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View Full Version : Student Tailgating

The Cats
August 27th, 2008, 11:21 AM
WCU's administration just published new tailgating changes for students of drinking age for the upcoming football season. This will probably further erode student attendance, just a renewed crackdown on underage drinking. This follows closely with a renewed crack down on drinking in the "Greek village".

The most significant change in tailgating focuses on a permit process for those students who are of legal drinking age and want to host tailgating activities that include consumption of alcoholic beverages. Students hosting tailgating activities involving alcohol must register and purchase a permit for each home game.

A full-season tailgating permit costs $120 for the six home games, or students can purchase a one-game permit for $25. All proceeds from the sale of permits will be used to offset the expenses associated with safety and security services.

“We believe the new tailgating policy provides a framework and process that helps us make progress on three priorities,” said Sam Miller, WCU vice chancellor for student affairs. “It builds a positive foundation for the growth of tailgating in the future; it reminds our students of their responsibilities during tailgating activities; and most importantly, it enhances the safety of tailgating for our students.”


August 27th, 2008, 11:25 AM
So is that for anyspot in the parking lot or just for the main tailgate area?

Bull Fan
August 27th, 2008, 11:28 AM
You need to challenge this. What are the parameters of a single permit? The collective tailgaters should apply for one single permit, as a nice F-U to the administration ;) Just be sure to park your cars and be close to each other in the lots.

The Cats
August 27th, 2008, 11:30 AM
So is that for anyspot in the parking lot or just for the main tailgate area?

If I'm reading the policy correctly.... The permit part, just applies to students and/or faculty wanting to tailgate (i.e. drink) in the "student designated" tailgating area (Alcohol Permissible Student Area: the Field House Lot with tailgating permits). The "field house lot" is where students have traditionally tailgated.

August 27th, 2008, 11:33 AM
In my opinion, WCU students had this coming. My worst tailgating experiences have been at Western. The parking lot is like one giant trash can by the end of the game, not to mention the problems with theft and vandalism. I'd never want to tailgate there again anyway.

August 27th, 2008, 11:36 AM
WCU's administration just published new tailgating changes for students of drinking age for the upcoming football season. This will probably further erode student attendance, just a renewed crackdown on underage drinking. This follows closely with a renewed crack down on drinking in the "Greek village".

The most significant change in tailgating focuses on a permit process for those students who are of legal drinking age and want to host tailgating activities that include consumption of alcoholic beverages. Students hosting tailgating activities involving alcohol must register and purchase a permit for each home game.

A full-season tailgating permit costs $120 for the six home games, or students can purchase a one-game permit for $25. All proceeds from the sale of permits will be used to offset the expenses associated with safety and security services.

“We believe the new tailgating policy provides a framework and process that helps us make progress on three priorities,” said Sam Miller, WCU vice chancellor for student affairs. “It builds a positive foundation for the growth of tailgating in the future; it reminds our students of their responsibilities during tailgating activities; and most importantly, it enhances the safety of tailgating for our students.”


No joking....this is BS....just another way for the fokking Admin to squeeze some bucks out of parents.....what a fokking joke.....for once, The Cats, we can set aside our differences and agree upon a common enemy.....and the kicker is used........"safety enhancement" my a$$......

August 27th, 2008, 11:39 AM
Wow what a stupid polocy... students will NOT pay 120 dollars to do something like this when they can do it elsewhere... it may knock off attendence a hair but your tailgating experience will not be the same... you get positive press with your coach and helmet thing but then this comes along... same old same old down there at wcu

August 27th, 2008, 11:45 AM
This is a horrible policy..

I thought it was bad at App. In order for students to tailgate at app, they just win a lottery and there are less than 300 spots for the entire student population and no "public" tailgating..

At least we do not have to pay to tailgate!

The Cats
August 27th, 2008, 11:48 AM
.......The parking lot is like one giant trash can by the end of the game......

That part of your post I agree with. Rather than put this policy in place, I'd have preferred to see the "student designated" tailgating area moved from the stadium lot, to an area not directly beside the stadium entrance. I have long felt this area is a giant distraction from the game day experience for most alumni and fans attending. While I desire MORE student participation, the area designated for them is a little TOO VISIBLE, and does become one large trash area by the end of the game. The new policy will do nothing to address this problem.

August 27th, 2008, 12:01 PM
This is a horrible policy..

I thought it was bad at App. In order for students to tailgate at app, they just win a lottery and there are less than 300 spots for the entire student population and no "public" tailgating..

At least we do not have to pay to tailgate!

300 spots? wow that seems pretty generous.. I think UM only gives spots to a couple greek houses and maybe a club or two if they could afford it. As a UM student, the key is having friends who have houses near the stadium then cruise through the tailgates, steal a few beers from my parents tailgate, then let the Wa-Griz fun begin..

August 27th, 2008, 12:07 PM
300 spots? wow that seems pretty generous.. I think UM only gives spots to a couple greek houses and maybe a club or two if they could afford it. As a UM student, the key is having friends who have houses near the stadium then cruise through the tailgates, steal a few beers from my parents tailgate, then let the Wa-Griz fun begin..

Didn't your parents teach you anything???? Stealing is not right! Never steal. Just drink a few with them, then go into the game.

August 27th, 2008, 12:37 PM
We went from having virtually unlimited for students and public to almost none for students, and absolutely none for the public. I have no idea where public is supposed to park when they come up for games -- every lot is taken by yosef club..

