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May 30th, 2008, 04:18 PM
As it turned out, it looks a few did jump to judgement. Indeed the judge seen the recent incident siding with JD. Will anyone here or EGRIZ apologize for convicting him in advance?

May 30, 2008

May 30, 2008, University of Montana Offensive Lineman James David (J.D.) Quinn appeared in Municipal Court in Missoula, Montana. He appeared on charges related from two separate incidents that occurred in Missoula, Montana in the past year.

Today in Court, Mr. Quinn appeared on the first charge that was issued to him on July 22, 2007. On July 22, 2007, Mr. Quinn was arrested on suspicion of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI). Today in Court, the City of Missoula, through the Missoula City Deputy Attorney, Andrew Scott, amended the DUI charge to a DUI Per Se charge. After the charge was amended, Mr. Quinn entered a guilty plea to that charge admitting that he was operating a motor vehicle while his blood alcohol level exceeded the legal limit of of .08 under Montana law. The Court sentenced Mr. Quinn to 10 days in jail and then suspended all of the jail time. He was fined and ordered to complete an alcohol program. He was further ordered to complete community service by speaking to the students of each Missoula County Public High School about the dangers of drinking and driving. This was Mr. Quinn’s first lifetime DUI conviction.

Also today in Court, Mr. Quinn appeared on a second set of charges that were issued to him on May 22, 2008. On May 22, 2008, Mr. Quinn was arrested on suspicion of DUI, Improper Lane Change and Failure to have Mud Flaps equipped on his vehicle. On Friday May 30, 2008, Missoula City Deputy Attorney, Andrew Scott dismissed the DUI charge. Mr. Quinn then entered No Contest pleas to the charge of Improper Lane Change and the Mud Flap violation. He was fined by the Court on these charges.

While this was a difficult day for J.D. Quinn, he is committed to focusing his efforts on making positive changes in his life. He accepts responsibility for his actions and will abide by the conditions of the Court’s sentence. He is hopeful that he is given the opportunity to prove himself and commits himself to abiding by the rules as any other citizen of this community would. He does not condone drinking alcohol and driving, and he looks forward to sharing his experiences with the high school students of this community. He is hopeful that his efforts will help educate the teenagers of Missoula and help prevent further incidents of drinking and driving in this community.

J.D. Quinn will focus his efforts on abstaining from using alcohol, alcohol counseling and preparing for the upcoming school year and football season. He apologizes to the University of Montana, President George Dennison, Athletic Director Jim O’Day, Coach Bobby Hauck and his coaches, his teammates, family, friends, and the community for any embarrassment that these incidents have caused. He recognizes that it is a privilege to be a scholarship athlete at the University of Montana and he is committed to living up to the standards that are expected of him.

Paul T. Ryan

May 30th, 2008, 04:34 PM
Well that is over with. Thank god

May 30th, 2008, 04:57 PM
He needs to be drawn and quartered. xnonox xrolleyesx

May 30th, 2008, 05:01 PM
He needs to be drawn and quartered. xnonox xrolleyesx

no doubt!
I hate people who drive without mud flaps.

May 30th, 2008, 05:35 PM
Will anyone here or EGRIZ apologize for convicting him in advance

I will apologize for assuming he was guilty for a FOURTH DUI

But he still is guilty for THREE DUIs in his life.

ursus arctos horribilis
May 30th, 2008, 05:44 PM
I will apologize for assuming he was guilty for a FOURTH DUI

But he still is guilty for THREE DUIs in his life.

Listen man we get it, you're not a fan. We are just happy that he wasn't guilty of a fourth. We all hope that he is gonna take this and make himself a better person from it. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't, but we hope he will see the light from now on. I thought the article said he plead "no contest" to his first but I may be reading things wrong.

May 30th, 2008, 06:07 PM
Also charged with "Failure to have Mud Flaps equipped on his vehicle"? Is slinging mud from vehicles a problem in Montanna?

ursus arctos horribilis
May 30th, 2008, 06:11 PM
Also charged with "Failure to have Mud Flaps equipped on his vehicle"? Is slinging mud from vehicles a problem in Montanna?

Yes. It's more about the rocks damaging other peoples cars and so forth. I got a ticket for that about 10 yrs ago. I think it only applies to trucks that sit more than 12" off the ground. What it really is is just a reason to pull someone over late at night. I can't tell you how many times during the day I was followed by a cop and never had a problem for years and then all of the sudden one night at 2AM I get pulled over for it. Not drinking though so it did him no good.

May 30th, 2008, 06:20 PM
Yes. It's more about the rocks damaging other peoples cars and so forth. I got a ticket for that about 10 yrs ago. I think it only applies to trucks that sit more than 12" off the ground. What it really is is just a reason to pull someone over late at night. I can't tell you how many times during the day I was followed by a cop and never had a problem for years and then all of the sudden one night at 2AM I get pulled over for it. Not drinking though so it did him no good.

