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September 14th, 2008, 02:36 PM
O.K. UMass fans, is the doctor in? Here are my thoughts: Earlier in the year in my season prediction thread, I felt that UMass was going to be 8-4on the season. The JMU game eerily reminded me of watching the New Hampshire-Delaware game last year. New Hamsphire played awesome and had Delaware on thier heels and Delaware could do nothing right, much like UMass yesterday. Delaware clawed back when it looked hopeless but did not give up and almost pulled it off on pure talent-much like UMass yesterday.

JMU is a good team and Landers is a big Armenti Edwards clone. While our defense looked like they had only 10 men on the field most of the game, it is apparent our vaunted defense is vulnerable. Linebacker play was spotty at best. It has been tough filling Hatchell and Walker shoes this year. I also think that opposing teams are starting to get a handle of Browns defense after 4-5 years in the league. If we can't stop the run, the db's will be sitting ducks all year long. I don't care if there all pro-prospects in the db unit, you'll get sucked up on the run if we can't stop it.

We have Texas Tech next week, which I really don't care about. Just no injuries, a bye week then Delaware. I think we have some talent and the kids did not quit yesterday, which are great signs, but we are going to be a wild card team all year to see what game and what half we show up to play?. If we clean things up and our d gets better, I see us at 8-4 still. If our defense and special teams doesn't improve, it is going to be a long year.

Albany beat Hofstra, McCarty ran for 178 yards. Holy Cross I believe is going to win the Patriot. We have played 3 excellent teams, but we have Delaware, Richmond, New Hampshire looming. URI, Northeastern & Maine aren't gimme games either. Let's go UMass.

Any thoughts?

September 14th, 2008, 03:18 PM
Yes, keep the faith. The offense is rolling. The defense can only improve (it can't get worse).

The offense was all over JMU. If we can stop having bad first quarters, we'll be alright.

Still lots to accomplish this year.

September 14th, 2008, 04:17 PM
Yes, keep the faith. The offense is rolling. The defense can only improve (it can't get worse).

The offense was all over JMU. If we can stop having bad first quarters, we'll be alright.

Still lots to accomplish this year.

I agree. The faith is still strong, would be if we were 3-8.

We still can't spot teams 2 touchdowns earlythough. I think this UMass team is a work in progress and will better each week. Delaware, Northeastern and Richmond will be a crucial 3 games stretch. I'm not sure we get into the playoffs at 8-4 with losses to JMU, Delaware, Richmond and TTech. Bryant will not count as a DI game. We can only afford one loss to either Richmond or Delaware or UNH. Those games will be battles and I hope our defense gets better. I'm not taking URI, Northeastern and Maine for granted this year either. The CAA is going to be nuts this year!!

Maybe we peak against Texas Tech and sneak a win? positive wishful thinking...

Col Hogan
September 14th, 2008, 05:03 PM
Our offense is in good shape...they have proven they can move the ball and score...No worries from me there...

Defense...special teams...now, there's some worries...

I sat there at JMU yesterday and watched a confused defense...not just on the field during plays...but during dead-ball situations where they were changing packages...they got caught once with too many on the field and came close two other times...

And, please, someone teach special teams how to tackle...TWO special teams tackles went to the punter (Arnold) and the place kicker (Cuko)...the results of long returns...

I'm guessing most conference games will be shoot-outs that we can win...JMU is better than most CAA teams and we could not overcome the defense/special teams play with our offense...

If we want to make the playoffs...defense and special teams need to improve greatly...

September 14th, 2008, 05:35 PM
I was at the game as well, but I was not suprised by anything at all. I completely expected the defense to play like they did and for Landers to run all over us. Then when I woke up and it was 90 degrees and humid I knew it was going to be even worse than I thought. I think the problem with defense is a combination of losing their leader (Hatchell) and being a little out of shape and unprepared. Rumor has it (from someone who watched summer practices) that defensive practices this summer might have been a little too easy and the guys might have been a little too cocky. The thing is, I do not see this defense getting any better this year. I know that some of you will completely disagree with that, but I think the defense has already got it into their heads that they stink and are ready to just give up. Saturday was very demoralizing for these guys and I do not see them re-bounding from it, given the fact that this coming week is just going to be even worse. I think every game is going to be like Holy Cross and JMU, where the offense will have to win the game.

I really hope I am wrong.

September 15th, 2008, 08:20 AM
It's not just graduation of Hatchell and Walker, the cracks in the defense were showing up last year as well. Don't forget, we could not stop Fordham or Southern Iilinois in the playoffs either. And we have had problems with mobile quarterbacks forever. Last year, Villanova played a freshman back-up who ran around and gave the defense fits. Not sure if its bad recruiting, the scheme we play or purely player execution. The good news is that with the way our offense is playing, we could win a lot of games with a defense that is only mediocre, giving up say 24-27 PPG instead of 37. I think we will match up well with Delaware and UNH, whose defense is just as suspect. Richmond will be another story.

September 15th, 2008, 09:27 AM
It is going to be a long and frustrating season.