View Full Version : "Bum of the half-year": Bobby Hauck

October 20th, 2009, 06:33 PM
I think I saw some Bobby Huack news on ESPN and Sports Illustrated, any insight Griz fans? xeyebrowx

October 20th, 2009, 06:35 PM
This article has mid-season superlatives for the first half of the college football season. It's pretty much all FBS stuff, but there was one bit about Bobby Hauck. He wins the category for "Bum of the half-year", whatever that means. It is #19 on the list of categories.

A. Falcon Heene's dad.

B. Whoever invented and distributed the rumor that Jon Gruden is a "done deal" to Louisville and Steve Kragthorpe has already told his team he's done. Um, no.

C. Bobby Hauck, Montana coach. Nobody likes a bully, and that's what Hauck has been to an easy target -- the student paper at the school. Hauck has retaliated at a story in the paper, The Kaimin, about an alleged assault of a student by two football players. He has publicly belittled its reporters, refused to answer questions from the paper and the players have followed suit by declining to comment to Kaimin staffers. The paper responded by printing its GameDay section with a focus on the opponent, Cal Poly -- pretty much its only recourse.

Dash answer: C.

Doesn't exactly give the whole story.


Franks Tanks
October 20th, 2009, 06:39 PM
I think I say some Bobby Huack news on ESPN and Sports Illustrated, any insight Griz fans? xeyebrowx

He was in Pat Forde's recent column as the biggest bum of the first half of the season. He stopped talking to the student newspaper I believe for some petty reason.

October 20th, 2009, 06:47 PM
He was in Pat Forde's recent column as the biggest bum of the first half of the season. He stopped talking to the student newspaper I believe for some petty reason.

Oh the cover-up issue has reared its head again? xconfusedx

October 20th, 2009, 06:58 PM
Back in my day this same student newspaper thought it was a waste of money to have athletic teams. The money could be better spent elsewhere. I don't think anything has changed since then.
I wouldn't talk to them either.

October 20th, 2009, 07:02 PM
I read that as well and was still a bit confused on what exactly happened, as Forde makes no mentioning of any exact details. I understand Hauck was sticking up for his players, but if what was reported is indeed true, then he definitely went a little too far with his actions. You shouldn't really beat up on the school paper, whose sole job is to report the news (although if this story did come out, the situation may have become worse overall). I think we need some clarity in the details before we call out Bobby Hauck.

October 20th, 2009, 07:05 PM
"Baby" Hacks immature pi$$ing match with a couple student writers for the school paper is only hurting himself and will come back to haunt him if he ever gets a chance to move up as a head coach (which I think he's burned most bridges with due to players off field problems). He just keeps digging himself into a bigger hole.

October 20th, 2009, 07:05 PM
A little more info about that situation:

Complete with photo accompaniment of some young, angry Montana journalists:

October 20th, 2009, 07:08 PM
Christ Sakes, there was not a cover up! University officials were aware of this, police officials, and campus security. How is there a cover up? The parties involved chose not to pursue things further, all parties took responsibility for the altercation, all parties involved were satisfied with outcome, and basically treated as water under the bridge.

Honestly to God what has this society come to? For once a group of people, including athletes and coaches, handled an issue in a civil non threatening manner, and the outside world does not know how to react?

As for Hauck or any coach not talking to a media source, since when is that a crime? For the record Hauck was already the better person in this ordeal, he apologized for his reaction to the student reporter. Once again the Kaimin not telling the whole story. They cannot put it behind them and now are on a witch hunt.

I challenge ESPN or any national media source to get both sides of the stories, then we all can make a fair opinion. I for one could care less how any college or pro coach treats the media. The media is not entitled to anything just because they are the media.

Finally, if the Kaimin continues to escalate this, if I were Hauck and the Athletic Department, I would begin to look into legal ramifications against the Kaimin and/or it's staff. They have taken this much too far, and are on the verge of demeaning character or possible slander if they take it much further.

nwFL Griz
October 20th, 2009, 07:12 PM
There's like three or four threads about this at e-griz. I'd give you details but I'd hate to leave anything out, so pop over there if you are really curious.

October 20th, 2009, 07:14 PM
Christ Sakes, there was not a cover up! ....

I for one could care less how any college or pro coach treats the media.

Do you care how your players behave in public?

If it's not a cover-up why doesn't everyone just come out and say what happened then? That would put a clean stop to this story, have Baby Huack do a one-on-one interview with the Kaimin coming completely clean about the story. xeyebrowx

October 20th, 2009, 07:15 PM
The media sources are only telling one side. For the record, shortly after this issue with the student, Hauck apologized for his reaction to him. This whole issue is being so blown out of proportion.

October 20th, 2009, 07:23 PM
I do care about the public behavior, but that is only one of many aspects of coaching. There is not any coach of any sport that can babysit players 24/7. Anytime there has been trouble, Hauck has taken quick and proper actions against them.

Why doesn't the media focus on his team's academics, gpa's, apr's, community contributions, developing players into NFL caliber players, and other positives he has contributed since being coach here. You know damn well there are very few perfectly clean programs in college football, or for that matter college athletics period!

As for the one on one interview, I am for it, but the Kaimin does not deserve the time of day after handling the aftermath as unprofessionally as they have. If there is to be a one on one, it needs to be with a local, regional, or national respected publication, not some piece of trash witch hunting school paper.

October 20th, 2009, 07:44 PM

Join in the poll.

October 20th, 2009, 07:48 PM
As stated, there was no cover up. That's total BS.

There are privacy laws that restrict some of the information that some are saying should be disclosed.

The coach has a policy of not discussing any disciplinary action he takes, and this is consistent with privacy laws. This has been his policy for 7 years.

There is not complete agreement on what actually occurred. The incident took place in March, at night (after midnight), outside of a frat, with many people drunk. The student newspaper reported only part of what occurred, based much of the story on one person's recollection six months later (it was at night and I assume he was drunk at the time), and got multiple important facts wrong.

The kid who got hurt and his dad are apparently fine with things, and with how the coach handled it. They want this to go away, as it's upsetting to their family. The players called the kid shortly after the incident, and apologized, and have had subsequent conversations.

Most of the community is supporting coach. If the student newspaper is going to act like immature jerks (I think they've now run 6 articles/editorials, including 3 the first day of the story), most of us agree with the coach and see no reason for the coach to talk to them.

The players, on their own, have decided not to talk to the student newspaper.

October 20th, 2009, 07:52 PM
Does a fight that occurred in March, for which the players were disciplined by the coach (including suspensions for the first game of the season), and for which the kid who was beat up and his father are fine with how things were handled, deserve 3 articles/editorials in the student newspaper on the day the story came out, and 3 subsequent ones? By the way, the players didn't start the fight.

nwFL Griz
October 20th, 2009, 07:55 PM
Does a fight that occurred in March, for which the players were disciplined by the coach (including suspensions for the first game of the season), and for which the kid who was beat up and his father are fine with how things were handled, deserve 3 articles/editorials in the student newspaper on the day the story came out, and 3 subsequent ones? By the way, the players didn't start the fight.

