View Full Version : Team for NCAA Football 2011 without XBOX Live

July 14th, 2010, 08:38 PM
Does anyone have a way to make a team online where it can be downloaded and put in a CD to download to the Xbox 360? I don't have Xbox Live but I want to put a team on mine not of one school but of the FCS All-Star Team. I want a team like no other with Pat Devlin, Mark LeGree, Christian Anthony, DJ Smith, Matt Szczur, Ben Ijalana, David Arkin, Jabara Williams, JC Sherritt, Korey Lindsey, Justin Roger, Martin Parker, etc. You get the point. I will go through the set the ratings and give you the information on all of the players you just have to create the team and make a way for it to be loaded on Xbox without Xbox Live, or is this possible?