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View Full Version : CAA TODAY: TEAM WIN

October 15th, 2010, 02:45 PM
To all of you loyal readers of my column, let me apologize for not submitting one last week.

Two weeks ago, I injured my lower back removing window air conditioners rendering me useless for the rest of the week. My primary doctor tells me I'm too old to be doing such labor.

However, after consuming anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants and pain pills I'm back in the saddle. Hopefully, the following will be worth the wait.

The "team win" concept came from my observations from the games played Oct. 2. I saw nothing last weekend to inspire me to change the theme. I will briefly recap the games played Oct. 2, and move onto the games played last Saturday.

In team sports, all coaches tell their players "We win as a team, we lose as a team."

All coaches try and instruct all facets of their respective team to accomplish that goal of winning. Each coach knows that a team is as strong as its weakest link. Thus, in the preparation for its upcoming contest, that coach will try and emphasize a teamís strengths and try to minimize the exposure to its specific weaknesses.

In the end, when the team wins or loses, it does so as a team.

October 15th, 2010, 05:52 PM
edit: didn't read the full article before i posted.

October 15th, 2010, 10:22 PM
Glad to see he's OK but not happy with his picks....