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View Full Version : UMASS vs UR Payoff game

October 12th, 2008, 09:20 AM
I know it's still fairly early in the season to start talking who is in/out of the playoffs, but is this game now a playoff game to determine the last CAA team in? UNH losing actually helps these teams IMO. But UR with 3 losses, and UMASS with 2 coming into the game is starting to look like bubble time. Thoughts?

October 12th, 2008, 09:25 AM
Well, you can start etching our grave stone if we lose. How's that?

Col Hogan
October 12th, 2008, 09:28 AM
Right now I think every remaining game is a bubble game for us...we still have to travel to UNH...still have Richmond and Maine at home...these are teams that can derail us easily...and can't overlook URI and Hofstra...

October 12th, 2008, 09:30 AM
It's the point in the season when the CAA teams start to dash each others playoff hopes.

October 12th, 2008, 09:36 AM
What a shame.

I had been a believer that Liberty should be in with the record they'll put together, but I just can't see how they're even approaching the level of UR or Umass. Yet, Liberty could make the field above one of those. (VMI's strong win over Coastal has really soured me on Liberty, btw but that's for a different thread)

Oh well, such is life in the CAA. That's what makes our regular season games so exciting.

October 12th, 2008, 09:42 AM
I think the CAA may get five in again this year. There's a lot of football left, but an argument could be made that JMU, Villanova, UR & UMass are all in the top 10 in the country.

October 12th, 2008, 10:02 AM
Villanova gets JMU and UNH at home. I think they win one, but even losing both they probably finish 8-3 and will be in.

UNH gets UMass at home, which I think they will win, and travels to Villanova. Even if they lose both, they look like 8-3, and probably in.

For the rest of the conference, it's the usual dogfight, and hope we get four teams in. The MVC and SoCon can oblige by beating up on each other, and we probably need to hope that the Big Sky doesn't get three, which it looks like they might.

Eight Legger
October 12th, 2008, 10:42 AM
There is still a lot of season left. Certainly if we lose to UMass, we are behind the eight ball, but I don't think the season would be over. A lot will depend on how the committee views things. Do they reward teams that had great records, or do they look for the best at-large teams? There's no doubt we are a top 5 or 10 team, but how would they view an 8-4 Richmond against a 10-2 someone else?

While this applies to us, I feel this way no matter who we're talking about: a loss to an FBS team should not count against ANYONE come playoff time. Of course an FBS win should count for something also. This would make it interesting if it comes down to an 8-4 UR vs an 8-3 UNH. Thye beat Army, a low level FBS but still an FBS, while we lost to UVA. It'll be interesting to see how things play out.

October 12th, 2008, 10:46 AM
nither team will be out if they lose.

October 12th, 2008, 11:14 AM
While this applies to us, I feel this way no matter who we're talking about: a loss to an FBS team should not count against ANYONE come playoff time. Of course an FBS win should count for something also. This would make it interesting if it comes down to an 8-4 UR vs an 8-3 UNH. Thye beat Army, a low level FBS but still an FBS, while we lost to UVA. It'll be interesting to see how things play out.

Yes, that would be interesting! And with Army now on a two game win streak when so many here said they wouldn't win a game, that Wildcat win at West Point looks even better.

Sam Adams
October 12th, 2008, 11:20 AM
Neither Massachusetts or Richmond will be automatically out of the playoffs if they lose. CAA will get 5 teams this yr.

October 12th, 2008, 01:37 PM
You really think that UMass is on the bubble after losing to #1 FCS and #7 FBS? Damn, these are some hard playoffs to get into.

Old Cage
October 12th, 2008, 02:01 PM
Hey, 65 - Time to update a few things in your signature.

Also for 65 - as I have posted here before, we could be 14-0 and heading for Chatty and folks from south of the Hudson River would still consider us a bubble team. There is no winning with the folks who post here.

The long range forecast says 60 and partial sun, That would be excellent.

I hope all the football jockeys here noticed that our hockey team beat #4 North Dakota last night. We get an equal amount of love on that front.

Eight Legger
October 12th, 2008, 02:57 PM
First of all, at this point, I think the CAA deserves at least 4 teams and possibly 5. However, I will say that next week's game might be more important to UMass than to Richmond, because although you guys have played well against two top teams, you haven't beaten either of them and we present the last chance for you to beat a ranked team. we have already beaten Elon at their place.

