might not be in the SoCon for our 2013 game there.

October 31st, 2011, 05:46 AM
I was watching a bit of the GSU/APP game in one of the computer labs near me yesterday before NDSU/UNI, and someone saw what I was watching on the screen, and asked me, "College football, right?? Is that one of the SEC games going on right now??"

Granted he was a Canadian, and Canadians know as much about NCAA football as Americans do about the Australian Football League, but it was still cool to hear.

Right cause americans can name a conference in australian football... do they have conferences?

October 31st, 2011, 06:29 AM
99% is a great way to put it... I met a bunch of GSU fans who were great but 1 guy ruined it for the rest after the game for me... it is unfortunate but the majority were great and I have been to all of ASU's road games the last few years and I just hope I can represent our school at that level...

October 31st, 2011, 07:17 AM
I'm glad you had a good time, GaSouthern. The family of GaSo's #88 sat in front of us at the game and were just super fans. We enjoyed some friendly banter between quarters or during media timeouts, cheered loudly for our respective teams, and had a grand time enjoying excellent college football.

The poor grandmama of the family had on what I'm sure was her heaviest winter jacket. She was freezing. She finally allowed me to wrap my two extreme weather blankets around her to try and get her warmed up. She made it until the 3rd quarter and had to leave before she froze solid. Her granddaughter took over the blankets after she left. The granddaughter has promised to keep me in Diet Cokes next year at GaSo to keep me cool.

You're absolutely correct that it's 1% of the fans who go out of their way to ruin the gameday experience for the remaining 99%. I try to ask myself one question to shape how I interact with fans from other schools. "If I am the only exposure this person has to Appalachian State, what will they think of the university I love so dearly?"

Good luck to GaSo the rest of the season.

October 31st, 2011, 08:09 AM
I'll say that KBS was an excellent place to play. Kudos on the upgrades and plans posted for the future. 99.999% of the fans were very respectful and made the atomasphere fun (even as GSU imploded). The 2 App fans who were not so respectful absolutely ruined an otherwise excellent experience. I was sitting just accross the aisle from the pictures above freezing my arse off in the cold and wind. My wife sat just in front of me with a friends wife. The main problem guy was about 10 rows down and directed his potty talk at my wife and my friends wife (even though they were sitting trying to keep warm). Funny that Mr. big guy wouldn't talk his trash to me... although it took everything I had late in the 3rd qtr. to keep my wife from kicking the crap outta him once she had had enough of the cursing directed at her and the flipping her off. I honestly think that guy spent more time looking back at us than he did watching the game. I know you can't let 1 or 2 rotten apples spoil the trip, but she ahs already informed me she will not be returning to KBS ever again thanks to those 2.

So, for the other 99.999% of App fans... thank you for the hospitality. I hope we are good enough next year to return the favor in a proper manner (both on the field and off).

October 31st, 2011, 08:16 AM
So GSU could not break the KBS home attendance record which I still believe is held by Elon?
say it ain't so, Mo?

SideLine Shooter
October 31st, 2011, 08:17 AM
I'll say that KBS was an excellent place to play. Kudos on the upgrades and plans posted for the future. 99.999% of the fans were very respectful and made the atomasphere fun (even as GSU imploded). The 2 App fans who were not so respectful absolutely ruined an otherwise excellent experience. I was sitting just accross the aisle from the pictures above freezing my arse off in the cold and wind. My wife sat just in front of me with a friends wife. The main problem guy was about 10 rows down and directed his potty talk at my wife and my friends wife (even though they were sitting trying to keep warm). Funny that Mr. big guy wouldn't talk his trash to me... although it took everything I had late in the 3rd qtr. to keep my wife from kicking the crap outta him once she had had enough of the cursing directed at her and the flipping her off. I honestly think that guy spent more time looking back at us than he did watching the game. I know you can't let 1 or 2 rotten apples spoil the trip, but she ahs already informed me she will not be returning to KBS ever again thanks to those 2.

So, for the other 99.999% of App fans... thank you for the hospitality. I hope we are good enough next year to return the favor in a proper manner (both on the field and off).

I am sorry you and your friends had those problems and I wish there was an easy answer for those kinds of problems. I think everyone should have fun at games but you don't have to do it at the expense of others there. Like I have said before, every time I go to Paulson I say I am never coming back, but I do.

October 31st, 2011, 08:26 AM
App and Georgia Southern fans respecting each other?

What the hell kind of black magic is this?