Only in Missoula.

UNH Fanboi
October 20th, 2009, 07:55 PM
Does a fight that occurred in March, for which the players were disciplined by the coach (including suspensions for the first game of the season), and for which the kid who was beat up and his father are fine with how things were handled, deserve 3 articles/editorials in the student newspaper on the day the story came out, and 3 subsequent ones? By the way, the players didn't start the fight.

Were they flashing gang signs?

October 20th, 2009, 07:57 PM
Here's a good summary of the controversy from a poster on egriz.com:

Everyone needs to take a step back and look at the facts:

The Kaimin reports on an alleged situation (ok a fight) that took place six months prior and without a police report being filed. When questioned why two student athletes didn’t play in the first game by a UM journalism major Coach Hauck states they were “unavailable to compete” - the journalism major continues to ask the question three more times and when asked the same question the final time the journalism major was given a good old fashion Montana response. The Kaimin journalism major/editor then decided to cry foul and act like a couple of immature, spoiled brats who had their feelings bruised. They then decide to run a story on the alleged fight that took place over six months ago. But to really show everyone how smart they are they also elect to run two additional articles with the following titles “Hauck Builds Wall of Silence” and “A History of Violence”. The Kaimin then chooses to feature the opposing team in “Game Day” during homecoming – because Coach Hauck wouldn’t answer the journalism majors questions. However, there were other reporters in the room, so information was flowing freely and I’m sure if the journalism major were taking notes he could have found something to report. Now this week we see the story begin to get some regional and national exposure, but this is what I find very troubling. Last week NewWest, a next-generation media company headquartered in Missoula ran a scathing story about Coach Hauck and his treatment of the Kaimin journalism major. What the editor in chief, Jonathan Weber, failed to disclose was he moved to Montana in early 2002 to serve as a visiting professor at the University of Montana Journalism School. Hmmm…. visiting professor to the University of Montana Journalism School. Now we have Chris Jones, a feature writer for Esquire and ESPN Magazine and a UM visiting journalism professor advising the Kaimin. Last weekend Jones was quoted in the Missoulian stating “Bobby Hauck is mad because of good reporting and the Kaimin should not apologize for good reporting” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? How are these kids going to make it in the real world if we have guys like Jones advising them? If I were Bobby Hauck I would be pissed too. The only thing Bobby Hauck has done is make sure the student athletes get their degrees, win conference championships, take us to the playoffs each year (two national title appearances), recruit Montana athletes, increase attendance, discipline his student athletes, promote the University of Montana and did I mention win games (72-16). As an alumni and a native Montanan I say enough is enough. I support Coach Hauck, his staff and players. I just wish our Athletic Director would step up and start showing a little support because when Bobby is gone his job is going to get a whole lot more difficult. GO GRIZ!ics

October 20th, 2009, 08:02 PM
You could guys should also know that Green26 is Bobby Hauck's poolboy & will do whatever is asked by his boss/dream man.

October 20th, 2009, 08:05 PM
No gang signs. Turns out the one source, who was drunk and watching in the dark, didn't get some of the basic facts right. Also, the source doesn't know what a gang sign is. In addition, the black student group at Montana was irked at the student newspaper for printing something in the story that they felt was borderline racist.

October 20th, 2009, 08:08 PM
Here is my post from eGriz trying to sum up the issue. You are getting one side, and both sides are a little heated and over the top. Some of these points are more relevant than others.

I hesitate to even get involved in this thread because everyone has an emotionally charged opinion that isn't going to change. Somehow it has turned in to a "you're with the team or you're not" which is a bit ridiculous. A couple of non-truths are getting stretched and stated as fact that I can't let go by.

1)The athletic fee is $46.00 per semester, $92.00 per year. Obviously, more money comes from season tickets then the student athletic fee. However, it is optional for season ticket holders to spend that money, the students do not have a choice. The highest amount of non-optional financial support for the athletic department comes from the student population, as very little general fund (state taxpayer) money ends up in the athletic department. Yes, students get free tickets, but not all 14,000 of them. The athletic departments gets thousands of dollars from students every year that have zero interest in sports and never attend a game. Because of this, the athletic department should be accountable to the student body. I am not saying in this situation per se, but in general.

2)The football program is not more important than the University. One could exist without the other, but not the other way around. It seems like some on this board hold the football team above all else and feel that everyone should acknowledge their greatness. It seems like there is a double standard though. People get upset when someone on this board says "we" when talking about the team success and are quick to point out that it is the gifted athletes who did it, not the other Grizzly students who don't play sports. That is a perfectly fine sentiment, but it is hypocritical to then say that the student news paper shouldn't be publishing articles that put the football team in a poor light because they are attacking their own institution. If we put the football team on a pedestal and make it clear that they are distinguished from the rest of the student body, then the student paper is not out of line to question them if they see fit. We obviously don't have to agree with their method or story (and many here don't :) ) but anyone that is mad at the Kaimin simply because they published a negative article about the Griz is letting their Griz fandom skew their objectionality on the issue.

3) The statement that the Kaimin did not try and get both sides of the story is plain wrong. They got a lead on a story because two players missed the first game of this season. They did absolutely give both Coach Hauck and the student's father a chance to talk about the issue. The father deferred to the coach, and Hauck refused to answer. That is certainly his prerogative, but the Kaimin did try and get the other side of the story. The standard for printing articles is giving the sides the opportunity to talk, not whether they decide to. If the facts as stated in the Kaimin were really off base, O'Day would have said so. They would not stand by and let their players be slandered. They commented that Coach Hacuk took care of the situation, if the facts of the incident were wrong it certainly would have been pointed out by O'Day in the Missoulian article. They are upset the story came out, but when the players missed the game, it did become relevant, even if the incident happened six months before. If all media followed the standard implied by some of us on this board, no investigative journalism would ever be printed. Nixon didn't talk about Watergate, he certainly didn't want that to come out...you get the idea.

4)A student fee supports the Kaimin, thus they are responsible to the student body as well. I do not believe that any state tax dollars directly supports it, though I could be wrong. The student body turned down a fee increase for the Kaimin a few years back, if the students are upset they have ways to take action.

5)I generally am not a big Kaimin news fan. They sensationalize stories for the wow factor from time to time, or play up one side of a two sided issue. All the stories about interim housing in the dorms was particularly one sided last fall. It is unusual for me to defend their work, and I think that they would be better off writing Griz articles with information from other sources than doing a Cal Poly cover. I don't necessarily agree with every part of their coverage of this incident, but I will continue to support their right to cover it.

6)Coach Hauck could have prevented this whole thing with one sentence. "The two players violated team rules, we have dealt with it internally and they were suspended for the the first game of the season." By saying simply "They are unavailable leads any reporter worth his name to ask why..." I do think that the thought that his relationship/treatment of the media has and will continue to hurt some of his job prospects. Pro coaches can get away with coach speak a lot easier than college coaches. You need to be more a fundraiser and public relations guy with a bit of charisma to handle the fund raising and face of the program responsibilities at big time college football schools. I think that his cold relationship with the media and perceived arrogance towards anyone who questions him will at least be part of the discussion at the bigger programs.