On the East Coast, we have the "seatbelt law" and "no talking on the cell phone laws" for the cops to have a reason to pull people over for a BS reason.

ursus arctos horribilis
May 30th, 2008, 06:25 PM
Seatbelt we have, cell phone not yet but I'm sure that is coming.

May 30th, 2008, 06:35 PM
As it turned out, it looks a few did jump to judgement. Indeed the judge seen the recent incident siding with JD. Will anyone here or EGRIZ apologize for convicting him in advance?

May 30, 2008

May 30, 2008, University of Montana Offensive Lineman James David (J.D.) Quinn appeared in Municipal Court in Missoula, Montana. He appeared on charges related from two separate incidents that occurred in Missoula, Montana in the past year.

Today in Court, Mr. Quinn appeared on the first charge that was issued to him on July 22, 2007. On July 22, 2007, Mr. Quinn was arrested on suspicion of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI). Today in Court, the City of Missoula, through the Missoula City Deputy Attorney, Andrew Scott, amended the DUI charge to a DUI Per Se charge. After the charge was amended, Mr. Quinn entered a guilty plea to that charge admitting that he was operating a motor vehicle while his blood alcohol level exceeded the legal limit of of .08 under Montana law. The Court sentenced Mr. Quinn to 10 days in jail and then suspended all of the jail time. He was fined and ordered to complete an alcohol program. He was further ordered to complete community service by speaking to the students of each Missoula County Public High School about the dangers of drinking and driving. This was Mr. Quinn’s first lifetime DUI conviction.

Also today in Court, Mr. Quinn appeared on a second set of charges that were issued to him on May 22, 2008. On May 22, 2008, Mr. Quinn was arrested on suspicion of DUI, Improper Lane Change and Failure to have Mud Flaps equipped on his vehicle. On Friday May 30, 2008, Missoula City Deputy Attorney, Andrew Scott dismissed the DUI charge. Mr. Quinn then entered No Contest pleas to the charge of Improper Lane Change and the Mud Flap violation. He was fined by the Court on these charges.

While this was a difficult day for J.D. Quinn, he is committed to focusing his efforts on making positive changes in his life. He accepts responsibility for his actions and will abide by the conditions of the Court’s sentence. He is hopeful that he is given the opportunity to prove himself and commits himself to abiding by the rules as any other citizen of this community would. He does not condone drinking alcohol and driving, and he looks forward to sharing his experiences with the high school students of this community. He is hopeful that his efforts will help educate the teenagers of Missoula and help prevent further incidents of drinking and driving in this community.

J.D. Quinn will focus his efforts on abstaining from using alcohol, alcohol counseling and preparing for the upcoming school year and football season. He apologizes to the University of Montana, President George Dennison, Athletic Director Jim O’Day, Coach Bobby Hauck and his coaches, his teammates, family, friends, and the community for any embarrassment that these incidents have caused. He recognizes that it is a privilege to be a scholarship athlete at the University of Montana and he is committed to living up to the standards that are expected of him.

Paul T. Ryan
So exactly how were those who were "convicting" him in advance wrong?

May 30th, 2008, 06:37 PM
Seatbelt we have, cell phone not yet but I'm sure that is coming.

The seat belt law I opposed (though I always wear them) because it was federal blackmail- either pass a law or we'll take your highway funds away, but it is a secondary offense, you can't be pulled over simply for not wearing a seatbelt. A cell phone bill I would readily support, with the exception for highway and interstate driving. Most traffic incidents in Bozeman are due to some idiot gabbing on the cell and the majority of accidents are someone not paying attention and assholing the vehicle in front of them.

May 30th, 2008, 06:38 PM
So he pled guilty to the 2007 DUI, and was able to avoid jail, probably because he is a griz Football player, and pled out of the 2008 DUI, probably for lack of proper procedure. I would hope he understands the breaks he has been given, and lets someone else drive the next time he drinks even one beer.

May 30th, 2008, 06:41 PM
And agree with Travis - nothing to apologize for. There were those jocksniffers on eGriz that insisted Quinn didn't drink and drive in 2007 - will they be apologizing?

ursus arctos horribilis
May 30th, 2008, 07:01 PM
So he pled guilty to the 2007 DUI, and was able to avoid jail, probably because he is a griz Football player, and pled out of the 2008 DUI, probably for lack of proper procedure. I would hope he understands the breaks he has been given, and lets someone else drive the next time he drinks even one beer.

dback, that's not true at all. I have a few friends that have been pulled over for DUI and none of them did jail time. They got the exact same treatment JD did. Anyone should appreciate those breaks and appreciate the severity of the position that they have put themselves in and I hope got the message. They should have had tape of him and if he had been drunk then I don't believe this would have went away.