The only bad thing about the CAA this year is that the bottom half of the league is not putting up too much of a fight. So bubble teams that don't beat at least one top team in the league (or out of it) can't really justify to the selection committee that they deserve to be in. That said, let's hope things play out like they did last year when UNH made it in at 7-5.

Col Hogan
October 12th, 2008, 03:36 PM
You really think that UMass is on the bubble after losing to #1 FCS and #7 FBS? Damn, these are some hard playoffs to get into.

Hard to get into as they should be...we earn them, it's not a beauty contest...

Yea, UMass has played well enough to win so far (except JMU and Tech) but we're played inconsistantly...

Bad "d" a few games...horrible special teams a few games...the offense off a few games...

Coach Brown and the team need to show a few consistant games in all phases...otherwise, if...IF...we make the playoffs it will be a short stay...

Having said that, I think we have the talent...they just need to bring it all together...xpeacex

October 12th, 2008, 04:33 PM
First of all, at this point, I think the CAA deserves at least 4 teams and possibly 5. However, I will say that next week's game might be more important to UMass than to Richmond, because although you guys have played well against two top teams, you haven't beaten either of them and we present the last chance for you to beat a ranked team. we have already beaten Elon at their place.

The only bad thing about the CAA this year is that the bottom half of the league is not putting up too much of a fight. So bubble teams that don't beat at least one top team in the league (or out of it) can't really justify to the selection committee that they deserve to be in. That said, let's hope things play out like they did last year when UNH made it in at 7-5.

UMass still has UNH as well.

Be careful talking about the bottom half of the league. Just about the time you get confident, one of them will jump up and bite you. Happens every year. Heck, there were plenty of people talking through the summer about how soft UNH's schedule was with W&M, Villanova and Towson on it.

Eight Legger
October 12th, 2008, 05:13 PM
UMass still has UNH as well.

Be careful talking about the bottom half of the league. Just about the time you get confident, one of them will jump up and bite you. Happens every year. Heck, there were plenty of people talking through the summer about how soft UNH's schedule was with W&M, Villanova and Towson on it.

Oh yeah, I don't discount the fact that a bottom-dweller will knock off a good team...that is a given. I was just saying that beating those bottom dwellers unfortunately won't impress anyone in the committee, which is what the bubble teams need to do. And for the record, W&M is not a bottom-dweller, lest there be any confusion. I think you guys might be our most difficult game remaining, to be honest. But then again, I'm just some eight-legged guy on a message board. What do I know??xlolx

October 12th, 2008, 05:34 PM
Both teams will still have playoff hopes after this game. It's just that the loser will have little-to-no margin for error the rest of the way. If Richmond wins this game, each team could still finish at 9-3 with one of the losses FBS and all nine wins D-I. Can't imagine either team being left out in that case. If Richmond loses, they'd have to win out to finish at 8-4. They might be more on the bubble with that record, but keep in mind that the last couple years the selection committee has had to dip into seven-win teams to fill out the at-large field. So eight D-I wins from an auto-bid conference team should, more likely than not, be enough to get in. An 8-4 UMass (with losses to Richmond and UNH) might be in a somewhat more precarious position, simply for the lack of a high-quality win (like the one Richmond has against Elon).

As goes without saying, there's a lot of football still to be played.

October 12th, 2008, 05:49 PM
You really think that UMass is on the bubble after losing to #1 FCS and #7 FBS? Damn, these are some hard playoffs to get into.

I think whoever loses this game will be sitting squarely on the bubble, yes. Richmond would be in dire straits a bit more with 4 losses, on the outside looking in. A lot of CAA fans think we deserve up to 5 teams in the playoffs, we all know that is not going to happen, 4 is the absolute peak the selection committee will give us. Right now, I think JMU, UNH, Villanova and UR or UMASS are those 4, but again, there is a lot of football left to be played. But then again, the committee may only give us 3, then someone is really left out in the cold.
If UMASS loses they have to win out to get in - period.

If Richmond loses, I think they are out, unless UNH falls apart.

October 12th, 2008, 06:39 PM
In my opinion;

We can lose and run the table and still get in.

Richmond has to win or they are done.

That's why I am not predicting a win for us this week. Richmond is going to be too hungry, especially after blowing that game to JMU. The only way we can win is by scoring every time we have the ball.

October 12th, 2008, 07:33 PM
If UMASS loses they have to win out to get in - period.