7)The argument that the Missoulian hasn't picked this story up because they know that Griz football pays their bills and the Kaimin doesn't have to worry about paying its bills doesn't support the Missoulian, it actually implies that when it comes to Grizzly Athletics, the Kaimin can be more objective because they don't have to worry about their funding disappearing. If the Missoulian is afraid of being cut off from the program, they have to be careful not to piss off the coach. That could very easily mean not asking the tough questions every time.

8) I wish this would stop happening so we could all support the large majority of great young men that play football.

9)I think that the anger on this subject on this board is not matched in the Griz population as a whole. I would bet there are more Kaimin supporters out there than many of us realize. I also think a lot more people just don't care. And some think it is embarrassing for all parties involved.

10)I hope the Griz win today! Go Griz

October 20th, 2009, 08:27 PM
As stated, there was no cover up. That's total BS.

There are privacy laws that restrict some of the information that some are saying should be disclosed.

The coach has a policy of not discussing any disciplinary action he takes, and this is consistent with privacy laws. This has been his policy for 7 years.

There is not complete agreement on what actually occurred. The incident took place in March, at night (after midnight), outside of a frat, with many people drunk. The student newspaper reported only part of what occurred, based much of the story on one person's recollection six months later (it was at night and I assume he was drunk at the time), and got multiple important facts wrong.

The kid who got hurt and his dad are apparently fine with things, and with how the coach handled it. They want this to go away, as it's upsetting to their family. The players called the kid shortly after the incident, and apologized, and have had subsequent conversations.

Most of the community is supporting coach. If the student newspaper is going to act like immature jerks (I think they've now run 6 articles/editorials, including 3 the first day of the story), most of us agree with the coach and see no reason for the coach to talk to them.

The players, on their own, have decided not to talk to the student newspaper.

The alleged coverup meant absolutely nothing to me, ***** happens with college athletes and the incident didn't bother me (the victim and his griz booster father were paid off, what the hell). I also don't have a problem with a collegiate head coach telling the media to FO for the most part. What I do have a problem with is the immature childish actions of Hack in the whole ordeal. You're placing the 'blame' on the immature actions of student writers for the college paper (jerks), but defending the immature jerk reactions of a DI head coach. Give me a f'ing break.

October 20th, 2009, 08:28 PM
Here's my rebuttal to Grzz's post:

1. The football team throws off a large amount of revenue to the school/athletic dept., so none of the student fees go to the football program.

2. I don't know anyone who is mad at the Kaimin for publishing a negative article against the Griz. People are made because there were 3 articles/editorials published on the first day, the articles contained mistakes and were biased and incomplete, and the Kaimin has continued its biss and immaturity.

3. The Kaimin didn't even get basic facts right, let alone truly try to get both sides of the story. They didn't cover the first part or last part of the fight, only the middle part. They essentially used 1.5 sources.

5. The Kaimin isn't covering a story; they are creating the story.

6. I don't believe for a second that a statement like this from the coach would have prevented the story. That's just a BS excuse. Jeez, the Kaimin knew the players had been not in uniform for the first game. That's why they said they did the story. Why did they think the players didn't play that game? The coach followed privacy laws, as well as his 7-yr. policy of not discussing disciplinary matters. Most coaches, including this one, are going to defend their team against unfair attacks.

9. I disagree. The vast majority of the people are either critical of the Kaimin on this and/or support Hauck and the team on this. Many of the new posters on egriz have admittted they are current or former Kaimin people. Two of the articles published by other organizations were done by people with strong connections to the Kaimin.

October 20th, 2009, 08:36 PM
This is getting Fing stupid. xnonono2x

Uncle Rico's Clan
October 20th, 2009, 08:37 PM
One of the things that I find interesting about this becoming news to ESPN is that in a recent Missoulian article discussing the issue between Hauck and the Kaimin, it mentioned that the UM journalism department has some sort of guest professor who writes for ESPN. So im a bit curious to see how this ordeal was brought to attention of ESPN. If they stumbled upon this information themselves thats fine with me, however, if ESPN was given this story by the guest professor thats a different issue. If that is the case I feel the Kaimin is pouring gasoline on a fire that should have been put out long ago.

Big Al
October 20th, 2009, 08:38 PM
As an alumni and a native Montanan I say enough is enough. I support Coach Hauck, his staff and players. I just wish our Athletic Director would step up and start showing a little support because when Bobby is gone his job is going to get a whole lot more difficult. GO GRIZ!ics

That speaks volumes. There are literally billboards in some towns in rural Montana that tell people they aren't welcome if they aren't "from Montana".

Hauck may not like to have his player's dirty laundry aired in public but he's a public official and the players are on scholarship at a public university. If he's asked a direct question about a situation regarding his team, he has an obligation to answer honestly. Further, if he has a beef with coverage in the student newspaper, he needs to take it up with administration, not turn it into a petty feud with the student reporters.

Of course, I'm a fan of UNI and Weber State, so I'll freely admit I'm no fan of Hauck.

Uncle Rico's Clan
October 20th, 2009, 08:40 PM
Here is the link to the article that mentions the ESPN visiting professor.


October 20th, 2009, 08:42 PM
Christ Sakes, there was not a cover up! University officials were aware of this, police officials, and campus security. How is there a cover up? The parties involved chose not to pursue things further, all parties took responsibility for the altercation, all parties involved were satisfied with outcome, and basically treated as water under the bridge.

Honestly to God what has this society come to? For once a group of people, including athletes and coaches, handled an issue in a civil non threatening manner, and the outside world does not know how to react?

As for Hauck or any coach not talking to a media source, since when is that a crime? For the record Hauck was already the better person in this ordeal, he apologized for his reaction to the student reporter. Once again the Kaimin not telling the whole story. They cannot put it behind them and now are on a witch hunt.

I challenge ESPN or any national media source to get both sides of the stories, then we all can make a fair opinion. I for one could care less how any college or pro coach treats the media. The media is not entitled to anything just because they are the media.

Finally, if the Kaimin continues to escalate this, if I were Hauck and the Athletic Department, I would begin to look into legal ramifications against the Kaimin and/or it's staff. They have taken this much too far, and are on the verge of demeaning character or possible slander if they take it much further.

Did you read the Kaimin articicle where the victim's father was told to keep this under wraps by Hauck? Direct quote from the victim's dad. Maybe that's why it was "water under the bridge". BOGUS. You don't put something aside because of a football team, and you don't deny your actions as a head coach of a great football team.

October 20th, 2009, 08:44 PM
As a Montana Native and huge GRIZ fan, I am sick of the aftermath caused by the article. I took the time to email the university and encourage them to tell their side of the story. The Kaimin is doing nothing but adding fuel to a fire, and it needs to be addressed. Here is an email directory.


