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October 3rd, 2009, 09:54 PM
No question UNH should move up at least two spots this week to set up a Top 5 showdown with nova. UNH is coming off it's best TEAM effort today at Towson which should carryover to Homecoming next week. A win next week--with either Toman or Decker or both at QB--will get these Wildcats where they belong...up on top! GO CATS...BEAT nova!!!xnodxxnodxxnodx

October 3rd, 2009, 10:13 PM
This is going to be one hell of a game.. Cannot wait!

October 3rd, 2009, 10:39 PM
GAWD ah can't wait 'til you guys replace 'nova on our schedule!!xbawlingx

October 3rd, 2009, 10:42 PM
I wasn't sold on UNH until today. Clearly they're better than I thought.

Gordon Shumway
October 4th, 2009, 07:47 AM
Despite the score, it is really hard to take much from the game yesterday other than Towson was just plain awful in that game. I just don't see how much of what happened yesterday translates to the Nova game. The defense is proving to be far superior to what we have seen the last few years, but we already knew that fact. I'm not sure what to make of the offense, but it certainly looked a little flat to me.

I know that sounds strange when you win by 50, but with Towson's implosion, a backup QB for UNH, and no need to open the playbook, it left me with a lot of questions about the offense. I'm probably not qualified to render too strong an opinion as yesterday was the first UNH game I was able to see on TV here in Florida. However, what I saw was an offense with two drives over 50 yards (51, 60). I realize the defense/special teams kept handing over great field position, and I'm not denigrating the offense. I'm simply saying that no questions were answered regarding the sporadic nature of the offense so far this year.

I'm like Fox Mulder. I desperately want to believe, but still have a lot of questions as to how good this team really is. I guess we will find out Saturday, and hopefully I can stop fretting about them.:D

October 4th, 2009, 08:31 AM
on the contrary many questions got answered...Kackert with Jellison and even Peters are quick, hard hitting backs....Decker can run the full offense and run it well-if Toman goes out.....Sicko & Jeannot and now our WR's can catch the ball.....we have a terrific kicking game.....defense is a tough, ball-hawking group...the Coaches are opening up the playbook to win BIG. From the look on Coach Mac's face it seems he's sick and tired about getting asked about the playoffs--which has to be driving him and the team. Expectations are UP in Durham. Now Just Do It!xnodxxnodxxnodxxnodx

VT Wildcat Fan53
October 4th, 2009, 10:32 AM
Despite the score, it is really hard to take much from the game yesterday other than Towson was just plain awful in that game. I just don't see how much of what happened yesterday translates to the Nova game. The defense is proving to be far superior to what we have seen the last few years, but we already knew that fact. I'm not sure what to make of the offense, but it certainly looked a little flat to me.

I know that sounds strange when you win by 50, but with Towson's implosion, a backup QB for UNH, and no need to open the playbook, it left me with a lot of questions about the offense. I'm probably not qualified to render too strong an opinion as yesterday was the first UNH game I was able to see on TV here in Florida. However, what I saw was an offense with two drives over 50 yards (51, 60). I realize the defense/special teams kept handing over great field position, and I'm not denigrating the offense. I'm simply saying that no questions were answered regarding the sporadic nature of the offense so far this year.

I'm like Fox Mulder. I desperately want to believe, but still have a lot of questions as to how good this team really is. I guess we will find out Saturday, and hopefully I can stop fretting about them.:D

Always room for concern, especially given the quality of opposition to date, but the 'Cats are still 4-0, .... Great defensive efforts to tend to overshadow offensive explosions, too. As you note, we'll have a pretty clear picture after next Saturday, ....

October 4th, 2009, 10:48 AM
Punting is a big concern. He got one blocked and several others came close. He punted awful. We need to see a new punter before it costs us this game

October 4th, 2009, 11:01 AM
I think Nova is the better team, but UNH is catching them at the right time, with Nova coming off a big home win. Much like W&M having problems going to Nova after a big home win over Delaware, I expect that Nova may have a similiar problem at UNH.

