View Full Version : Dixie St going FCS ... very impressive football scheduling

Redbird 4th & short
February 12th, 2020, 07:45 PM
Dixie St is in St George, UT, has 11,200 students .. affiliated with Church of Latter Day Saints. They went 8-3 in D-II last year, though Massey wasn't too impressed and ranked them #50. They play in the Rocky Mountain conference whose best football teams are CSU Pueblo and Colorado Mines.

They will go D-I in all sports this summer and participate in WAC, which apparently does not do football .. so football will be independent for now. What is most impressive is their scheduling ... reportedly, they have somehow gotten home & home deals with my ISUr, SDSU, USD, Weber St, Mont St, Sac St ... so they got 5 top 10 level playoff teams, including 4 of the final 8 teams from this years playoffs to do a home & home over then next 3-4 years. Reportedly ISUr got 2 home games to their 1 home game, but I haven't confirmed yet. They also got their "big brother", BYU, to give them an FBS buy game in 2022.

With 4 pages of threads on New Haven, I thought Dixie St deserved some attention. i am curious to know how they were able to convince 6 quality FCS programs, all from the 2 top conferences, to schedule all these h&h games. I'm guessing there had to be some incentive they offered to secure these in advance.

February 12th, 2020, 07:55 PM
Dixie St is in St George, UT, has 11,200 students .. affiliated with Church of Latter Day Saints. They went 8-3 in D-II last year, though Massey wasn't too impressed and ranked them #50. They play in the Rocky Mountain conference whose best football teams are CSU Pueblo and Colorado Mines.

They will go D-I in all sports this summer and participate in WAC, which apparently does not do football .. so football will be independent for now. What is most impressive is their scheduling ... reportedly, they have somehow gotten home & home deals with my ISUr, SDSU, USD, Weber St, Mont St, Sac St ... so they got 5 top 10 level playoff teams, including 4 of the final 8 teams from this years playoffs to do a home & home over then next 3-4 years. Reportedly ISUr got 2 home games to their 1 home game, but I haven't confirmed yet. They also got their "big brother", BYU, to give them an FBS buy game in 2022.

With 4 pages of threads on New Haven, I thought Dixie St deserved some attention. i am curious to know how they were able to convince 6 quality FCS programs, all from the 2 top conferences, to schedule all these h&h games. I'm guessing there had to be some incentive they offered to secure these in advance.
​Free Arby's for the visiting team when they go to St George.

February 12th, 2020, 08:02 PM
Dixie St is in St George, UT, has 11,200 students .. affiliated with Church of Latter Day Saints. They went 8-3 in D-II last year, though Massey wasn't too impressed and ranked them #50. They play in the Rocky Mountain conference whose best football teams are CSU Pueblo and Colorado Mines.

They will go D-I in all sports this summer and participate in WAC, which apparently does not do football .. so football will be independent for now. What is most impressive is their scheduling ... reportedly, they have somehow gotten home & home deals with my ISUr, SDSU, USD, Weber St, Mont St, Sac St ... so they got 5 top 10 level playoff teams, including 4 of the final 8 teams from this years playoffs to do a home & home over then next 3-4 years. Reportedly ISUr got 2 home games to their 1 home game, but I haven't confirmed yet. They also got their "big brother", BYU, to give them an FBS buy game in 2022.

With 4 pages of threads on New Haven, I thought Dixie St deserved some attention. i am curious to know how they were able to convince 6 quality FCS programs, all from the 2 top conferences, to schedule all these h&h games. I'm guessing there had to be some incentive they offered to secure these in advance.

I don't think they've been associated with LDS for many years....It's a state school.

February 12th, 2020, 08:04 PM
I've been there- nice city of 87,000 near Zion National Park (which is a beautiful place) and about a couple of hours from Vegas. It was founded by the LDS but is now a state run university. They were a junior college not long ago- I think they changed to a four year school around 2006. They changed their nickname from Rebels to Red Storm to Trailblazers and for some reason have a bison as a mascot.

