View Full Version : Patriot League Scholarship Info

August 3rd, 2011, 09:26 AM
No "news", but the most forthcoming information we've had from PL director Femovich on the scholarship issue.

As discussed on another post, it appears from these comments from Paul Reinhard's Morning Call blog, that Lafayette's AD McCutcheon, was, at least in part, moved to a fundraising role to find $$ to support schollies.

It does seem like the PL will ultimately get to a yes on schollies, but won't happen until late 2012. While we PL followers have openly chastised the PL prexies and leadership for shortsightedness and insularity, it does appear from these comments that they are considering how to not only hold the league membership together, but also focus on growing the membership. The long decision timeframe is painful, but these are the most encouraging remarks I've read or heard on the topic.


Here is the relevant text:


Last December, Patriot League presidents decided not to act on athletic scholarships for football, so while I have Carolyn’s ear, I said, “Nice to have a year not to talk about scholarships, isn’t it?” And guess what happened. We talked scholarships.

“We always talk about it,” she said. “The key thing is the presidents decided that they were just not ready to make a decision. It is a very important decision for the league and the institutions. They came in thinking they would come to a decision but they just did not feel the time was right. I respect that and I think we all should.

“This will be a very presidentially-driven decision. They decided to give themselves two years, which is appropriate. If you turn around a year later, is anything going to be different? I’m not sure anything is going to be different two years from now either, but they want to give themselves some space without any deadline or pressure and they’ve done that. But that doesn’t mean they won’t talk about it. They have until December of 2912.”

I asked if the decision to table the vote the last time was because there was no solid consensus.

“I think they didn’t feel the readiness factor was there yet,” Carolyn said. “It wasn’t so much a formal vote as listening to each other and making a decision that was right for the group.”

I asked if Lafayette President Daniel Weiss, an outspoken opponent of athletic scholarships for football, did his “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” impression on the group and filibuster for a “no” vote.

“President Weiss has been phenomenal,” Carolyn said. “He is a very strong advocate of the league and he will continue to do that. He will be the chair of our Council of Presidents this coming July 1. He is very thoughtful, supportive of the league and wants the league to thrive.

When I mentioned that when December of 2012 rolls around, Lafayette will have a new athletic directror who may have no knowledge of the history of the scholarship issue, she said, “I think that is being handled in a proactive way. They need Bruce (McCutcheon, who will become director or athletic funding) out there working to identify new resources, and nobody knows that program better than he does. A year in transition will give them the opportunity to do it in all the right ways and I respect that.”

So, we wait, I said. And what about Fordham?

“We continue to be patient,” she said. “Change is always challenging and takes more time than we like sometimes. Fordham is hanging in. The key to the whole discussion is, both parties very much want to maintain this association. They are committed to it and we are committed to it. We simply have to find the way to do that, and if that doesn’t happen, it’s not because we didn’t try to make it work. They are a great member and we’d really like to see them continue with the league. And maybe eight, nine or 10 schools, but until we get this issue decided, we won’t move. Once that is done you can build your membership model.”

I suggested that surely it was not possible that they would put off the decision still another time in 2012 – or would they?

II don’t think so,” she said, “but stranger things have happened. We’ll let it play out and when the presidents are ready they’ll make the decision.” In the meantime, “they continue to engage with each other about what’s right for the league, and right on their campus. They were very well informed the last time with all the information and what it would cost and not cost and what it would mean in a variety of areas. It wasn’t for lack of information (that they tabled the decision). They just weren’t ready, so we’ll be patient until they say it’s time. I’ve learned to be patient.”

August 3rd, 2011, 09:28 AM
Short answer: "It's out of my hands."

August 3rd, 2011, 09:31 AM
Short answer: "It's out of my hands."

Yes, but it was always out of her hands.

Lehigh Football Nation
August 3rd, 2011, 09:38 AM
If you were interested in what Paul had to say, wait till you read my report.

Franks Tanks
August 3rd, 2011, 09:46 AM
“This will be a very presidentially-driven decision. They decided to give themselves two years, which is appropriate. If you turn around a year later, is anything going to be different? I’m not sure anything is going to be different two years from now either, but they want to give themselves some space without any deadline or pressure and they’ve done that. But that doesn’t mean they won’t talk about it. They have until December of 2912

That is probably not a typo

August 3rd, 2011, 10:51 AM
Right on Tanks, nine centuries is about right to do a study.

Reinhard gave us a new name too: Colhate!

August 3rd, 2011, 10:55 AM
Right on Tanks, nine centuries is about right to do a study.

Reinhard gave us a new name too: Colhate!

I'm not sure that was a typo.

August 3rd, 2011, 10:56 AM
If you were interested in what Paul had to say, wait till you read my report.

You tease.

August 3rd, 2011, 10:57 AM
There is going to be a compromise and the postponed vote is really just a question of ready finances; the only question in my mind is if the members are going to let each school decide upon the allotment, creating an unequal PL like the current Ivy have and have-nots, or instill a hard cap of let's say 45. In the later scenario, adios Fordham.

The annoying thing is Lafayette knew this issue was coming up in 2009 and we did nothing to prepare, an abdication of responsibility.

August 3rd, 2011, 11:22 AM
I think the problem the presidents know and understand is that you can't run a railroad with two sitting on 60, two at 45, one at 30 and one at 0.

August 3rd, 2011, 11:59 AM
An apt analogy DFW . What then is the answer? Slow down the fastest and speed up the laggards. Is that even remotely possible? I do agree some sort of merit aid seems definite. "2912" seems a bit optimistic as an implementaion datexrolleyesx

Lehigh Football Nation
August 3rd, 2011, 12:08 PM
Right on Tanks, nine centuries is about right to do a study.

Reinhard gave us a new name too: Colhate!

This will be revisited by me at some point - I can get used to "Colhate"! xlolx

Lehigh Football Nation
August 3rd, 2011, 01:10 PM

Touched upon by others, but my blog posting gets to the heart of the matter in a very different way than anyone else, I think.

August 3rd, 2011, 07:53 PM
Weiss will be chair fo the Council next year?!?! Holy s^&#. After going on record being against scholarships that concerns me. Maybe McCutheon can scare up more money that will change his mind, but where will the coneheads on College Hill (aka faculty) be on this? If the presidents are to be the controlling group of PL decisions, they have to become more than casually engaged.

August 4th, 2011, 09:01 AM
Weiss will be chair fo the Council next year?!?! Holy s^&#. After going on record being against scholarships that concerns me. Maybe McCutheon can scare up more money that will change his mind, but where will the coneheads on College Hill (aka faculty) be on this? If the presidents are to be the controlling group of PL decisions, they have to become more than casually engaged.

We had this discussion on the Lafayette board but, honestly, what does Weiss in the chair mean? It is undoubtedly a rotating honor and it is just Lafayette's turn. Weiss gets to say "the chair recognizes..." and maybe give a pronouncement from Robert's Rules of Order. That's about it. There are big kids in the room and they are all high powered college presidents. No one is going to get steam rolled by Kick the Can Dan just because he has the gavel in his hand.

Lehigh Football Nation
August 4th, 2011, 09:46 AM
We had this discussion on the Lafayette board but, honestly, what does Weiss in the chair mean? It is undoubtedly a rotating honor and it is just Lafayette's turn. Weiss gets to say "the chair recognizes..." and maybe give a pronouncement from Robert's Rules of Order. That's about it. There are big kids in the room and they are all high powered college presidents. No one is going to get steam rolled by Kick the Can Dan just because he has the gavel in his hand.

You mean, there's not going to be a "We're tied 5-5 on scholarships, and as chairman, my vote counts twice" moment?