October 31st, 2011, 08:32 AM
So GSU could not break the KBS home attendance record which I still believe is held by Elon?
say it ain't so, Mo?

Sunny and 65 degrees vs Windy and 35 degrees. Don't get too excited. At least GaSo has won a game against us in the last 30 years.

SideLine Shooter
October 31st, 2011, 08:37 AM
I'll say that KBS was an excellent place to play. Kudos on the upgrades and plans posted for the future. 99.999% of the fans were very respectful and made the atomasphere fun (even as GSU imploded). The 2 App fans who were not so respectful absolutely ruined an otherwise excellent experience. I was sitting just accross the aisle from the pictures above freezing my arse off in the cold and wind. My wife sat just in front of me with a friends wife. The main problem guy was about 10 rows down and directed his potty talk at my wife and my friends wife (even though they were sitting trying to keep warm). Funny that Mr. big guy wouldn't talk his trash to me... although it took everything I had late in the 3rd qtr. to keep my wife from kicking the crap outta him once she had had enough of the cursing directed at her and the flipping her off. I honestly think that guy spent more time looking back at us than he did watching the game. I know you can't let 1 or 2 rotten apples spoil the trip, but she ahs already informed me she will not be returning to KBS ever again thanks to those 2.

So, for the other 99.999% of App fans... thank you for the hospitality. I hope we are good enough next year to return the favor in a proper manner (both on the field and off).

I forgot something, (a senior moment) while on the sidelines working the ASU-GSU game beside the ASU bench, there was a group of about 4 or 5 guys, all wearing GSU gear that were really obnoxious with their language and volume. A lot of the other photographers were talking about them and nobody had an idea of what they were trying to prove except their stupidity. I have been shooting football for over 40 years and this seemed extremely odd and stupid to me. I have been to games where the visitors sideline team area was surrounded by the home teams mafia. (that's what they called them) I just don't understand what this group of guys were doing acting the way they were on the ASU sidelines. Seems to me if you are a fan and not working and you are lucky enough to get sideline passes, that you could be a little more sensible or at least go to your teams sideline if you want to act like an ***.

Just curious.

SideLine Shooter
October 31st, 2011, 08:39 AM
App and Georgia Southern fans respecting each other?

What the hell kind of black magic is this?

Certainly not the norm.

October 31st, 2011, 08:46 AM
I really don't mind at all when other team's fans come to KBS and run their mouths. They always lose anyway. The closest I've come to fighting at the Rock was against App "fans." I put fans in quotes because they were heckling me for trying to get the crown into it. They turned out to be some inbred hill billies from the few counties over or something. He called me a pussy so I shoved him on his a$$. Our friends then intervened and I slipped into the crowd.

October 31st, 2011, 08:57 AM
This was my first trip up to "The Rock" and I have to say besides the weather it was a good experience. Being a member of Southern Pride, we had been told what to expect after what happened at the last time SP made the trip to Boone(Goal post through bus windows and bottles being thrown at us). Besides a few people that took it too far, I have to say this is the (second) most respectful fan base that I've had the privilege to travel to. (I've been able to travel to UNC, Navy, Furman, Wofford, and Delaware.) The atmosphere of the stadium was incredible. I have to say, I look forward to the possibility of meeting again later this year...you'll meet a completely different Eagle Squad xthumbsupx

October 31st, 2011, 09:07 AM
I know we have our own assholes at GSU so don't think I'm playing the holier than thou card. It's a shame really but goes with the territory I guess. I just hope nobody has to deal with someone like the jerk we did this past weekend. He gave football fans in general a bad name (I won't even call him an App fan)

October 31st, 2011, 09:13 AM
Glad everybody had mostly good experiences. I know my wife and I went out of our way to accomodate some freezing GSU guys at our tailgate and I had some friendly consoling words for some GSU fans leaving the stadium. Too bad the few horses' asses can ruin an otherwise good day - we always make it a point to find several of the opponent's fans at any home game, thank them for coming, and wish them safe travels. That can be enough in some cases to turn someone's opinion around.

October 31st, 2011, 09:21 AM
Glad everybody had mostly good experiences. I know my wife and I went out of our way to accomodate some freezing GSU guys at our tailgate and I had some friendly consoling words for some GSU fans leaving the stadium. Too bad the few horses' asses can ruin an otherwise good day - we always make it a point to find several of the opponent's fans at any home game, thank them for coming, and wish them safe travels. That can be enough in some cases to turn someone's opinion around.