February 12th, 2020, 09:38 PM
What's their nickname, the "Cups"? xsmiley_wix The original "Dixie cup" plant was located in Easton, Pa., about a mile from my house. Long since abandoned for a newer facility out in the 'burbs, the old huge building is quite visible from US Route 22 and was a landmark for many motorists, especially truckers, determining their exit, as a huge "Dixie cup" (functionally a water tower) sets atop the building. Very distinctive.

February 13th, 2020, 06:11 AM
Dixie St is in St George, UT, has 11,200 students .. affiliated with Church of Latter Day Saints. They went 8-3 in D-II last year, though Massey wasn't too impressed and ranked them #50. They play in the Rocky Mountain conference whose best football teams are CSU Pueblo and Colorado Mines.

They will go D-I in all sports this summer and participate in WAC, which apparently does not do football .. so football will be independent for now. What is most impressive is their scheduling ... reportedly, they have somehow gotten home & home deals with my ISUr, SDSU, USD, Weber St, Mont St, Sac St ... so they got 5 top 10 level playoff teams, including 4 of the final 8 teams from this years playoffs to do a home & home over then next 3-4 years. Reportedly ISUr got 2 home games to their 1 home game, but I haven't confirmed yet. They also got their "big brother", BYU, to give them an FBS buy game in 2022.

With 4 pages of threads on New Haven, I thought Dixie St deserved some attention. i am curious to know how they were able to convince 6 quality FCS programs, all from the 2 top conferences, to schedule all these h&h games. I'm guessing there had to be some incentive they offered to secure these in advance.

Sam Houston and Dixie State also have a home and home in 2021 and 2022.

February 13th, 2020, 06:57 AM
How is Dixie State not in...The land of Dixie????


February 13th, 2020, 07:13 AM
How is Dixie State not in...The land of Dixie????



Redbird 4th & short
February 13th, 2020, 07:53 AM
Sam Houston and Dixie State also have a home and home in 2021 and 2022.

Missed this one, thanks.

This is what interests me most .. how did they make all these h&h's happen. What leverage did they have to get these top tier programs to agree to return a game at their place, for what should be a patsy game. It's not like when all the teams that formed Great West and the Dakota's joined MVFC .. they could fill their schedules immediately with h&h games. These guys are independent for football for now.

As for ISUr, we're all wondering why we have to travel (i.e. fly) to Utah for what should be a patsy game ... especially since wwe already do a h&h with rival OOC EIU. The fact that they did this with 7 teams now (incl SHSU) just seems amazing. What did they do to get all these top 10 level programs to agree to h&h ? I wonder if they agreed to pay for everyone's travel or something like that. ISUr has not disclosed terms of the deal and I assume it might be confidential.

Does this seem unusual to anyone else ?

Redbird 4th & short
February 13th, 2020, 07:58 AM
​Free Arby's for the visiting team when they go to St George.

This might do it for a bus ride, but probably not for a flight ....