October 20th, 2009, 08:45 PM
The media sources are only telling one side. For the record, shortly after this issue with the student, Hauck apologized for his reaction to him. This whole issue is being so blown out of proportion.

apologized for his reaction? He keeps saying things like "you are persistent" to the reporters and totally ignores them. You are misinformed

October 20th, 2009, 08:47 PM
My interpretation of that "water under the bridge" comment was just that. Meaning the issue is behind us, we talked things out, we are fine with the outcome, and feel it not necessary to address this any further. In my opinion a very civil way of handling this.

Proud Griz Man
October 20th, 2009, 08:48 PM
The media sources are only telling one side. For the record, shortly after this issue with the student, Hauck apologized for his reaction to him. This whole issue is being so blown out of proportion.

Let me ask these questions about Missoula:
Q - Was this the only fight that occurred at UM in 2009?
Q - Does the Kaimin give this level of coverage to each fight?
Q- What could BH have told the Kaimin to fully resolve their curiousity?

If this were any other UM students in the fight, what would the Kaimin expect to find out when posing questions to the Academic Advisors or Parents (of the students involved) about the fight or punishment?

I respect the journalists, but it appears they are hungry for their "15 minutes of fame".

October 20th, 2009, 08:48 PM
My interpretation of that "water under the bridge" comment was just that. Meaning the issue is behind us, we talked things out, we are fine with the outcome, and feel it not necessary to address this any further. In my opinion a very civil way of handling this.

I agree with that, let's get over it. But in order to get over it, Hauck has to start cooperating with the Kaimin. Reporters don't go away. And the Gameday Kaimin is an important start to my Saturday's

Proud Griz Man
October 20th, 2009, 08:51 PM
"Baby" Hacks immature pi$$ing match with a couple student writers for the school paper is only hurting himself and will come back to haunt him if he ever gets a chance to move up as a head coach (which I think he's burned most bridges with due to players off field problems). He just keeps digging himself into a bigger hole.

Another to add to your previous 2,300 uninformed posts. xnonono2x

October 20th, 2009, 08:54 PM
Let me ask these questions about Missoula:
Q - Was this the only fight that occurred at UM in 2009?
Q - Does the Kaimin give this level of coverage to each fight?
Q- What could BH have told the Kaimin to fully resolve their curiousity?

If this were any other UM students in the fight, what would the Kaimin expect to find out when posing questions to the Academic Advisors or Parents (of the students involved) about the fight or punishment?

I respect the journalists, but it appears they are hungry for their "15 minutes of fame"./Thread

The Kaimin is getting everything it wants with all the negative national media for the university. This is terrible for our school and our athletic department, but it's been terrific for them.

I don't think Hauck has handled this very well, but he's sticking to his guns, and I think he's right in this case. In this whole situation the Kaimin has been trying to create news instead of cover it.

I used to like Roman Stubbs; he's a good friend of my old room mate, but for after all this he can get bent.

October 20th, 2009, 08:55 PM
Griz football players on scholarship are not the same as every other student so it is not apples to apples. We glorify them, we rave about everything great they do on the field and we love to hear about the positive things they do off of it. You don't see regular feature stories about the straight A chemistry major. It is different.

October 20th, 2009, 08:57 PM
apologized for his reaction? He keeps saying things like "you are persistent" to the reporters and totally ignores them. You are misinformed

Hauck did apologize for his original reaction to this, and since then whoever the student reporter and/or the Kaimin have continued to pursue this, therefore BH is right when he says they are persistent. Sounds pretty damn accurate and honest to me.

Maybe we have a different outlook things in general. I was raised to respect a person's right to privacy, if someone tells me not pursue something further or drop the subject, I respect that. There is no need to continue badgering anyone when they have already addressed it, and there is not any rule or law stating anyone has to answer up to the media when asked.

I feel the Kaimin has crossed the lines of respecting one's right (Hauck in this case) not to go further into this. I for one had no problem with the original article. My problem lies with the Kaimin adding fuel to a fire, and losing any and all professional integrity.

If you feel otherwise, fine, I respect that, but unless more comes of this story proving more wrong or a cover up, nobody will get me to change my opinion and outlook on this subject. My support is with the Hauck, his team, athletic department, and our University. xthumbsupx

October 20th, 2009, 09:04 PM
If the Kaimin or any media source wants to continue to pursue this, I am fine with that. However, as far as I am concerned, they better take their time, collect facts, and bit by bit uncover whatever needs to be uncovered (if that is the case). I do not want to continue to see this handled piece by piece, but to let time take its course, and they better know every side to the story before writing another piece on this. They also better give know facts and reliable trusted sources. If by some chance they turn out to have blown this out of proportion (to date they have), they better apologize to GRIZNATION as a whole for negative light they have shined on our program and university. That is what I am most pissed about.

October 20th, 2009, 09:27 PM
That speaks volumes. There are literally billboards in some towns in rural Montana that tell people they aren't welcome if they aren't "from Montana".
Of course, I'm a fan of UNI and Weber State, so I'll freely admit I'm no fan of Hauck.

That's an absolute BS statement that I think any MSU or um supporter would refute. I hate the griz and Hack as much as anyone, but that lie won't fly.

October 20th, 2009, 09:28 PM
That's an absolute BS statement that I think any MSU or um supporter would refute. I hate the griz and Hack as much as anyone, but that lie won't fly.Freaking seconded.

If anything, they'd only treat you better if you weren't from Montana.

With that said, FTC. :p

Big Al
October 20th, 2009, 09:41 PM
The majority of people everywhere are good people, but there is a sentiment among some people that non-native Montanans "don't belong in our state". It may be a minority among the Kaczynski-shack dwellars but they certainly make themselves known.

Can't remember the town -- it was in one of the little towns near Fort Benton, seen when going to visit the grave of Ole Shep. It contained a map of the town, with some of the properties highlighted and had text that said something along the lines of "Keep Montana for Montanans. If you aren't from here, you don't belong here. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE"

I'll see if my father-in-law can dig up the photo. For the record, this was in the mid-90s.

That's an absolute BS statement that I think any MSU or um supporter would refute. I hate the griz and Hack as much as anyone, but that lie won't fly.

October 20th, 2009, 09:45 PM
Here's my rebuttal to Grzz's post:

1. The football team throws off a large amount of revenue to the school/athletic dept., so none of the student fees go to the football program.

2. I don't know anyone who is mad at the Kaimin for publishing a negative article against the Griz. People are made because there were 3 articles/editorials published on the first day, the articles contained mistakes and were biased and incomplete, and the Kaimin has continued its biss and immaturity.

3. The Kaimin didn't even get basic facts right, let alone truly try to get both sides of the story. They didn't cover the first part or last part of the fight, only the middle part. They essentially used 1.5 sources.

5. The Kaimin isn't covering a story; they are creating the story.

6. I don't believe for a second that a statement like this from the coach would have prevented the story. That's just a BS excuse. Jeez, the Kaimin knew the players had been not in uniform for the first game. That's why they said they did the story. Why did they think the players didn't play that game? The coach followed privacy laws, as well as his 7-yr. policy of not discussing disciplinary matters. Most coaches, including this one, are going to defend their team against unfair attacks.