Richmond has to win or they are done.

The last two years--correct me if I'm wrong--every team from an auto-bid conference that won at least eight D-I games made the playoffs (and there weren't even enough of those to go around, as each of those years at least one seven-win team got in, too). It doesn't mean it will happen again this year, but it does mean that both UMass and Richmond will still have a shot, no matter what happens on Saturday.

Col Hogan
October 12th, 2008, 07:38 PM
I'm still not clear about one thing...

Bryant is an FCS Transitional team...does a win over Bryant count for the playoffs...

I've heard yes...I've heard no...

Because if it's NO, that puts more pressure on UMass to win out...

Does anyone have the definative answer???

I'm assuming we defeat Bryant...

October 12th, 2008, 07:54 PM
I'm still not clear about one thing...

Bryant is an FCS Transitional team...does a win over Bryant count for the playoffs...

I've heard yes...I've heard no...

Because if it's NO, that puts more pressure on UMass to win out...

Does anyone have the definative answer???

I'm assuming we defeat Bryant...

Hm, good question. I'm not sure. Certainly does have implications . . .

October 12th, 2008, 08:00 PM
With 12 games this year I'm not sure if past history of what gets you into the playoffs will be of much help.

October 12th, 2008, 08:02 PM
With 12 games this year I'm not sure if past history of what gets you into the playoffs will be of much help.

That's true. There probably will be more nine- and eight-win teams this year, so eight might not be enough.

October 12th, 2008, 08:05 PM
Honestly, I do not think the team that losses on Saturday can run the table. I look at UR as an example. We've played well enough to be in every ball game, but the great teams find ways to win games. I really think that UR needs to win @UMass to prove to themselves that they can win close games.

October 12th, 2008, 08:08 PM
The last two years--correct me if I'm wrong--every team from an auto-bid conference that won at least eight D-I games made the playoffs (and there weren't even enough of those to go around, as each of those years at least one seven-win team got in, too). It doesn't mean it will happen again this year, but it does mean that both UMass and Richmond will still have a shot, no matter what happens on Saturday.

The problem you all have IMO is quality wins - your only other shot would be vs UNH. I still think that the loser of this game is directly on the bubble.

October 12th, 2008, 08:19 PM
The problem you all have IMO is quality wins - your only other shot would be vs UNH. I still think that the loser of this game is directly on the bubble.

I agree; that's definitely an issue. If UMass wins the other four games, a split with Richmond and UNH should be enough for a playoff bid at 9-3, but 8-4 with no quality wins (even with all four losses coming against good teams) would make for a less-than-spectacular resume--in which case UMass's at-large hopes might depend on there not being enough other eight-win teams to fill out the field. And I would rather not pin my hopes on it coming down to that.

South Carolina Duke
October 12th, 2008, 10:12 PM
In my opinion;

We can lose and run the table and still get in.

Richmond has to win or they are done.

That's why I am not predicting a win for us this week. Richmond is going to be too hungry, especially after blowing that game to JMU. The only way we can win is by scoring every time we have the ball.

RIchmond did not "blow the game". Great teams find a way to win. JMU did just that.
If you watched the game, it was a great ball game on both sides.

South Carolina Duke
October 12th, 2008, 10:13 PM
RIchmond did not "blow the game". Great teams find a way to win. JMU did just that.
If you watched the game, it was a great ball game on both sides.

I do think you can get in as well

October 13th, 2008, 10:54 AM
A lot of CAA fans think we deserve up to 5 teams in the playoffs, we all know that is not going to happen, 4 is the absolute peak the selection committee will give us.

Why do we all know that? They put 5 CAA teams in last year, and while they took some heat, their decision was redeemed. 1 CAA team in the final, 2 in the semis, 3 advanced and the other 2 each came within a hair of beating champ ASU and #1 NIU on the road.

There's a lot of season left but if UR finishes 8-4, with losses to 3 playoff teams and UVa.....the committee is going to be hard pressed to give Elon an at large bid over UR.

What I think is likely (and ironic) is that regardless of the outcome of this game both teams get in, UMass gets a cushy home game against a Patriot league team and UR goes to Boone.

October 13th, 2008, 03:43 PM
I think the CAA may get five in again this year. There's a lot of football left, but an argument could be made that JMU, Villanova, UR & UMass are all in the top 10 in the country.