https://www.anygivensaturday.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxITEhUSEhIVFRUXFRUVGBcXFhcXFRUVFxUXFhcVFx UYHSggGBolGxcXITEhJSkrLi4vFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy4mICUvKys3LS0tLy0tLS0tNS0vLS0tLS0tLS0rLS4rLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0rLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAIgBcgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAIDBQYHAQj/xABDEAACAQIDBQUEBwUHBAMAAAABAgADEQQSIQUGMUFREyJhcZ FSgZLRFBYyQmKhsQcjU4LBM0NUctLh8BUkovE0k8L/xAAZAQEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAtEQACAQIFAwMDBQEBAAAAAAAAAQIDEQQSITFBE1GRFCKhYY HwMkJxseFSwf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A7jERAEREAREQBMftfaaYamatTNkW18qli ATa9hrYczymQlrEUVdWVhdWBUjqCLEQyY2ur7GvrvjhSKJHaWr sVp/un1IOXppx9NZTU32wi9rftf3JtUPY1LKb242/4NZzk4XFKHQE22YxdfxBqwYe4IpPlNmbubHr1qulXF9pV4E3aq b010HDKB5TBVJM9epgaMLat3aW/d3XH/PybDgt9cLVemidqDVOVC1F1Vja jEWOk2VZzXc3a9FBhaLO IqMUVUamoGEIVr5GKgkHhe5Ok6Us0hK6OHF0VSnlin9 fhHsREucoiIgCIiAJDqPqZMkDGDWCURS5lSHqJS7SkBjwkXLWI eL2LRIuqhWve vE EHYB 7U/L/eSno6rc8xpymQzSuRPgt1JLk1fHbJxCXK2cDp9r4ZiExl9Dx5/ pvWIxARSzHQTm 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L6fprM7urimtVUaKGUgcrkG/6CaVsbFYisSq3bmwFkW1/vFV4es23ZuFdFIzgEm5tci/5Serbfcyrx9tmYDeJyMXVD8WKsD1XIq6eRBHumPt0/wDcz 2thVK1iKy3HAkG49/TwlewN2AgzYlldr91FJyf5m4Ek9OHnydRblqdVRiYDDUC7BEBY nkBe3WZ2luliWSy5Cb3FzYjTUXtz0m1rTpLqwp0wBwUBdBzby1 kY7z4PVKdUVDoctJXqta/HLSVjbx4SVJt7FZ4qX7Uatgd2K7Mc4CAaEkg38gpN/O8ytTcoEd2vY25rcX68ZmNt7YTD0zUYcADkSzVLHgSl9B4mwmB rb7lAC GdC18l3pFSOTMysbDra58JCcluiqr1aj9pA2pu1WooXazKNc6H NYc8ymxAA58pnP2YOwGIqADKWRATzKAkkeHfEjpvRVdEFM0GfN ZrvYFfZQFtX15kc9OF7uyMbTpMcItGrSezVezy2LBmuzDW1rsO egtNYT9xWs5ypuM7HPGwhTa5p17a4oueYIdzUU RuJ26rXCIXPAAfqBpOcbW3RU4lcSASRqVJI1tobjmDr7pJNbaD AYftKX2LjMQGfKRxvc/oPGU9QlKy3DodVJ3SsdEwoDrdHDfkR5iXhg2HScY2vtPEqpLAo UsGIYd1rAC Vjp48DMRQ3ixha1PEVyRqQtV2tbwBOk3hV01RjLCNPSSO/ig3SeYSmyuzZeKgehPznCKm8 0l1NfEjlqz24X4nnaWn3xxn Mrf/Y39DLdRblPST2uj6K7Y zKfpXhPnnAbWxtU2WvXqdQKlVvHrw U6VuXjshZaxKtbUG5twOp1toeZj1GtissE4q 5vf0rwnhxnhLOaeZ5p1H3OfIuxfGM8JWmJ66SIGlWkKow6aMhe Jjs3jEv1SnSJkRaJsZCIiAeS1iqOdGUEi6kXHEXFry9EPUGl1t 0ap44l7dMv8AvKU3Mb 