9. I disagree. The vast majority of the people are either critical of the Kaimin on this and/or support Hauck and the team on this. Many of the new posters on egriz have admittted they are current or former Kaimin people. Two of the articles published by other organizations were done by people with strong connections to the Kaimin.

Well, you're entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to my analysis.

The student fee goes to the athletic department. As does all football revenue. The athletic department is not in the black so much that they would still be surplus if that fee was gone. So now not only is the football team bigger than the University as a whole, it is also better than all the other Griz athletic teams? Those teams are full of hardworking student athletes as well. Isn't that who you are protecting? Or is it only football players?

Plenty of people on eGriz mentioned not understanding why the paper would ever publish anything negative about the football team. That is what that response it too, and the statements are on that board for everyone to see.

I do think better PR at the beginning prevents this from carrying on as much as it has. That is my opinion, yours is different. That happens every day in life.

As to #5, i said something similar in my post.

As for the question about facts. No one has come out and disputed the facts. If they were so off base, I would hope that O'Day would at least say they were inaccurate without commenting further if he didn't want to. Many fans have developed an opinion and treated it as fact. So show the AGS community where the facts laid out in the original article have been disputed. Many posters have just said they are wrong. The big debate seems to be over Hauck and whether or not he should have done or said or whatever...

October 20th, 2009, 09:45 PM
With this topic coming up for the 100th time, we now should all use the answer Hauck used.....how man f***ing times does this need to come up? I am going to do what anyone with a normal brain would do, stop responding and ignore it completely. There really is no story, never was, the story needs to die. xreadx

Uncle Rico's Clan
October 20th, 2009, 09:50 PM
The majority of people everywhere are good people, but there is a sentiment among some people that non-native Montanans "don't belong in our state". It may be a minority among the Kaczynski-shack dwellars but they certainly make themselves known.

Can't remember the town -- it was in one of the little towns near Fort Benton, seen when going to visit the grave of Ole Shep. It contained a map of the town, with some of the properties highlighted and had text that said something along the lines of "Keep Montana for Montanans. If you aren't from here, you don't belong here. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE"

I'll see if my father-in-law can dig up the photo. For the record, this was in the mid-90s.

Kaczynski is not a native Montanan.

Big Al
October 20th, 2009, 10:18 PM
The proper answer is: once, by the coach, instead of being dug up by the press.

How hard is it to say, "These players are suspended from this game only for an altercation that happened in the offseason. No charges were filed and the police were not involved but I determined their behavior was not consistent with team standards. Due to possible privacy issues, I can't offer any further comment."

How hard would that have been? It would have blown over in oh, about a day or two and, if the student paper had run their articles it would have been seen as overblowing a non-story. As it is, the story is no longer about the suspension of the two players or even about the incident itself. Now, it's really just a vehicle to show what a fine coach Bobby Hauck is and basically kill any hope he has of getting a higher-paying job somewhere else.

With this topic coming up for the 100th time, we now should all use the answer Hauck used.....how man f***ing times does this need to come up? I am going to do what anyone with a normal brain would do, stop responding and ignore it completely. There really is no story, never was, the story needs to die. xreadx

October 20th, 2009, 10:19 PM
If Baby Hauck isn't going to tell everything he knows about the situation then I think it's time the NCAA did a proper investigation.

October 20th, 2009, 10:22 PM
The proper answer is: once, by the coach, instead of being dug up by the press.

How hard is it to say, "These players are suspended from this game only for an altercation that happened in the offseason. No charges were filed and the police were not involved but I determined their behavior was not consistent with team standards. Due to possible privacy issues, I can't offer any further comment."

How hard would that have been? It would have blown over in oh, about a day or two and, if the student paper had run their articles it would have been seen as overblowing a non-story. As it is, the story is no longer about the suspension of the two players or even about the incident itself. Now, it's really just a vehicle to show what a fine coach Bobby Hauck is and basically kill any hope he has of getting a higher-paying job somewhere else.

xhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxh urrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhur rayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurra yxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayx xhurrayxxhurrayx

October 20th, 2009, 10:36 PM
The proper answer is: once, by the coach, instead of being dug up by the press.

How hard is it to say, "These players are suspended from this game only for an altercation that happened in the offseason. No charges were filed and the police were not involved but I determined their behavior was not consistent with team standards. Due to possible privacy issues, I can't offer any further comment."

How hard would that have been? It would have blown over in oh, about a day or two and, if the student paper had run their articles it would have been seen as overblowing a non-story. As it is, the story is no longer about the suspension of the two players or even about the incident itself. Now, it's really just a vehicle to show what a fine coach Bobby Hauck is and basically kill any hope he has of getting a higher-paying job somewhere else.How do you know he didn't say exactly that? In fact, the Kaimin got that information from numerous sources before they decided to print the articles.

It's clear to me that this was about Hauck from the begining. They wouldn't have run the opinion piece about how Hauck's a terrible monster who's ruining Griz football or the number of students involved in crimes if it wasn't. The Kaimin doesn't like Hauck and they're trying to make him look bad.

He isn't doing a good job of giving himself a break, but what do you expect? If you were the coach of a football team whose 2 students got into an altercation that was completely resolved by all parties, having disciplined said students, when some student reporter comes in asking questions that've been answered more than once by different sources, yet they keep badgering because they feel there's somehow "more to the story than what's been told," you'd probably get pissed off and tell them to F off, too.

I honestly don't blame Bobby for cutting off the Kaimin after they deliberately ran a smear campaign against him and the AD, and then acted like dew-eyed innocents when they paid the consequences.

The only people supporting the Kaimin seem to be people who don't like or have never liked Bobby Hauck.

October 20th, 2009, 10:53 PM
If Baby Hauck isn't going to tell everything he knows about the situation then I think it's time the NCAA did a proper investigation.

You're an idiot. There are limitations on what a university official can publically reveal about a student's records and conduct. Hauck's lack of candor with the news media on the issue is virtually mandated by state law and UM's own employee conduct code/rules. Even if some aspects of this case don't fall completely under these limitations, Hauck is under no obligation (legal or otherwise) to volunteer any more details of the incident and the subsequent disciplinary action. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Could Hauck be a nicer, more affable guy to the media? Of course, but to think that the NCAA would be interested in this is foolish. They don't investigate coaches for being rude in a press conference.

October 20th, 2009, 10:57 PM
They don't investigate coaches for being rude in a press conference.

No kidding. I was merely suggesting that the Grizzlies may have the NCAA investigating the assault and the subsequent cover-up. I agree completely that they don't care about a coach being rude at a press conference.

October 20th, 2009, 11:00 PM
Aggie, are you joking, or do you truly not get it?

Hauck knows what happened. Hauck didn't cover up anything. The ncaa doesn't investigate stuff like this anyway.

No wonder Davis can't be the Griz.