I don't know why but in 40 years of attending games at ASU, I've never experienced the obnoxious behavior that so many opposing fans have experienced. Sometimes, I think these episodes are made up.
One can't help but wonder if the behaviors many say they expereince by opposing fans are instigated by those saying they experience them.

October 31st, 2011, 09:31 AM
I know we have our own assholes at GSU so don't think I'm playing the holier than thou card. It's a shame really but goes with the territory I guess. I just hope nobody has to deal with someone like the jerk we did this past weekend. He gave football fans in general a bad name (I won't even call him an App fan)

Last year at the GSU game I was sitting about the 50 yard line intertwined with ASU and GSU fans where I ran into the weirdest drunk fan of my time. It was this old guy (not a student) that was the most obnoxious fan I have ever come across. Not only was he yelling profanities but he was threatening female fans. At the end of the game he drew back to punch a mother and her daughter. It made me think a lot less of GSU. That game was one of the worst I have come across. It unfortunately happens everywhere you go. I will still go back to Paulson because of the rivalry despite certain idiots.

October 31st, 2011, 09:39 AM
Being a APP season ticket holder for years and traveling to a lot of away games we try and treat people the way we want to be treated. We meet a lot of great GSU fans that were great!!! We close down Sagebrush Friday and Saturday night with them! GREAT FANS AND PEOPLE! I even made a point to walk over to the GSU Alumni tailgate in Sagebrush parking lot to welcome them to Boone and apologize for the Boone weather! All were great and welcome us to Statesboro next year. My 115lb wife step in between a BUTTHEAD ASU fan and a GSU fan at the bar!! She said either team could have won and we are all here to have a great time!!! I do have one complaint!!! I know it is a football game and it s all in fun but I do not think a visiting team should run their school flags onto our field!!!! Run them up and down your sideline but not onto OUR FIELD!!! But all in all great time, great football and some new friends made!!!

October 31st, 2011, 09:56 AM
I don't know why but in 40 years of attending games at ASU, I've never experienced the obnoxious behavior that so many opposing fans have experienced. Sometimes, I think these episodes are made up.
One can't help but wonder if the behaviors many say they expereince by opposing fans are instigated by those saying they experience them.

And I can say the same about 30 years of attending games at Paulson. I think it has much to do with where you sit and where you go. The "visitors" side is certainly more conducive to such behavior as in most cases in SoCon stadiums (and I'd venture to guess FCS if not all levels) home fans far outnumber visitors on that side, and that gives the idiots a sense of security. I also think that season ticket holders are much less prone to this kind of stuff than casual fans in general.

Finally, I'll say that Boone is the only place that we've been flipped off and had obscenities yelled at us from a passing car on the main commercial street in town (not Saturday, but a few years ago), but I'll also say that I unfortunately wouldn't be surprised if the same sort of thing has happened to visiting fans in downtown Statesboro, too.

I think we all may as well acknowledge that we have some bad apples and try our best as visitors not to engage them, while doing what we can to give a good impression of our own respective programs. Of course, doing what we can to police our own would be good, as well.

October 31st, 2011, 09:58 AM
I know there are times that we try and police our own. At GSU last year there were 4 young guys (I assume App students) that were drinking, shouting fowl language, and flipping off a bunch of the GSU supporters near us. A group of us old Apps sitting directly behind them "shut them down" before things got out of hand. This was the only negative I had at Paulson and got many kind words from the GSU fans as we left and later in the parking lot had some good conversation with very knowledgeable fans. There is just no justification for acting like an azzhat at a football game.

October 31st, 2011, 10:15 AM
So GSU could not break the KBS home attendance record which I still believe is held by Elon?
say it ain't so, Mo?

That record is not held by Elon. The record is held by us. xthumbsupx

Go Apps
October 31st, 2011, 10:22 AM
That record is not held by Elon. The record is held by us. xthumbsupx

Only morning snow and what appeared to be a bad weather day stopped the crowd - bad news is it was the ASU Alumi season ticket holders who always seem to fail us - I wonder why they even purchase the tickets - we are in the parking lot by the stadium and it always looks about half full - I just don't get it?

October 31st, 2011, 10:37 AM
Only morning snow and what appeared to be a bad weather day stopped the crowd - bad news is it was the ASU Alumi season ticket holders who always seem to fail us - I wonder why they even purchase the tickets - we are in the parking lot by the stadium and it always looks about half full - I just don't get it?
It is the people with enough money to not care if it goes to waste. The Stadium lot was really empty, more than any game this year I believe.