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OxZCkWY6HgCTqLTkybLp070mw1fJmvpRqMp5X0Unhymcqai9E/sXwsotPNb7kyli6SUwr0atfMBncVR3hxFkQln7pN3YjXThqK6G 2arVaSik2HQMStKmlQdqQCWLubBzlv1OtgNZjMZsvDE5lpV0Om q0aysLcPsqNZMpPXqqqGli62RgwvRynMOBzFV8r ctdOL0fg1aV7tp/f/wAMTvoBXrLUUqGN1IAJAW5IU30vx9/C8u/ThhqKI1APlD5DnqKy52BOii9z3vLTrNnwWz8ax0wbpzBqOoH5E mS6m7WNqmzrhlHDVmqf OQD85VSnZRyaL6kS6Sb9xqlPEVqoPZ0ilMspJZgWZka9y5BfQ6 WNwRNx2ds3GVzSxWWk1RP3SuXdXFMXBYW0Yd5h425y/h9x27ofEWUcEp0wieXEm3kZuOzsEKahegA4nl4TSnCTlrsY1q8 Mvt1ZYOz2/iE 6aNvYOyr5awqlXK9m1OkjEjKBlu3CzE8794aTpNVOjfnNB382L iK1jTplyNLgjMVJ1W5I08JM6MI8HNSqSzaM03a9VbEsLqdUV1y KCQTdmcgXsOI8ZjMJiVoMTUwoAPesdTz1XKQVGh5 oitsvGUQVNPEUwdTZXC6cNRpMbVxdWnYZrZWLLmAupIsSGPeHu MRgrWO c5/Rm40GwuIW5oYZVsD 9qVKbZDpdWY2N7WGo4SithcCrsuFq0coBDXHdYkAWFQrlfS/gCOd7zVF28O8rrnR1ysrVCyg5s2ZB91r3N78SesuYzG4Yf/HLNroH0CgEjjoxuLHW/HwlVQy6a bmNKvJS90fGv8AZn9j1qQqBSBm 6cpCBxw1IsQeHp7992FgaNRg2SnTY8eIV25hRwOus439NzMDlp gdAXsfezE 4HlOt/szIqC7XYrdwzEmzG4Pe/mOnl0lZUfcrGuJrycW0jdvoVS/wBv8zD7OqnhUI95MnWl lX5H1nZGjTej/s8iU5rYwR2PiP8Q35yg7ExH Ib85tE8tNPS0/r5ZT1EzW/ iYj/EmJseWI9LT7fLHXn JHs8InsTpMABBiLwCm0SqCIBTE9tPbQCgyLjMalMd5gD4/rJlpjNrbCpYj 0LcLaG3O/8AWUnmy 3cvDLf3bEN9rUSdaq sp/6lR/ir6y2u4 FHN/Vf9MuDc3Dce/8Q U48mI7I6s9Hu/Bbq42meFRfUSHUqKeDKfeJkvqjh r o UpO52H61PiHylJUK0uF5LKtSXL8GNDL1X4hPQU6r8Q cnjcvDdX IfKVDc3Dfj L/AGlVhav08k9el3ZCRaR 8vxCSaNWiv8AeL8Q cq pWG/H8Q Ur puG6N6j5SyoVlsl5KurSfL8Hv0yl/EX4h85Yq16J/vEv/AJ1 crbcvDci494 U8 pWG/H6j5SzpV3wvJCqUVyyOWpe0vxL85QtGje9qd t0v6yWu5WGHN/UfKepuZhxzf1HylPT1uy8l tS7ss5qftL8S/OVAp1X4l cvLudQH3qnxD5SsbqUv4lT1X/THQrdl5K9an3ZH7ZB95fjX5ysYhPbHxr85e q1L26nqv mPqnQ9qp8X 0noVuy8kdWl3fgs9svtD41 c8NT8Q IfOXfqhh/xeo UuLutQHDN6j5SPT1nwvJPVpLl CLn/ABD4h857n/EPiHzkn6r0ereo U9 rFHq3qPlI9NV/H/g61Pv8EcMPaHxD5ytXXqPiHzlZ3Vo 1U9R8o qtH2n9R8pZUKy4Xkjq0 /wAHq1kH3l IfOXVxCe0vxD5y0N16XtP6j5T0bs0vbqeq/6ZdU6y4XkjqU 78F01k9oeollyvUfEJUN2qXtP6r8o rlP239V UOlWfC8kdSmuSzcdR8Q c8ZFPEA 8S627NM/ff/AMflPBuxT9t/UfKU6FXt8k9WHcjHCUTxpofMIY hUf4dP0SSvqxS9up6j5TwbsU/bf1HyjoVe3yT1YdyKMJSH3KY8gkm0Cg5j1Ep rNL2m/L5Txt2KftMPfCoVU72XkOrB8kv6SntL8Qg4hPaX1Ex7bp0z/eVPWUjdCn/Ef1l8tf/leSual3 DL0cao0zD1EnKwOomtpujT51GPpM3s7BrRQU1uQL6nmSbkzej1 dprT TKr0/wBrJMRE3MjyIiSQIiIAiIgCIiAIiIAiIgCIiAIiIAiIgCIiAIi IAiIgCIiAIiIAiIgCIiAIiIAiIgCIiAIiIAiIgCIiAIiIAiIgH//Z