October 20th, 2009, 11:18 PM
The fact of the matter has nothing to do with the alleged incident with players earlier of this year. That needs to be dropped. The problem is Hauck's bullying of student journalists. People act as if this is some first offense or first slight Hauck has shown to reporters over the years, so he should be pardoned, because the Kaimin is some 'nosy' student paper. Unfortuanately, that isn't the truth, and having interviewed Hauck many times I know he has it out for journalists who aren't cheerleaders for his beloved Griz.
However, to the credit of Montana's athletic department, this isn't something unique to Montana. As the Sports Editor of Weber State's student newspaper, The Signpost, I had my fair share of run ins with not only WSU coaches, but with athletes and the Big Sky Conference commisioner himself. Far too often collegiate coaches and athletes in the Big Sky feel they can turn a blind eye to 'possible' incidents and then alienate reporters that attempt to investigate further. That's what journalists do. It's their job. While there is a fair amount of questionable integrity among some journalists out there, the Kaimin (at least to my knowledge, having read all their work regarding and preceding this incident) has not overstepped its bounds as a news/media outlet. I actually praise them for handling this incident as well as they have.
Hauck is simply a good football coach that works for a university that is located in a secluded area, so he obtains God-like status from his fans and community. It has given him a false sense of idol-hood and as I was recently told by a rather interesting source, "you don't bite the hand that feeds you", and Hauck is doing just that. If he wants to stay a God in Montana, the last people he needs to be acting out against are the very people that slap his successes on the front page of the paper.
While the garbage Hauck is pulling now is pathetic, it isn't new, especially not to him. Where gripes should be directed to is the Big Sky, for not acting and turning a blind eye themselves to these childish antics. xnonox

October 20th, 2009, 11:36 PM
Hauck isn't bullying anyone. Where are you getting that?

After the same question was asked 4 times, he told them he wasn't going to answer the question the reporter has asked 4 times previously. Maybe he said 4 ffing times, or maybe he didn't. He then told the reporter he was done asking questions.

The Kaimin responded with 3 articles/editorials in one day, with multiple errors in them.

At a press conference the next week, Hauck wouldn't respond to the Kaimin's question, and chuckled.

Is this your idea of "bullying"? If it is, you and I aren't going to agree on anything.

Hauck's popularity in Montana is growing with this incident. Even people who have not previously supported Hauck are now saying they have come over to his side.

October 20th, 2009, 11:41 PM
The fact of the matter has nothing to do with the alleged incident with players earlier of this year. That needs to be dropped. The problem is Hauck's bullying of student journalists. People act as if this is some first offense or first slight Hauck has shown to reporters over the years, so he should be pardoned, because the Kaimin is some 'nosy' student paper. Unfortuanately, that isn't the truth, and having interviewed Hauck many times I know he has it out for journalists who aren't cheerleaders for his beloved Griz.
However, to the credit of Montana's athletic department, this isn't something unique to Montana. As the Sports Editor of Weber State's student newspaper, The Signpost, I had my fair share of run ins with not only WSU coaches, but with athletes and the Big Sky Conference commisioner himself. Far too often collegiate coaches and athletes in the Big Sky feel they can turn a blind eye to 'possible' incidents and then alienate reporters that attempt to investigate further. That's what journalists do. It's their job. While there is a fair amount of questionable integrity among some journalists out there, the Kaimin (at least to my knowledge, having read all their work regarding and preceding this incident) has not overstepped its bounds as a news/media outlet. I actually praise them for handling this incident as well as they have.
Hauck is simply a good football coach that works for a university that is located in a secluded area, so he obtains God-like status from his fans and community. It has given him a false sense of idol-hood and as I was recently told by a rather interesting source, "you don't bite the hand that feeds you", and Hauck is doing just that. If he wants to stay a God in Montana, the last people he needs to be acting out against are the very people that slap his successes on the front page of the paper.
While the garbage Hauck is pulling now is pathetic, it isn't new, especially not to him. Where gripes should be directed to is the Big Sky, for not acting and turning a blind eye themselves to these childish antics. xnonox

Again with the poor reporters......xbawlingx Are they a high school reporters? No, they aren't. They are adults and are going into a profession that needs to have some more ethics inserted into their curriculum. They also need to grow a pair (testies or mamaries, not going to be sexist!xsmiley_wix) and not cry about it. I wouldn't expect a journalist to look at this objectively, they never do. I guess it boils down to the fact that Hauck is teaching them a lesson in life and maybe it will make them better reporters. I know I never took any crap from any instructor when I was attending the UM. But then again, I had some life experience to teach me not to be a cry baby about everything that isn't fair and doesn't go my way.

Now I am truly done with this thread and topic. I shouldn't have even posted this one, but man, crying vaginas like the cryman are like fingernails down a chalkboard some times. xtwocentsxxbangx

I Bleed Purple
October 20th, 2009, 11:45 PM
Again with the poor reporters......xbawlingx Are they a high school reporters? No, they aren't. They are adults and are going into a profession that needs to have some more ethics inserted into their curriculum. They also need to grow a pair (testies or mamaries, not going to be sexist!xsmiley_wix) and not cry about it. I wouldn't expect a journalist to look at this objectively, they never do. I guess it boils down to the fact that Hauck is teaching them a lesson in life and maybe it will make them better reporters. I know I never took any crap from any instructor when I was attending the UM. But then again, I had some life experience to teach me not to be a cry baby about everything that isn't fair and doesn't go my way.

Now I am truly done with this thread and topic. I shouldn't have even posted this one, but man, crying vaginas like the cryman are like fingernails down a chalkboard some times. xtwocentsxxbangx

lol, come on now. Are you serious? All right if you are, try this. Here's my reply.

Again with the poor coaches......xbawlingx Are they a high school coaches (sic)? No, they aren't. They are adults and are in a profession that needs to have some more ethics inserted into their coaching. They also need to grow a pair (testies or mamaries, not going to be sexist!xsmiley_wix) and not cry about it. I wouldn't expect a coach/fanatic to look at this objectively, they never do. I guess it boils down to the fact that the reporters are teaching him a lesson in life and maybe it will make him a better coach. I know I never took any crap from any instructor when I was attending the UM. But then again, I had some life experience to teach me not to be a cry baby about everything that isn't fair and doesn't go my way.

Now I am truly done with this thread and topic. I shouldn't have even posted this one, but man, crying vaginas like the cryman are like fingernails down a chalkboard some times. xtwocentsxxbangx

October 20th, 2009, 11:56 PM
lol, come on now. Are you serious? All right if you are, try this. Here's my reply.

Again with the poor coaches......xbawlingx Are they a high school coaches (sic)? No, they aren't. They are adults and are in a profession that needs to have some more ethics inserted into their coaching. They also need to grow a pair (testies or mamaries, not going to be sexist!xsmiley_wix) and not cry about it. I wouldn't expect a coach/fanatic to look at this objectively, they never do. I guess it boils down to the fact that the reporters are teaching him a lesson in life and maybe it will make him a better coach. I know I never took any crap from any instructor when I was attending the UM. But then again, I had some life experience to teach me not to be a cry baby about everything that isn't fair and doesn't go my way.