October 4th, 2009, 11:27 AM
on the contrary many questions got answered...Kackert with Jellison and even Peters are quick, hard hitting backs....Decker can run the full offense and run it well-if Toman goes out.....Sicko & Jeannot and now our WR's can catch the ball.....we have a terrific kicking game.....defense is a tough, ball-hawking group...the Coaches are opening up the playbook to win BIG. From the look on Coach Mac's face it seems he's sick and tired about getting asked about the playoffs--which has to be driving him and the team. Expectations are UP in Durham. Now Just Do It!xnodxxnodxxnodxxnodx

This weeks answer will be a more indicative answer.xnodx

October 4th, 2009, 12:52 PM
hugeee game god fill up cowell please

October 4th, 2009, 12:56 PM
Not that I'm complaining about a high profile game...but really, much we schedule this game on homecoming? Last year the alums all came out for homecoming only for that really disappointing loss to W&M. Villanova's definitely the favorite this year..why not Dartmouth as homecoming, eh?

That said, looking forward to this one, and have been for awhile.

October 5th, 2009, 09:01 AM
Homecoming this decade with high level opponents has not been kind to our Wildcats. Off the top of my head:

2008: Missed a PAT and a chip shot field goal and lose by four to W&M :(
2006: Had to watch f'ing purple and gold streamers xwhistlex
2005: Rotating QB's (Santos and Granieri) and lost to UMass xsmhx xbawlingx
2003: Kicked game winning FG at the gun to beat the eventual national champion Blue Hens...oh wait, the zebras blew the call. xoopsx xeekx xmadx xmadx

Time to change the karma!!!!!!!!! xnodx xnodx xnodx

October 5th, 2009, 09:15 AM
Should be a good game, but by the looks of it Villanova is the best team in the country this year. I think it will be tough for UNH to win this one. I think it is tough to read a team after beating a team such as Towson. It is like me saying we answered a lot of questions by beating Indiana State by 50. It looks impressive to an outside observer, but to someone who really knows it is to be expected. Granted Towson isn't nearly as bad as Indiana State, but I think you get what I mean.

One guarantee I can make is that the Wildcats will win this game :p

Your homecoming scheduling sounds kind of like ours. This year, for the 2nd time in 3 years, we are playing Southern Illinois. On the bright side it fills the stadium, and gets the fans all rowdy, but on the other hand there is always the chance to get beat!

October 5th, 2009, 09:20 AM
Should be a good game, but by the looks of it Villanova is the best team in the country this year. I think it will be tough for UNH to win this one. I think it is tough to read a team after beating a team such as Towson. It is like me saying we answered a lot of questions by beating Indiana State by 50. It looks impressive to an outside observer, but to someone who really knows it is to be expected. Granted Towson isn't nearly as bad as Indiana State, but I think you get what I mean.

One guarantee I can make is that the Wildcats will win this game :p

Your homecoming scheduling sounds kind of like ours. This year, for the 2nd time in 3 years, we are playing Southern Illinois. On the bright side it fills the stadium, and gets the fans all rowdy, but on the other hand there is always the chance to get beat!

I think you do that on purpose. No doubt about which will be next week's GOW. This could be the year that the loser of the Dawgs and Cats game gets a second chance at the winner.

Cal Poly/UM will be interesting but it's definitely UNH/'Nova this week.

UNH 40
October 5th, 2009, 10:28 AM
Is it just me or did Villanova give up over 450 yards of offense to William & Mary and gain just over 280 themselves... W&M also had two awful turnovers that proved extremely costly. First big test for UNH I think this will be the best game that has been played at Cowell for some time... Wish I could be therexmadx

October 5th, 2009, 11:30 AM
Villanova didn't need to gain offensive yards.. they also dropped into a soft zone towards the end of the game. The key statistic is that W&M was nearly shut out in the Red Zone. They started playing conservative toward the middle of the 3rd quarter. Villanova forces turnovers and doesn't turn the ball over, that's a key to a successful team.

October 5th, 2009, 11:37 AM
2003: Kicked game winning FG at the gun beat the eventual national champion Blue Hens...oh wait, the zebras blew the call. xoopsx xeekx xmadx xmadx

I know not what you speak of.;)

I was standing at field level 100 yds away, directly behind the other goalpost and saw that kick sail wide right. Ok, well, maybe not.:D

October 5th, 2009, 11:49 AM
W&M made mistakes (2 turnovers, some very costly penalties, and completely blew their defensive assignments on the opening play of the game) last week and Villanova did not. If you gift Villanova points and field position like W&M did, you will not win. They will be hard enough to beat this year without doing that.