February 13th, 2020, 08:12 AM
I wonder if they agreed to pay for everyone's travel or something like that. ISUr has not disclosed terms of the deal and I assume it might be confidential.

Does this seem unusual to anyone else ?

That would be my guess. They must be covering costs going both ways. Either that or their AD has blackmail material on all the other schools.

Baron Sardonicus
February 13th, 2020, 09:03 AM
Let's not forget Dixie's new best friend, Tarleton State...

Augustana probably wants to make it The Three Amigos, but they need an invitation from a D-I all-sports conference. We'll soon find out if that's going to happen. As for football, I'm guessing Augie would choose independent (scholarship) status over the PFL. What say you, Laker?

February 13th, 2020, 09:15 AM
Let's not forget Dixie's new best friend, Tarleton State...

Augustana probably wants to make it The Three Amigos, but they need an invitation from a D-I all-sports conference. We'll soon find out if that's going to happen. As for football, I'm guessing Augie would choose independent (scholarship) status over the PFL. What say you, Laker?

Oddly, all the talk here has been about St Thomas probably getting the go ahead for D1. They have been officially invited to the Summit and Augie hasn't (although everyone knows that there is something under the table.) From what I have heard- both of them would probably go Pioneer. Augie has around 2000 students so I doubt if they have the dough to go FCS scholarship- even Sanford Health doesn't want to put in that much more money.

Augie has no lights for Kirkeby-Owen, which is a beautiful stadium. Traditionally they have been much more of a basketball school than football. They have won D2 titles recently in men's basketball, baseball and softball, and have a long tradition of good cross country and track. But they are still going to be #3 behind USD and SDSU.

MSU beat Tarleton in the famous Snow Game with the 12 minute drive in the quarterfinals two years ago. I'm wondering what the long range goals are for them and Dixie. Now, you could get Northern Arizona and Southern Utah for football but that still isn't enough to start WAC football at this point.

Baron Sardonicus
February 13th, 2020, 09:25 AM
Augustana has the dough for the 30-some football scholarships they already have -- enough to tread water awhile in FCS.

You make a good point on their enrollment...likely have to get that number up if they want to have a fully funded football team.

On the other hand, Augie has the ubiquitous "Presidential (academic) Scholarship." I'm sure the PFL would welcome them if they can move up.

February 13th, 2020, 09:36 AM
What's their nickname, the "Cups"? xsmiley_wix The original "Dixie cup" plant was located in Easton, Pa., about a mile from my house. Long since abandoned for a newer facility out in the 'burbs, the old huge building is quite visible from US Route 22 and was a landmark for many motorists, especially truckers, determining their exit, as a huge "Dixie cup" (functionally a water tower) sets atop the building. Very distinctive.

Don't forget The Cup in Bethlehem. An ice cream shop where they used to serve little sundaes in dixie cups.

February 13th, 2020, 09:53 AM
Augustana has the dough for the 30-some football scholarships they already have -- enough to tread water awhile in FCS.

You make a good point on their enrollment...likely have to get that number up if they want to have a fully funded football team.

On the other hand, Augie has the ubiquitous "Presidential (academic) Scholarship." I'm sure the PFL would welcome them if they can move up.

I think that the Pioneer would love to have them and UST. Jacksonville just dropped football. Close trip for Drake, not bad for Valpo. All the members but Morehead State are private schools, so they would fit right in.

If there was a Summit football league- no doubt both could join that.

February 13th, 2020, 11:33 AM
Missed this one, thanks.

This is what interests me most .. how did they make all these h&h's happen. What leverage did they have to get these top tier programs to agree to return a game at their place, for what should be a patsy game. It's not like when all the teams that formed Great West and the Dakota's joined MVFC .. they could fill their schedules immediately with h&h games. These guys are independent for football for now.

