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View Full Version : Hofstra Finds Life After Football...?

Lehigh Football Nation
February 1st, 2011, 10:13 PM
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703439504576116640671022446.html?m od=googlenews_wsj

Get by the misleading title, and you finally get to some good stuff.

This has been a very good year for Hofstra athletics, if only in comparison to the previous one when the losses included not only games but widely respected coaches and the sport that provided the institution with a national identity.

Wait, it gets better:

Still, even while contemplating such positive thoughts, Hofstra hasn't completely shaken the hangover from 2009-10.

Just three hours before the game against Drexel, the school inducted its Hall of Fame class of 2011. Among the inductees was Mike D'Amato , a former defensive back who was drafted by the Jets and spent the 1968 championship season with the team right through the Super Bowl victory over the Baltimore Colts. He is retired after serving as a special assistant to the president for alumni relations at his alma mater.

"Some of my football friends said they would like to be here," said Mr. D'Amato, who also represented the school in lacrosse, "but they couldn't support the university because of what happened to football. I was torn but my wife said, 'That's ridiculous, you have to go.' It's still my university, regardless of what happened to football."

There are a number of former football players who still don't accept the decision to drop the sport by the Board of Trustees following what Mr. Rabinowitz said was a two-year study. The president said the school was spending $4.5 million per year on football while generating an average attendance of 4,260, only 500 students among them.

"Those figures include soft money for scholarships, which is just putting another guy in a class," said Brad Gerstman, an attorney, political strategist and former Hofstra cornerback who founded the web site SaveHofstraFootball.org. "The real hard costs are about $2 million.

Permit me to stop here and wipe the tear of joy from my eye after finally seeing in print the exposure of the $4.5 million lie by Mr. Gerstman, correctly noting that $2 million is scholarship money, or "putting another guy in a class". (He didn't add the $1 million in revenue the program generated, but could have.)


"I look at the big picture, Long Island college sports, and I'll tell you who is growing leaps and bounds. Stony Brook. Football was the biggest sport at Hofstra. Did I do enough to keep it there? No. I should have gone to every game. Now Stony Brook has maximized its opportunity."

I see this piece as a "I come not to bury Caesar, but to praise him" moment. Hofstra football deserves it. And, kudos to the WSJ for getting this right. xsmileyclapx

Bogus Megapardus
February 1st, 2011, 10:30 PM
Wow. I'm impressed with the local coverage by the WSJ - something the NYT never would have done.

Let's play a little fill-in-the-blanks game with the frontispiece:


Time's yours, as Andy Reid might say.

Lehigh Football Nation
February 1st, 2011, 10:34 PM
Paging Uncle Buck...

Uncle Buck
February 2nd, 2011, 03:46 PM
Trust me, when i first read the lead i didn't want to go on. Then you get into it and yes, it praises hoops and their accomplishments but the comments about football make you once again question the motives of Rabinowitz and the BOT. It was great to see Brad Gerstman get not his opinion, but the fact out there that Rabinowitz was grossly inflating the true cost of the program in order to sell its demise.

All in all though, on the CAA site where the lemmings gather it completely goes over there heads. Some of the morons over there actually justify what he did as a money saving venture and agree with it. Those people and the leadership at the university will never truly grasp what college athletics provides in the way of developing future leaders through commitment, hard work and dedication. While i eagerly wait for an administration that will bring back football, i've spoken to enough Hofstra people in the know who can definitely say that Rabinowitz wanted football gone, and Hayes the AD is a backstabbing SOB.

Here is another article that came out today in the much smaller Long Island Examiner


February 2nd, 2011, 04:25 PM
Hofstra as an all-sports member of the Patriot League, which HU lobbied hard for in the early-mid 1990's, would have solved a multitude of problems.

Uncle Buck
February 2nd, 2011, 08:02 PM
Besides the fact that the PL never wanted us, the president had it in for football for whatever reason and there was no way he was letting it survive. If he really did want it, he certainly could have looked at a number of options before handing down the death sentence. It absolutely disgusts me to the point that I now root against all things Hofstra. In fact, i'm loving the smackdown that George Mason put on them in hoops tonight.

February 3rd, 2011, 09:03 AM
This has caused me to think, what the heck has happened to Hofstra's vaunted wrestling program? 5-10 years ago, the Flying Dutchmen were a national power and took Lehigh to school on a couple occasions. Does 'pride' still matter??

Uncle Buck
February 3rd, 2011, 01:36 PM
I don't know that much about HU wrestling but if they're struggling, good!

Also good to see that Gio Carmazzi was inducted into the Hall of Fame for HU and was "unable" to attend.