Excited to see how this game plays out this week! I guess since we lost to Villanova I should be rooting for them to win all their games...

October 5th, 2009, 12:06 PM
hugeee game god fill up cowell please

The last two big game homecomings against JMU and W&M we have had over 13k which makes Cowell seem like it is ready to explode... This year, an opponent that is closer and more well known to casual fans with both being undefeated... I would be shocked if we don't have at least as many if not more...

October 5th, 2009, 12:21 PM
hows about a white out?....sounds good

October 5th, 2009, 01:33 PM
Not that I'm complaining about a high profile game...but really, much we schedule this game on homecoming? Last year the alums all came out for homecoming only for that really disappointing loss to W&M. Villanova's definitely the favorite this year..why not Dartmouth as homecoming, eh?

That said, looking forward to this one, and have been for awhile.

Great insights from Talley of Villanova and McDonnell from UNH about the upcoming game


UNH Fanboi
October 5th, 2009, 01:46 PM
Not that I'm complaining about a high profile game...but really, much we schedule this game on homecoming? Last year the alums all came out for homecoming only for that really disappointing loss to W&M. Villanova's definitely the favorite this year..why not Dartmouth as homecoming, eh?

That said, looking forward to this one, and have been for awhile.

I think its good to have a tough opponent at homecoming in order to maximize your home field advantage against that team. It sucks to lose on homecoming, but I'd rather have that extra 5% advantage against a tough team.

October 5th, 2009, 04:14 PM
I'm excited.. I think it should be a barnburner..

October 5th, 2009, 04:36 PM
It will be a great game and UNH has the weapons to beat Nova, but they have to eliminate the stupid penalties and the speacial teams have to be outstanding

October 5th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Last year, the pressure Nova put on Toman was the deciding factor. Toman looked like he didnt have much time. This game will be put on the Oline. Quick decisions and getting the ball out fast will be the key for UNH.

October 5th, 2009, 04:46 PM
I can't wait for this game! But it is home comming and one home comming event you can count on in Durham is the town (or who ever is in charge) to COMPLETELY screw up the traffic patterns it town. Weekly we get 8-9k in and out of Durham with no problems. This week we'll have some of the 12k expected sitting in traffic at kick off.

If you're planning on going get there early. This may seem funny to people from Montana, Delaware, ect. but trust me it'll be screwed up.

By the way look into the train from Dover. 10 minutes WITH A BAR CAR!!!

October 5th, 2009, 05:54 PM
Last year, the pressure Nova put on Toman was the deciding factor. Toman looked like he didnt have much time. This game will be put on the Oline. Quick decisions and getting the ball out fast will be the key for UNH.

I think we have a better running attack this year versus last year and our run/pass ration is more in balance. Nova won't be able to just tee off on the QB as they did last year

October 5th, 2009, 05:59 PM
I can't wait for this game! But it is home comming and one home comming event you can count on in Durham is the town (or who ever is in charge) to COMPLETELY screw up the traffic patterns it town. Weekly we get 8-9k in and out of Durham with no problems. This week we'll have some of the 12k expected sitting in traffic at kick off.

If you're planning on going get there early. This may seem funny to people from Montana, Delaware, ect. but trust me it'll be screwed up.

By the way look into the train from Dover. 10 minutes WITH A BAR CAR!!!

According to the UNH Radio guys all traffic to Cowell will be coming in from the Rt 155 side of the stadium heading downtown. They'll be making it one way with three lanes of Traffic.

Which sucks for my tradition of driving down Madbury and turning up Garrison and seeing T-Hall in the morning sun. Oh well. xoopsx

October 5th, 2009, 06:29 PM
If they let everyone use the VIP tailgate entrance in addition to the regular one it would reduce a lot of the traffic congestion. It's just a pain stopping every car to check every 20-somethings ID.

October 5th, 2009, 06:51 PM
Let's Go UNH!!...open up a can of north division whoop-ass on 'Nova. Gotta love the CAA...Cheer for a team one week, then hope they lose the next!!

October 5th, 2009, 06:54 PM
Let's Go UNH!!...open up a can of north division whoop-ass on 'Nova. Gotta love the CAA...Cheer for a team one week, then hope they lose the next!!

