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View Full Version : Really cool Livestrong support from Southland Conference Fans.....

September 13th, 2011, 04:27 PM
Okay, so....for the last several years, I've been involved in a 24 Hour Bicycle ride to raise money for Livestrong and other cancer-fighting initiatives called the 24 Hours of Booty.

Since the ride falls on the date of the McNeese/Northwestern first cousin knife fight, I figured that there was a chance that some of the Northwestern folks would might be interested in donating to my ride if I agreed to wear one of their shirts (and be photographed in it!) and if I refrained from using a certain word I coined to describe them....anyway....they bought in, and met my challenge.

This year, we decided to do it again, only I doubled the fundraising requirements, which they've met. And, I've offered to sell them back the rights to my little derogatory descriptor...which they're very close to being able to buy back...

Here's where it gets interesting....As you might expect, McNeese fans have supported my ride pretty heavily. I've gotten about $2600.00 in donations to Livestrong from the McFaithful....The Northwestern folks have raised nearly $1000.00...but both Southeastern Louisiana and Sam Houston have gotten into the act and have raised enough money for me to wear their colors during a portion of the ride, too...

I don't ever poste on the Nicholls or UCA boards, so I didn't send out challenges there, but I do from time to time make an appearance on the SFA board.

My stance on the 4-2-Fake-a-cramp defense may have cost Livestrong some donations as nobody from the Lumberjack board has - as of yet - decided to donate, despite an endorsement from one of the SFA Sports Medicine Staffers that I went to HS and college with....

Anyway....people don't think message boards as positive things, but I've raised nearly $7,000.00 so far this year for Livestrong and other cancer fighting initiatives almost exclusively thorugh Social Media like Facebook and sports message boards....

Anyway, as I was totalling up the donations from the four SLC schools who've donated so far, I thought it was a pretty compelling piece of "good news" to share about sports message boards ;)

If any of you would care to support the cause, here's a link to my fundraising page..