May 30th, 2008, 07:04 PM
dback, that's not true at all. I have a few friends that have been pulled over for DUI and none of them did jail time. They got the exact same treatment JD did. Anyone should appreciate those breaks and appreciate the severity of the position that they have put themselves in and I hope got the message. They should have had tape of him and if he had been drunk then I don't believe this would have went away.

Oh come on - let me rip on a Griz player without facts rearing their ugly head. :D

ursus arctos horribilis
May 30th, 2008, 07:06 PM
And agree with Travis - nothing to apologize for. There were those jocksniffers on eGriz that insisted Quinn didn't drink and drive in 2007 - will they be apologizing?

Decent people apologize for taking pot shots, or speculating on things that may turn out to be false. If they didn't then they are not decent and there seems to be quite a few of those types on egriz. I'm here because the quality seems higher in the fans on this site except for a few of the assholes.

ursus arctos horribilis
May 30th, 2008, 07:07 PM
Oh come on - let me rip on a Griz player without facts rearing their ugly head. :D

If you would have pm'd me I would have kept my pie hole shut. Communication dback, communication.

May 30th, 2008, 07:32 PM
Failure to have Mud Flaps equipped on his vehicle.

Good thing he had a gun rack in the rear window or he could have been deported from the state!

May 30th, 2008, 10:27 PM
He learned rule #1, always hire a damn good attorney.xnodx

May 30th, 2008, 10:50 PM
Good thing he had a gun rack in the rear window or he could have been deported from the state!

State Law!xsmiley_wix

May 31st, 2008, 01:40 AM
It's bull**** that Quinn keeps our program in the news with his moronic and inept BS. He doesn't deserve another chance they should all be used up, but hey he's a star player and Bobbie Hauck lets him play with a different set of rules.

What will all the excuses be next time?

"5 run in's with the law doesn't matter since 5 is an odd number"
"He deserves another chance because the first 5 didn't count"
"It's just a DUI, it's not like he murdered anyone for peeing on his aunt"
"Would you rather have him robbing houses, not me if all he's doing is setting in a pub tossing down pounder PBR's it's all good"

May 31st, 2008, 02:17 AM
Patssle, read the press release. The plea to the '07 DUI was his FIRST DUI.

Jail time is avoided by pleading to DUI per see. It's slightly less than pleading to a DUI. Almost no one fights a DUI with an attorney for a year, and then pleads to a full DUI (unless they are given up the fight).

Quinn did not get out of the recent DUI due to any technicality, nor did he plead to anything alcohol-related with respect to it. The charge was dropped because the prosecutors had virtually no evidence to support the DUI charge. He was charged only because he refused a breath test and didn't do a field sobriety test, instead asking for a blood test. However, the hospital refused to do the blood test, and the officer was almost forced to bring the charge.

Quinn was apparently the designated driver on the evening in question, and had had little to drink. I assume he asked for a blood test because that's what DUI experts advise in his situation, given the unreliabity of breath tests.

I suppose some of you can or will rip on him anyway, but why don't you try to avoid making up your facts.

Syntax Error
May 31st, 2008, 02:32 AM
[QUOTE=mtgrizfan4life;964528]"On July 22, 2007, Mr. Quinn was arrested on suspicion of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI). Today in Court, the City of Missoula, through the Missoula City Deputy Attorney, Andrew Scott, amended the DUI charge to a DUI Per Se charge. After the charge was amended, Mr. Quinn entered a guilty plea to that charge admitting that he was operating a motor vehicle while his blood alcohol level exceeded the legal limit of of .08 under Montana law. The Court sentenced Mr. Quinn to 10 days in jail and then suspended all of the jail time. He was fined and ordered to complete an alcohol program. He was further ordered to complete community service by speaking to the students of each Missoula County Public High School about the dangers of drinking and driving. This was Mr. Quinn’s first lifetime DUI conviction."

And actually it was a "DUI Per Se" conviction (guilty solely on the basis of blood alcohol content, not materially impaired by alcohol use). I hope he keeps his blood clean from now on. xpeacex

May 31st, 2008, 07:40 AM
The seat belt law I opposed (though I always wear them) because it was federal blackmail- either pass a law or we'll take your highway funds away, but it is a secondary offense, you can't be pulled over simply for not wearing a seatbelt. A cell phone bill I would readily support, with the exception for highway and interstate driving. Most traffic incidents in Bozeman are due to some idiot gabbing on the cell and the majority of accidents are someone not paying attention and assholing the vehicle in front of them.

I know that I was glad to have seatbelts travelling down 191 from Bozeman to West Yellowstone for snow mobiling in a driving snow storm at 1-2 am. There are quite a few of those white crosses on the side of that road.