HIGHLY unlikely the CAA gets 5 in again, esp if Liberty gets in. Remember, most years its only 2-3 CAA teams. Only 2 years more than 3 CAA teams. 04' and 08'. Only is 8 At large bids. Good chance someone gets left out at 8-4.
Of 8 At large:
CAA: likely 3
So-Con: likely 2
MVC: likely 1
Big Sky: likely 1
Great West: likely 1 (Cal Poly)
Big South: maybe 1 (Liberty)
Southland: maybe 1
OVC: likely 0
Patriot: likely 0
MEAC: definitely 0

That right there is 8 likely, with 2 maybes. Since there can only be 8, I could easily see there only being 2 At Large from the CAA, for a total of 3 teams in. 3 CAA teams in is far more likely than 5.

October 13th, 2008, 03:45 PM
Neither Massachusetts or Richmond will be automatically out of the playoffs if they lose. CAA will get 5 teams this yr.

No they won't, (see above post). I'm willing to make a friendly wager the CAA doesn't get in 5. MAYBE 4.

October 13th, 2008, 03:52 PM
I'm still not clear about one thing...

Bryant is an FCS Transitional team...does a win over Bryant count for the playoffs...

I've heard yes...I've heard no...

Because if it's NO, that puts more pressure on UMass to win out...

Does anyone have the definative answer???

I'm assuming we defeat Bryant...

VERY good question, as only seven Div I wins I don't think will get anyone in this year. But I thought in transition teams counted. If I had to guess, I would say Bryant counted as a Div I. If thats wrong, IF Bryant is not looked at as a Div I, then an 8-4 UMass would be looked at as 7-4 for playoff purposes. Only other CAA team that has a DII (for sure) on their schedule is UD with West Chester.

October 13th, 2008, 03:53 PM
First of all, at this point, I think the CAA deserves at least 4 teams and possibly 5. However, I will say that next week's game might be more important to UMass than to Richmond, because although you guys have played well against two top teams, you haven't beaten either of them and we present the last chance for you to beat a ranked team. we have already beaten Elon at their place.

The only bad thing about the CAA this year is that the bottom half of the league is not putting up too much of a fight. So bubble teams that don't beat at least one top team in the league (or out of it) can't really justify to the selection committee that they deserve to be in. That said, let's hope things play out like they did last year when UNH made it in at 7-5.

UNH made it at 7-4.

Col Hogan
October 13th, 2008, 04:49 PM
VERY good question, as only seven Div I wins I don't think will get anyone in this year. But I thought in transition teams counted. If I had to guess, I would say Bryant counted as a Div I. If thats wrong, IF Bryant is not looked at as a Div I, then an 8-4 UMass would be looked at as 7-4 for playoff purposes. Only other CAA team that has a DII (for sure) on their schedule is UD with West Chester.

And thus the motivation to end the season 10 - 2...:D :D

October 13th, 2008, 05:00 PM
I'm still not clear about one thing...

Bryant is an FCS Transitional team...does a win over Bryant count for the playoffs...

I've heard yes...I've heard no...

Because if it's NO, that puts more pressure on UMass to win out...

Does anyone have the definative answer???

I'm assuming we defeat Bryant...

Definative Answer: Bryant is a NON-COUNTER THIS YEAR. Bryant, along with UND & USD count as a D-II if a D-I school, and as a D-I if a D-II school. Purgatory year. NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY these schools (especially at their home). Next year, these schools WILL COUNT AS A D-I game, they just aren't eligible for play-offs themselves.

October 13th, 2008, 05:04 PM
RIchmond did not "blow the game". Great teams find a way to win. JMU did just that.
If you watched the game, it was a great ball game on both sides.

I watched the game.

I didn't say JMU didn't play awesome at the end of the game, but any team that can't stop a drive under 3 mins left in the game and then can't stop the 2 point conversion and then allow a punt return for TD with 15 seconds left Blew the game. Just my opinion.

October 13th, 2008, 05:07 PM
Definative Answer: Bryant is a NON-COUNTER THIS YEAR. Bryant, along with UND & USD count as a D-II if a D-I school, and as a D-I if a D-II school. Purgatory year. NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY these schools (especially at their home). Next year, these schools WILL COUNT AS A D-I game, they just aren't eligible for play-offs themselves.

Hey thanks for the info. Where is that rule posted, on the NCAA website? I'd be curious to read the whole thing. xthumbsupx