It's time for the CAA to start beating up on each other. Hopefully JMU can rebound from the Hofstra loss and whip up on UR. Either way, should be a great game Saturday.

Go Dukes

Old Cat Fan
October 6th, 2009, 01:19 AM
I can't wait for this game! But it is home comming and one home comming event you can count on in Durham is the town (or who ever is in charge) to COMPLETELY screw up the traffic patterns it town. Weekly we get 8-9k in and out of Durham with no problems. This week we'll have some of the 12k expected sitting in traffic at kick off.

If you're planning on going get there early. This may seem funny to people from Montana, Delaware, ect. but trust me it'll be screwed up.

By the way look into the train from Dover. 10 minutes WITH A BAR CAR!!!

That's the problem with Durham, say if and when we get a new state of the art stadium, probally would seat 15 to 20 k- Where the heck are you going to park and get people in and out of town. I have sat in traffic for over an hour just trying to get out of the parking lot across the street. I can't imagine the headaches that would come with a new facilty :( but the way the students support this team I don't think we will have to worry about a new stadium anytime soon. Don't these kids get in for nothing I say the noon starts hurt the students I know when I was in my college years I was just rolling over at noon time xnodx

October 6th, 2009, 05:13 AM
That's the problem with Durham, say if and when we get a new state of the art stadium, probally would seat 15 to 20 k- Where the heck are you going to park and get people in and out of town. I have sat in traffic for over an hour just trying to get out of the parking lot across the street. I can't imagine the headaches that would come with a new facilty :( but the way the students support this team I don't think we will have to worry about a new stadium anytime soon. Don't these kids get in for nothing I say the noon starts hurt the students I know when I was in my college years I was just rolling over at noon time xnodx

Lights and late afternoon starts would be great.

October 6th, 2009, 07:10 AM
Villanova didn't need to gain offensive yards.. they also dropped into a soft zone towards the end of the game. The key statistic is that W&M was nearly shut out in the Red Zone. They started playing conservative toward the middle of the 3rd quarter. Villanova forces turnovers and doesn't turn the ball over, that's a key to a successful team.

Agreed that the key to the game was redzone efficiency, but W&M had 220 yards of offense in the first half, despite Archer being way off at the start, as well as two turnovers and key penalties. Nova's defense came up big in the redzone, but the Tribe earned several assists in contributing to the halftime margin.

October 6th, 2009, 09:55 AM
I saw from looking at the stats that UNH gets a lot of penalties. Against a disciplined team like Villanova, that won't work. Villanova is in the top 3 in the nation in penalty yardage per game and UNH is in the bottom 15. Both teams are fairly evenly matched in some other categories with a slight edge to UNH (which i take with a grain of salt because UNH's schedule has been a bit easier.)

October 6th, 2009, 11:27 AM
...I'm most concerned about penalties and special teams, personally. Cannot give Nova good field position and cannot bale them out with stupid penalties. It seems like most of our penalties are of the holding variety, which I'm less concerned about than the stupid late-hit/personal-foul types which have cost us a few times this year, though nothing in the W-L column.

UNH beats W&M last year if there isn't a penalty late in the game for roughing Phillips (though it was a questionable call..)

October 6th, 2009, 11:35 AM
Villanova will be by far the best offense and defense you guys have faced yet this year, so you're right about avoiding penalties and special teams miscues.. those could be suicide against us.

October 6th, 2009, 11:36 AM
veryyyy questionable call not to create excusses also I felt the qb was past line of scrimmage when they scored that td it sucked

Uncle Buck
October 6th, 2009, 11:52 AM
This game should be great, what a match-up not only on a conference level, but a national level.

October 6th, 2009, 12:19 PM
veryyyy questionable call not to create excusses also I felt the qb was past line of scrimmage when they scored that td it sucked

...not to rehash, but as someone who was standing at the 15 yard line watching the play, he was CLEARLY over the LOS. Again, it didn't have a huge impact on us, but still..

Villanova and Ball State are probably very similar in terms of talent, so we'll see. Ball State's D was pretty good.

October 6th, 2009, 12:33 PM
...not to rehash, but as someone who was standing at the 15 yard line watching the play, he was CLEARLY over the LOS. Again, it didn't have a huge impact on us, but still..