Now I am truly done with this thread and topic. I shouldn't have even posted this one, but man, crying vaginas like the cryman are like fingernails down a chalkboard some times. xtwocentsxxbangx

I personally have a problem with news outlets and most reporters and have for a long time. They never tell the whole story and they never tell it right. They tell the parts they want, the way they want. Talk to any soldier that comes home about what is really going on right now and they will tell you things are not like the news media reports it. I saw that first hand during the Gulf War, so you won't get much sympathy from me for reporters taking a butt chewing and crying about mis-treatment. I could care less if Hauck used the f-word to them, they better than most should understand free speach. I also don't have a problem with Joe Glen giving Wittingham the bird for that onside kick, I think he deserved the bird personally. xcoffeex

October 21st, 2009, 12:37 AM
I personally have a problem with news outlets and most reporters and have for a long time. They never tell the whole story and they never tell it right. They tell the parts they want, the way they want. Talk to any soldier that comes home about what is really going on right now and they will tell you things are not like the news media reports it. I saw that first hand during the Gulf War, so you won't get much sympathy from me for reporters taking a butt chewing and crying about mis-treatment. I could care less if Hauck used the f-word to them, they better than most should understand free speach. I also don't have a problem with Joe Glen giving Wittingham the bird for that onside kick, I think he deserved the bird personally. xcoffeex

Haha. I truly got a giggle out of that. First of all, there is a huge difference between most journalists and the world of sports journalism. They are two completely different arenas. I couldn't agree more with how many news outlets handle world current events, sometimes it downright pisses me off.
However, sports journalists have a far better perspective on the things they are reporting. I wouldn't expect a fan to understand, because as a fan, you are jaded and biased (even I am when it comes to my favorite teams), but when you cover something from the outside you are forced to be as objective as possible.
So yes, the reporters at the Kaimin have been mistreated. And what happened? They didn't go whine and cry about it. The Missoulian did their job as journalists and picked up on the story and told it how they saw it from an outsider's perspective. Montana fans can rally behind their coach all they want, regardless of the blatant and obvious facts that expose Hauck's real personality. The rest of those who follow the world of sports know otherwise.xrulesx

October 21st, 2009, 12:40 AM
hawkss, deep in my heart I know you're right but it's so hard to reconcile with your own sig line . . .

October 21st, 2009, 12:51 AM
hawkss, deep in my heart I know you're right but it's so hard to reconcile with your own sig line . . .

Agreed. So the next time McBride pulls a stupid stunt. Feel free to chip in.

October 21st, 2009, 01:20 AM
This is getting Fing stupid. xnonono2x


October 21st, 2009, 09:04 AM
If Baby Hauck isn't going to tell everything he knows about the situation then I think it's time the NCAA did a proper investigation.

Bitter much?

October 21st, 2009, 09:14 AM
B. Whoever invented and distributed the rumor that Jon Gruden is a "done deal" to Louisville and Steve Kragthorpe has already told his team he's done. Um, no.
Not to derail, but is Steve Kragthorpe related to the old Idaho State coach?

October 21st, 2009, 09:21 AM
It's ok Griz fans I can sympathize. If Matthews did something even remotely like that all of FCS would be calling for his head. Fact: Matthews doesn't take crap from reporters be it professional or student at JMU either. I like that.

Big Al
October 21st, 2009, 09:42 AM
Exactly. No coach is above reproach and they have an obligation to explain their actions and their player's actions to the public.

Agreed. So the next time McBride pulls a stupid stunt. Feel free to chip in.

October 21st, 2009, 09:51 AM
Coaches do NOT have an "obligation to explain their actions and their player's actions to the public." In some situations, such as ones involving disciplinary actions, talking about it publicly would be a violation privacy laws and university policies.

Feel free to name the schools that disclose the disciplinary actions, and the underlying facts, of footballs players (or of other students), without the consent of the player/student.

October 21st, 2009, 10:00 AM
Coaches do NOT have an "obligation to explain their actions and their player's actions to the public." In some situations, such as ones involving disciplinary actions, talking about it publicly would be a violation privacy laws and university policies.

Feel free to name the schools that disclose the disciplinary actions, and the underlying facts, of footballs players (or of other students), without the consent of the player/student.

If the school tells him not to comment understandable but then someone has to let the public know if someone with a scholarship to play a game is causing trouble.

I think a lot of people would be surprised by what some athletes get away with and hidden from the public view not just at Montana but at just about EVERY university in the country.

October 21st, 2009, 10:13 AM
There is no obligation to tell the public what someone on scholarship does or doesn't do. Again, depending on the situation, it's both against the LAW and against university policy.

I believe that scholarships at UM are paid for by private fund-raising done by the Grizzly Sports Association--as opposed to tax dollars. Also, football is not only self-supporting at UM, it throws off alot of extra revenue to the athletic department and the university (a good chunk of parking/concessions/Grizware, etc.) goes to the university and not the athletic department.

Here's another explanatory post from egriz:

"Hauck was asked the question before, and gave his answer. Basically "we don't comment on internal matters." He answered it that way multiple times.

That has been his answer since he got here. That is the answer the players give. And that is fine. They are not obligated to answer how players were punished by the football team. He doesn't have to tell how many quarters they have to sit out, how many times they had to run to the M, how many times they are required to puke in 5:00 a.m. conditioning sessions.

The fact of the situation is that the Kaimin wasn't satisfied with that answer, and kept asking over and over and over. And then when they were basically told to STFU, they got their feelings hurt. Welcome to the real world kiddos."

October 21st, 2009, 10:23 AM
This whole thing just needs to go away, there hasn't been any new news since our homecoming game nearly two weeks ago. Hauck was was a jerk to the first reporter, the Kaimin has gone too far pursuing a non-story and then Hauck's response has been petty and juvenille with regards to how long it has lasted. Neither side has handled this well at all and who knows, maybe some day this will inhibit Hauck from getting an FBS job but for now when it boils down to it, the Griz are 6-0, ranked #2 in the nation and have much bigger things (Sac State, Weber State, etc) to worry about. It doesn't seem like this has caused too much of a distraction for the team up to this point, and hopefully having it appear in a national media outlet won't either.

