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View Full Version : Covid-19 exposing what the SWAC has known all along. "It's about da Money" stupid-19

August 19th, 2020, 11:43 PM
For all the years of ridicule and questioning even as recent as last month. About what is it the SWAC is actually playing for because they don't participate in the payoff games (Forget that there were other FCS schools that also chose not to participate). All across the country you see those same critics schools in FCS circles. Scrambling desparately to trick themselves out to the highest bidder. Is there a possibility for a trophy? NO! Are they playing for pride? Not possible since all conferences have suspended fall sports until further notice like the SWAC. Finally coming to the same conclusion. That playing in the middle of a pandemic isn't the smartest or most feasible thing to do. So what are they chasing? "Da Money Stupid"

August 20th, 2020, 06:15 AM
Some good points.

Expressed poorly, but good points. Hope the value isn't lost in the confusion of trying to make out what the post means.

August 20th, 2020, 12:43 PM
The cost of testing and other expenses will eat up much of what can be gained even from a "money" game. Most FCS schools will not see even close to a positive revenue return for this season(any season?). It definitely is not all about the money. My school opted out of even trying to play, and the limited fall season might even have to be canceled. Still I am pulling for those schools who are at least trying. Hopefully most of these are attempting to give their student athletes the opportunity that they so desperately want.

August 20th, 2020, 01:59 PM
I suspect quite a few won't be testing students properly and withholding positives test results.

Gil Dobie
August 22nd, 2020, 08:41 AM
Listened to a radio interview with a Mayo Clinic Dr, that was in a meeting with Athletic Directors. The greoup only knew of 5 athletes that had been hospitalized due to Covid.