Ball was marked just inside the 17, and as you can see in this replay, Phillip's feet are both behind the 17 yard hash mark as he releases the ball. Close, but a legal pass.


October 6th, 2009, 12:41 PM
Ball was marked just inside the 17, and as you can see in this replay, Phillip's feet are both behind the 17 yard hash mark as he releases the ball. Close, but a legal pass.


Don't suppose you could put up a link to the "roughing the passer" call earlier that same drive?

That game still bugs me.

W&M showed up for the 2nd half, UNH did notxsmhx

October 6th, 2009, 01:29 PM
Ball was marked just inside the 17, and as you can see in this replay, Phillip's feet are both behind the 17 yard hash mark as he releases the ball. Close, but a legal pass.


Even if one of his feet was beyond the line of scrimmage it wouldn't have mattered.. all you need is for some part of your body to be at or behind the line.

October 6th, 2009, 01:42 PM
Ball was marked just inside the 17, and as you can see in this replay, Phillip's feet are both behind the 17 yard hash mark as he releases the ball. Close, but a legal pass.


Who needs visual evidence anyway!

VT Wildcat Fan53
October 7th, 2009, 09:50 PM
Even if one of his feet was beyond the line of scrimmage it wouldn't have mattered.. all you need is for some part of your body to be at or behind the line.

Really? You'll have to show me the rule book on that interpretation before I buy it. I actually think (but have no confirmation) that both feet have to come down at or behind the LOS. In the clip, QB is in the air as he releases the ball and comes down over the LOS. Very questionable call, .....

October 7th, 2009, 11:02 PM
Really? You'll have to show me the rule book on that interpretation before I buy it. I actually think (but have no confirmation) that both feet have to come down at or behind the LOS. In the clip, QB is in the air as he releases the ball and comes down over the LOS. Very questionable call, .....

Nah, last year during the Eagles-Giants game at the Linc, Eli's heel was touching the line of scrimmage with everything else on his body in front of it, it was ruled an illegal forward pass, Coughlin challenged and won. I'm sure that it's the same in college.

October 8th, 2009, 12:17 AM
I remember that play, but does that rule apply to the college game?

October 8th, 2009, 03:14 PM
I'm almost 100 percent sure, as long as someone isn't completely in the neutral zone, it's a legal forward pass.

October 8th, 2009, 04:05 PM
If any part of the body is behind the LOS, it's a legal pass...

Rule 7-3, ARTICLE 2. A forward pass is illegal:
a. If thrown by a Team A player whose entire body is beyond the neutral
zone when he releases the ball [S35 and S9].

October 8th, 2009, 04:39 PM
If any part of the body is behind the LOS, it's a legal pass...

Rule 7-3, ARTICLE 2. A forward pass is illegal:
a. If thrown by a Team A player whose entire body is beyond the neutral
zone when he releases the ball [S35 and S9].

I reject your reality and replace it with my own

October 8th, 2009, 06:39 PM
hahah i had no idea someone had footage all we need is the late hit call...but anyway this is about novaa

October 8th, 2009, 07:14 PM
Andy Talley is gonna lay some tricks on you guys this year, i can sense it.

October 9th, 2009, 12:13 AM
always has been trick plays in nova unh games

October 9th, 2009, 12:33 AM
TSN predicts a 27-17 Nova win

October 9th, 2009, 07:31 AM
Woke up last night at 3:30, per my premination/dream as I was checking scores on Saturday afternoon...UNH 22, VU 20...I had to post this just to see if it actually happens...

We'll see on Saturday...Good luck to both teams..

October 9th, 2009, 07:41 AM
Woke up last night at 3:30, per my premination/dream as I was checking scores on Saturday afternoon...UNH 22, VU 20...I had to post this just to see if it actually happens...

We see on Saturday...Good luck to both teams..

If it does would you PM me any lottery numbers rather than posting them in the public forum.

October 9th, 2009, 09:12 AM
Why is a Umass fan dreaming about a UNH win? haha Is it that bad in Amherst these days?

just kidding I hope your right.

Old Cat Fan
October 9th, 2009, 09:22 AM
UNH Homecoming traffic plan


Wednesday, October 7, 2009
DURHAM — In an effort to improve the traffic congestion during the University of New Hampshire Homecoming football game versus Villanova this Saturday, the Athletic Department and University Police have worked with the town of Durham to develop a new traffic plan.