October 21st, 2009, 10:30 AM
Haha. I truly got a giggle out of that. First of all, there is a huge difference between most journalists and the world of sports journalism. They are two completely different arenas. I couldn't agree more with how many news outlets handle world current events, sometimes it downright pisses me off.
However, sports journalists have a far better perspective on the things they are reporting. I wouldn't expect a fan to understand, because as a fan, you are jaded and biased (even I am when it comes to my favorite teams), but when you cover something from the outside you are forced to be as objective as possible.
So yes, the reporters at the Kaimin have been mistreated. And what happened? They didn't go whine and cry about it. The Missoulian did their job as journalists and picked up on the story and told it how they saw it from an outsider's perspective. Montana fans can rally behind their coach all they want, regardless of the blatant and obvious facts that expose Hauck's real personality. The rest of those who follow the world of sports know otherwise.xrulesx

I can't see much difference between any of the journalists myself. One example and I am dropping this subject myself. Did the Kaimin ever do a story about Hauck and Mickey Mathews going over seas and visiting troops? If they did, I missed it. I did a quick search on their site and didn't see one. It would seem they could have done a short 1 page report on something like that. There has to be a story there, but I guess it didn't match up to their agenda. The Kaimin has an agenda and they will report what they want, not what the news is. I trust the media about as far as I can throw their Subaru wagon plastered with Obama stickers. xcoffeex

October 21st, 2009, 10:44 AM
There is no obligation to tell the public what someone on scholarship does or doesn't do. Again, depending on the situation, it's both against the LAW and against university policy.

I believe that scholarships at UM are paid for by private fund-raising done by the Grizzly Sports Association--as opposed to tax dollars. Also, football is not only self-supporting at UM, it throws off alot of extra revenue to the athletic department and the university (a good chunk of parking/concessions/Grizware, etc.) goes to the university and not the athletic department.

With the funds being private that does change my expectations slightly. And I hate reporters with a passion myself. They are self serving and you NEVER get the real story. Always after the eye catching headline.

Still, should someone getting a free/partially free ride, get into trouble, and then only answer to the coach whose job it is to win football games and generate revenue for the school? Seems like a conflict of interest overall.

Big Al
October 21st, 2009, 11:27 AM
I disagree on the public/private funding point. Imo, that's splitting hairs. The fb team is attached to the U of M, a publicly funded university. The athletic dep't relies on funding from student fees to operate in the black, so they don't even get that out.

Like I said in an earlier post, Hauck doesn't need to go into details but he does need to be prepared to explain why he suspends players. His attempt to stonewall when asked a direct question is bush league, imo. His further attempts to publicly berate the student reporters and "punish" them for telling a story he didn't want to tell is doubly so.

October 21st, 2009, 11:28 AM
Here's another explanatory post from egriz:

"Hauck was asked the question before, and gave his answer. Basically "we don't comment on internal matters." He answered it that way multiple times.

That has been his answer since he got here. That is the answer the players give. And that is fine. They are not obligated to answer how players were punished by the football team. He doesn't have to tell how many quarters they have to sit out, how many times they had to run to the M, how many times they are required to puke in 5:00 a.m. conditioning sessions.

The fact of the situation is that the Kaimin wasn't satisfied with that answer, and kept asking over and over and over. And then when they were basically told to STFU, they got their feelings hurt. Welcome to the real world kiddos."

Sorry, but citing something from egriz as being explanatory has far less credibility than posting an article from 'The Onion".

October 21st, 2009, 12:11 PM
Sorry, but citing something from egriz as being explanatory has far less credibility than posting an article from 'The Onion".

Or citing the Kaimin for that matter. xsmiley_wixxthumbsupx

October 21st, 2009, 12:30 PM
Or citing the Kaimin for that matter. xsmiley_wixxthumbsupx

ZING! In all honesty though a coach not talking about internal matters nor allowing the players to talk about them happens all the time.....especially at JMU. I don't understand what all the fuss is about. And its not like said coach is obliged to talk to certain media members, it is a courtesy. If the media doesn't like the backlash perhaps they should have thought about the consequences of their actions. I would expect Mickey Matthews to perform the exact same way as said coach if an identical scenario came up at JMU. xthumbsupx

October 21st, 2009, 01:26 PM
ZING! In all honesty though a coach not talking about internal matters nor allowing the players to talk about them happens all the time.....especially at JMU. I don't understand what all the fuss is about. And its not like said coach is obliged to talk to certain media members, it is a courtesy. If the media doesn't like the backlash perhaps they should have thought about the consequences of their actions. I would expect Mickey Matthews to perform the exact same way as said coach if an identical scenario came up at JMU. xthumbsupx

I have a new found respect for Mathews after he went and visited the troops. I wish they would have covered more about that trip, but alas, it was buried and not covered much at all. I think there had to be some interesting conversations between Hauck and Mathews on that trip. xpeacex

October 21st, 2009, 01:48 PM
The only info I ever got about that trip was here on AGS.

October 21st, 2009, 03:05 PM
Wow, lots of defensive Griz fans on this post.

"Me thinks, you doth protest too much." xwhistlex

October 21st, 2009, 03:46 PM
While I've already posted plenty on the Baby Hauck bashing thread. Here's another fun little tidbit. Here's what he had to say to the Missoulian today regarding his upcoming matchup with Sacramento State.
"They've done a couple really nice things this year," Hauck said of the 2-4 Hornets, who won two straight Big Sky Conference games - at Portland State and against visiting Idaho State - after an 0-3 start. "Winning in Portland is hard. Not many people have done that in recent years. In fact I think we were the only team to beat Portland there."
Gotta love how he convieniently plugs himself without giving others credit. I suppose he jsut forgot WSU winning it's last two games in Portland, including one less than a month ago.:D

October 21st, 2009, 04:36 PM
We won our last match in Portland as well.

October 21st, 2009, 04:56 PM
While I've already posted plenty on the Baby Hauck bashing thread. Here's another fun little tidbit. Here's what he had to say to the Missoulian today regarding his upcoming matchup with Sacramento State.
"They've done a couple really nice things this year," Hauck said of the 2-4 Hornets, who won two straight Big Sky Conference games - at Portland State and against visiting Idaho State - after an 0-3 start. "Winning in Portland is hard. Not many people have done that in recent years. In fact I think we were the only team to beat Portland there."
Gotta love how he convieniently plugs himself without giving others credit. I suppose he jsut forgot WSU winning it's last two games in Portland, including one less than a month ago.:D

Obviously I don't know what Hauck was referring to there, but the Griz were the only team that beat the Vikings in Portland last year. (although with PSU playing Weber, MSU and NAU on the road last season I would hardly say that is a great feat).

October 21st, 2009, 05:12 PM
And then before next week's game, when he calls out Higgins, Smith, and Toone as tremendous players who are extraordinarily difficult to defend, will that be proof that he is disrespecting all the other skill players in the league? I concede that there wasn't any need to mention our winning in Portland last year but that doesn't turn it into a dig at Weber or MSU.

October 21st, 2009, 05:25 PM
Love him or hate him, He's a great soundbite!!

October 21st, 2009, 05:28 PM
Sounds to me like he would best diffuse the situation by continuing to say " no comment" on the internal stuff, and answering all the questions about the X's and O's.

To freeze out the student reporters entirely simply adds fuel to the fire. He should exercise better judgement.

October 21st, 2009, 05:59 PM
Purplepeopleater, finally someone who understands college football, teams and coaching.

October 21st, 2009, 07:15 PM
Any recant from Bobby today? Griz fans what say you?

October 21st, 2009, 09:24 PM
End of this thread until something new occurs.