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December 21st, 2007, 01:13 PM
It is finally hitting me that this thing is over. Just a few thoughts from gameday that I figured I'd share with those of you who are interested in the life of a mascot. This was my 4th and final year as T.C.
My favorite part of the game was walking through the tailgate crowds three hours before the game on my way into the dome. As the smell of hot dogs, burgers, and stale beer invaded my nostrils, there was nothing better than seeing a group of students playing bags with alums. Nothing will top homecoming this year when every lot was full of excitement for this team, and "Soulja Boy" could be heard in any tailgating lot that I entered.
I'm going to miss walking under the Dome-ination sign (160-42 home record or whatever it is) into the empty dome, looking up and imagining the crowd that would fill the stadium in only a couple of short hours. Saying hi to the various players that are in half-gear, walking on the turf that gives just enough under your feet, and getting all jacked up to be the face of a UNIversity will be fond memories. Getting to drive around to all the different tailgates once I was in suit was one of the funnest things about being a mascot, because everybody knows who I am, and everybody is friendly. I can't count on my hands and feet the number of times that an alum or student has offered me a burger, beer, or treat. I'll miss playing a game of catch with a young Panther fan, or telling the student who's had a few too many to go long and then setting the ball down.
Entering the dome after tailgating to a stadium that's about half full, looking up and seeing the student section already 2/3 full an hour before kick off, knowing that they would be instrumental to our team's success, made me tingle.
Following the National Anthem, the band lines up in a Human Tunnel, and those words from P.A. announcer Bob Justis's mouth make my hair stand on end. "Weather conditions at kick-off: Outside- 21 degrees. Winds out of the Southeast at 13 MPH, feels like 9 degrees. Inside, 72 degrees, no wind, WELCOME TO THE DOME!" *Cue Hell's Bells "Ladies and Gentlemen, a ferocious predator has been seen stalking the nation carrying a first in the nation rating and the Gateway Conference Championship, we caution you to watch for the Cat. Here come the Panthers!" I can't put into words the feeling of leading the football team onto Sheriff Field while the fans go crazy. Trying to put every ounce of my heart into one 50 yard run, I felt as though the faster I ran, the more energy I could get into the crowd. It's an adrenaline rush that I would compare to my bungee jump in Mexico. The feeling that we are all one, one body united, with the same burning desire for another Panther home victory, yearning to live to see one more game this season is something that I consider to be very special.
I'll miss getting on my perch in front of the band shaking my keys, stealing their cowbell, and having fun with them in general. I'll miss the kids after the games who want their picture with me, or an autograph. The relief of peeling off a sweaty stinky suit and being glad that the game is over is something I'll look back on and wish I could do one more time for the rest of my life.
Getting to be the face of my school has been something that I wouldn't trade for the world, and even though it takes up more time than you can imagine, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I never once tailgated as a student, stood in the student section as just a fan, or got to enjoy the game from the vantage point of a typical student, but that doesn't bother me one bit. This is a thank-you to all of the fans who made my job so much fun. I wish I could've celebrated a berth into the national championship with my fans on our home field, but that's something that hopefully somebody who steps into my shoes will get to do soon. Very soon.
Just a few memories that I wanted to share with you all, and hopefully you weren't too disappointed with them!

December 21st, 2007, 02:50 PM
"Awww TC, Awww TC!!"

You did a great job, buddy! You helped make it a great season. Kick some ass at nationals!

Plus, you crowd surfing from the first row to the very last row in the Dome was the only good thing to come from the Delaware game! xlolx

Watching you body slam Herky and duel Cy was pretty sweet, too! xnodx

December 21st, 2007, 03:53 PM
I think most of us would gladly trade in all our tailgating and even our memories of the students section to walk in your (goofy, enormous, pajama-like) shoes even for one game. What wonderful, unique memories you must have. Some of those parking-lot pre-game tailgate parties were probably actually getting a little tedious and boring -- until you showed up and made everyone cheer and hoot and holler. Never forget the each child who petted your fur and got their picture taken with you got one of the biggest thrills of their young lives -- because of you. And, geez, even the college kids felt a little special when they contributed their half-second of heavy lifting to carry you around the student-second mosh pit. Congratulations on your years as a mascot. Obviously you were very consciencious and took pride in your role. You are a credit to your institution and you were a big part of the tradition that makes it all special. You'll carry that with you for the rest of your life! Wow, the Schmofstras are very envious. Again, congratulations.

Mountain Panther
December 21st, 2007, 05:31 PM
TC, maybe you and I should switch avatars.

December 21st, 2007, 07:28 PM
Good Job and Good Luck in all future endeavors!

December 21st, 2007, 08:01 PM
Great memories! Best wishes for the future.

edit: And have a Merry Christmas!

December 22nd, 2007, 11:31 AM
My memories of college are indeed quite unique. I hoped that some of you would enjoy them, as I was getting a bit nostalgic yesterday while looking at some old photos of me (out of suit) with the cheerleaders before games, with friends near the student section, etc. It was a crazy ride, but something I'll cherish for a long time. I'm moving to Texas in July, and have been debating pursuing a job as a professional mascot while I get my masters. If I'm lucky enough to land one of the 4 major pro sports (Fball, Hockey, Baseball or Basketball), the low end payscale of all of those is around 60k a year. UNI will always be my favorite place to step into that stinky coat of fur though.

December 22nd, 2007, 11:45 AM
Fantastic! Keep livin' the dream! And don't these pro teams hire more than one guy to wear mascot suits so they can rent them out to multiple events at the same time? Must be a super cool gig.

Now, what we all REALLY want to know is, in your four years donning the fur, how many chicks accosted you and how many phone numbers did you get?

December 23rd, 2007, 10:28 PM
You can do it and become a professional! just look at our own Monte from a few years ago, he is now Benny the Bull!

December 23rd, 2007, 10:34 PM
i had the opportunity to become Will D. Cat (Villanova's mascot) but i refused because i'm annoyed when the mascot is under 6 foot 3.. it would be pretty cool though