The plan involves turning some of the roads close to the stadium into one way traffic lanes from 7 a.m. to noon on Homecoming morning.

We are encouraging all vehicles coming to the game to enter from the UNH Route 4 exit. When you reach the intersection of Main Street and Mast Road, the road will turn into one way traffic with three lanes. The right lane will go into Boulder field, the middle lane will go into VIP lot and the left lane will go into Lot A, Field House or straight through to downtown.

When coming from downtown towards the stadium, all traffic will be diverted down past Lot A then down Mast Road to the intersection of Main Street and Route 155A where you will turn left and go in the appropriate lane.

October 9th, 2009, 11:30 AM
Just to add to Old Cat Fan's post, the Family Tailgating in Lot A opens in 9am, and the regular (alcohol allowed) tailgating in Boulder Field opens at 8:30. Unless you're interested in tailgating, I would recommend taking the train into Durham if possible to avoid the traffic.

October 9th, 2009, 12:18 PM
Lets go 'Nova!!!!

October 9th, 2009, 12:39 PM
Does anyone know if the game will be on TV here in the mid-Atlantic?

October 9th, 2009, 12:51 PM
Does anyone know if the game will be on TV here in the mid-Atlantic?

I don't think so

October 9th, 2009, 02:53 PM
I plan on being at the game and then enjoying the nightlife festivities....go UNH

October 9th, 2009, 02:58 PM
I plan on being at the game and then enjoying the nightlife festivities....go UNH

I plan on starting the Tail Gate early to avoid the traffic.

So, I will be at the game and then enjoy some early evening festivities. I doubt I'll make it to the nightlife:o

October 9th, 2009, 03:11 PM
I plan on starting the Tail Gate early to avoid the traffic.

So, I will be at the game and then enjoy some early evening festivities. I doubt I'll make it to the nightlife:o

I understand, it shall be a long recovery for me, especially with a loss.....

October 9th, 2009, 03:14 PM
I understand, it shall be a long recovery for me, especially with a loss.....

Bad carma for post #2.....you'd better edit thatxsmiley_wix

October 9th, 2009, 03:15 PM
By the way, welcome RWUxthumbsupx

October 9th, 2009, 04:42 PM
By the way, welcome RWUxthumbsupx

thanks, been reading for a while actually, just decided to commit to it.

October 9th, 2009, 04:45 PM
Bad carma for post #2.....you'd better edit thatxsmiley_wix

very true, scratch that post, UNH 64-Nova 2 (safety-bad snap, over punters head into the back of the endzone)

October 9th, 2009, 05:19 PM
I plan on being at the game and then enjoying the nightlife festivities....go UNH

By Nightlife I hope you don't mean Libby's. Thankfully there is not a Sox playoff game tomorrow night or else everyone would be kicked out and miss the last few innings!

October 9th, 2009, 06:57 PM
I'm excited for what hopefully will be a beatdown that will leave the crowds with mouths agape :D

October 10th, 2009, 04:34 AM
Cooler's in the Car, Dunkins has the coffee ready, tailgating opens in 3 hours. I'm freaking wound up, lets get this game going!

October 10th, 2009, 05:30 AM
I'll bring some Bailey's for the coffee Oxxthumbsupx

October 10th, 2009, 05:38 AM
Goodness it's early. I'm amped.

October 10th, 2009, 06:42 AM
Leaving to tailgate. Gonna be a long great day.

October 10th, 2009, 08:05 AM
Now that the Sawx are one game away from golf season, the UNH fans should be full-throated today! Nothing else to look forward to!:p

October 10th, 2009, 03:09 PM
Gee, the site must have been down!

Let me be the first(?) to congratulate UNH on its thrilling win!xnodxxthumbsupx

Old Cat Fan
October 10th, 2009, 03:31 PM
Gee, the site must have been down!

Let me be the first(?) to congratulate UNH on its thrilling win!xnodxxthumbsupx

I know it, rushed home from the game to read the game thread and there wasn't one, biggest CFS game to date no thread. Dare I say that the AGS is not the same as it been for the last couple of years. xconfusedx

October 10th, 2009, 04:52 PM
I know it, rushed home from the game to read the game thread and there wasn't one, biggest CFS game to date no thread. Dare I say that the AGS is not the same as it been for the last couple of years. xconfusedx

AGS was down from 1pm until now for me.