But lets not hi-jack the cats thread...

Touchdown Yosef
August 27th, 2008, 12:56 PM
We went from having virtually unlimited for students and public to almost none for students, and absolutely none for the public. I have no idea where public is supposed to park when they come up for games -- every lot is taken by yosef club..

But lets not hi-jack the cats thread...

It is going to be fun to see. I think we will see people paying for parking at every private lot within walking distance of the stadium. I think you will see every apartment parking lot filled as well as parking lots on Apple Cart routes. It may make for some difficult parking situations but it is also going to make for some great atmosphere. Last year I parked in the lot by the emporium for most of the year and the nice thing about it was that there are no restrictions as to when you can start tailgating or what you can drink or drink out of.

As far as the Cat's situation I think they may need to do exactly what our students are forced to do now, improvise. I haven't been to their stadium for a few years but if their new coach does well and attendance increases over the next few seasons the first people to lose their tailgating spots will be the students anyway. If I were a student I would look to make an agreement with a local business near by to use their lot on game day. I also like the other idea to buy one tailgate pass and have hundreds of people use that same pass. That policy sucks, good luck getting around it or getting it revised or repealed.

Just another question, what are they going to do for visitors? Will they charge them $25 for a one time tailgating permit? If not can you just tailgate in the visitor section?

August 27th, 2008, 12:59 PM
As far as the Cat's situation I think they may need to do exactly what our students are forced to do now, improvise. I haven't been to their stadium for a few years but if their new coach does well and attendance increases over the next few seasons the first people to lose their tailgating spots will be the students anyway. If I were a student I would look to make an agreement with a local business near by to use their lot on game day. I also like the other idea to buy one tailgate pass and have hundreds of people use that same pass. That policy sucks, good luck getting around it or getting it revised or repealed.

Never happen....liability.....all it will take is one underage drunk to trip in the parking lot or two underage dudes get into a fight and that business is out of business.....

August 27th, 2008, 01:02 PM
300 spots? wow that seems pretty generous.. I think UM only gives spots to a couple greek houses and maybe a club or two if they could afford it. As a UM student, the key is having friends who have houses near the stadium then cruise through the tailgates, steal a few beers from my parents tailgate, then let the Wa-Griz fun begin..

yea, it is pretty generous....ive won a spot everytime ive entered the lotteryxcoffeex

August 27th, 2008, 01:03 PM
Is alcohol allowed on campus at WCU? If so then why not "tailgate" in other places besides the parking lot? I think it's neat to go to capmuses where you see parties and "tailgates" going on all over the place. I'm not sure how the policy is going to curb underage drinking other than having a name of someone to hold accountable. And for that reason, I don't think a business would want to enter into any official agreement with a group of tailgaters that would be consuming alcohol, with all the legal implications. It's definitely a complex situation.

Touchdown Yosef
August 27th, 2008, 01:03 PM
Never happen....liability.....all it will take is one underage drunk to trip in the parking lot or two underage dudes get into a fight and that business is out of business.....

Yea I would tend to agree but how does Hardees and all the other private parking lots in Boone and around other well attended stadiums get around it?

August 27th, 2008, 01:24 PM
yea, it is pretty generous....ive won a spot everytime ive entered the lotteryxcoffeex

Then you have had good luck. I have entered every week and have NEVER won!

August 27th, 2008, 01:32 PM
Yea I would tend to agree but how does Hardees and all the other private parking lots in Boone and around other well attended stadiums get around it?

Probably no "official" agreement with those that tailgate there. There could still be some issues there though, if anything happens.

August 27th, 2008, 05:58 PM
[QUOTE=ashram;1074779]not to mention the problems with theft and vandalism. [/QUOTE

Interesting. The only time I've ever had anything stolen at a game was on the Furman campus. Some low life lifted one of my "W" magnetic sticker from my car.

The Cats
August 27th, 2008, 11:53 PM
Just another question, what are they going to do for visitors? Will they charge them $25 for a one time tailgating permit? If not can you just tailgate in the visitor section?

If I read the policy correctly, the only place a tailgating permit is needed is in the "student designated" tailgating parking lot. Visitors will not be required to purchase a tailgating permit (unless they want to tailgate in the student area, which would be highly unlikely). Most visiting team fans use the baseball parking lot for tailgaiting.

August 28th, 2008, 07:10 AM
Is the alcohol allowed student tailgate lot close to the stadium? Not sure I agree with the policy but that's still pretty cheap for prime parking.

August 28th, 2008, 07:14 AM
yea, it is pretty generous....ive won a spot everytime ive entered the lotteryxcoffeex

I was one for 6 last year in the regular season...

catamount man
August 28th, 2008, 07:22 AM
I am parking in the Field House Lot this year so I pray none of our unruly students mess with the Catamount Camry. I would hate to have to kill one of my own. HA!!!

xthumbsupx xthumbsupx xthumbsupx

August 28th, 2008, 07:37 AM
how far away do you live if you are headed to game this morning...

The Cats
August 28th, 2008, 08:09 AM
Is the alcohol allowed student tailgate lot close to the stadium? Not sure I agree with the policy but that's still pretty cheap for prime parking.

Its right beside the stadium...... prime parking, I'm amazed the Catamount Club has not allready taken over the lot.