Old Cat Fan
October 10th, 2009, 04:56 PM
AGS was down from 1pm until now for me.

That explains it,anyways any fan that would of posted on the UNH side was probally at the game xnodx

October 10th, 2009, 05:45 PM
very true, scratch that post, UNH 64-Nova 2 (safety-bad snap, over punters head into the back of the endzone)

Well played sir

October 10th, 2009, 05:55 PM
congrats UNH.

October 10th, 2009, 05:58 PM
Great game!

I had some questions about the team going into todays game.

They were answered. Lets go get UMass!

Old Cat Fan
October 10th, 2009, 06:15 PM
Final stats on todays game:
76 yards total rushing for UNH proof that Nova d =tough xnodx

New Hampshire 28, Villanova 24

Preview - Box Score - Recap

1 2 3 4 Total

Villanova 7 10 7 0 24 Final

New Hampshire 16 6 0 6 28

NEW HAMPSHIRE-TD, C Kackert 12 YD RUN (T Manning KICK) 4:15
1st Qtr
NEW HAMPSHIRE-FG, T Manning 27 YD 9:36 1st Qtr
VILLANOVA-TD, A Young 18 YD RUN (N Yako KICK) 12:41 1st Qtr
Manning PAT FAILED)12:54 1st Qtr
FAILED) 2:25 2nd Qtr
VILLANOVA-TD, M Szczur 26 YD PASS FROM C Whitney (N Yako
KICK) 4:48 2nd Qtr
VILLANOVA-FG, N Yako 37 YD 15:00 2nd Qtr
VILLANOVA-TD, M Szczur 58 YD RUN (N Yako KICK) 4:02 3rd Qtr
NEW HAMPSHIRE-FG, T Manning 35 YD 3:11 4th Qtr
NEW HAMPSHIRE-FG, T Manning 22 YD 10:49 4th Qtr

First downs 21 16
Rushed-yards 49-181 41-76
Passing yards 171 292
Sacked-yards lost 5-35 4-23
Return yards 10 5
Passes 17-34-1 15-28-1
Punts 6-35.5 7-26.3
Fumbles-lost 1-0 1-0
Penalties-yards 4-35 5-48
Time of possession 34:17 25:43

Individual Statistics

RUSHING: VILLANOVA-Matt Szczur 5-66, Aaron Ball 14-57, Antwon Young
9-39, Chris Whitney 19-33, Lawrence Doss 1-4, Team 1-MINUS 18. NEW
HAMPSHIRE-Chad Kackert 26-67, Sean Jellison 6-27, Team 1-MINUS 2, R.J.
Toman 8-MINUS 16.

PASSING: VILLANOVA-Chris Whitney 10-18-109- 1, Antwon Young 7-15-62-
0, Team 0-1-0- 0. NEW HAMPSHIRE-R.J. Toman 15-28-292- 1.

RECEIVING: VILLANOVA-Matt Szczur 8-83, Brandyn Harvey 6-69, Dorian
Wells 2-13, Norman White 1-6. NEW HAMPSHIRE-Scott Sicko 3-135, Travis
Negron 2-46, Joey Orlando 2-28, Chad Kackert 3-27, J.T. Wright 2-26,
Chris Jeannot 2-22, Kevon Mason 1-8.

Att: 14,811

October 10th, 2009, 07:05 PM
Great game UNH showed they can play offense and defense. Thank you Antwon Young for your lovely flip on your TD, that was a 10 in my book!

October 10th, 2009, 07:10 PM
Congrats UNH, huge win. xbowx

October 10th, 2009, 08:08 PM
That explains it,anyways any fan that would of posted on the UNH side was probally at the game xnodx

Nope not me here in Indiana! I was poised to post on the thread and it was down the whole game. Great win for the UNH Cats!

October 10th, 2009, 09:08 PM
Great game UNH showed they can play offense and defense. Thank you Antwon Young for your lovely flip on your TD, that was a 10 in my book!

How stupid was that in the 1st quarter with the wind in your face!!! They end up kicking from the 15 and give UNH great field position as a result, partially due to the windy conditions.