As for ISUr, we're all wondering why we have to travel (i.e. fly) to Utah for what should be a patsy game ... especially since wwe already do a h&h with rival OOC EIU. The fact that they did this with 7 teams now (incl SHSU) just seems amazing. What did they do to get all these top 10 level programs to agree to h&h ? I wonder if they agreed to pay for everyone's travel or something like that. ISUr has not disclosed terms of the deal and I assume it might be confidential.

Does this seem unusual to anyone else ?

It is tough to get home games, especially out west. Really no reason NOT to do home and home exchanges when you can get someone to come out one year. ISUr just finished a home and home with NAU, not really much difference in travel.

OOC FCS teams are scarce in the West. NAU signed a six game home and home with DSU - it is great to have a driveable OOC game.

February 13th, 2020, 12:12 PM
Tarleton St will be giving 63 scholarships in year 1 of FCS.

Redbird 4th & short
February 13th, 2020, 12:24 PM
It is tough to get home games, especially out west. Really no reason NOT to do home and home exchanges when you can get someone to come out one year. ISUr just finished a home and home with NAU, not really much difference in travel.

OOC FCS teams are scarce in the West. NAU signed a six game home and home with DSU - it is great to have a driveable OOC game.
Correct on our NAU h&h .. except that was part of our Big Sky challenge and UNA is an established FCS program from a very good conference.

I think there were $ incentives.

February 13th, 2020, 01:01 PM
Sam Houston and Dixie State also have a home and home in 2021 and 2022.

You missed another one:

UND and Dixie State also have a home and home in 2022 and 2024.

As a Utah resident I'm looking forward to the 2024 game; the move to the MVFC will decrease my yearly attendance from 3 games per year to 1.

February 13th, 2020, 01:08 PM
I know that Dixie plays at SDSU Nov. 14th, and at SDSU and USD next year. In 2022 they play at UNI and UND.

February 13th, 2020, 01:26 PM
I am not 100 percent sure, but I think the home and home with MSU is 2 games in Bozeman and 1 game at Dixie.

Redbird 4th & short
February 13th, 2020, 01:34 PM
Looks like I missed another ..so dug a little more, here's their published schedules: https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/dixie-state/

This confirms, ISUr got 2 home games before giving them a home game .. which now makes a little more sense to me. I assume other teams got similar deals given all the FCS road games.

Got to assume they're going to really struggle for a few years with all these tough FCS road games. But they sure aren't loading up on cupcakes by any means, and are clearly trying to cut the D-II chord quickly .. goimng from 4 games in 2020, to 2 games in 2021, to just 1 D-II game (so far) in 2022, and none (so far) in 2023.

2020 .. 11 games, 7 FCS games, 6 of 7 on road

09/05 - at Southern Utah (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/southern-utah/)
09/12 - South Dakota Mines (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/south-dakota-mines/)
09/19 - at Montana State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/montana-state/)
09/26 - Drake (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/drake/)
10/03 - at Sacramento State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/sacramento-state/)
10/10 - at Weber State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/weber-state/)
10/17 - at South Dakota (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/south-dakota/)
10/24 - Azusa Pacific (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/azusa-pacific/)
11/07 - Western Colorado (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/western-colorado/)
11/21 - at Illinois State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/illinois-state/)
11/28 - at Tarleton State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/tarleton-state/)

2021 .. 11 games, 8 FCS games, 5 of 8 on road, 1 very weak FBS

09/04 - Sacramento State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/sacramento-state/)
09/11 - Weber State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/weber-state/)
09/18 - at UC Davis (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/uc-davis/)
09/25 - at Montana (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/montana/)
10/02 - at South Dakota State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/south-dakota-state/)
10/16 - at New Mexico State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/new-mexico-state/)
10/23 - Azusa Pacific (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/azusa-pacific/)
10/30 - at North Alabama (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/north-alabama/)
11/06 - at Sam Houston State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/sam-houston-state/)
11/13 - Fort Lewis (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/fort-lewis/)
11/20 - Missouri State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/missouri-state/)

2022 ... 8 total games so far, 6 FCS, 5 of 6 on road, 1 good FBS, just 1 D-II this year so fatr

09/03 - at Southern Utah (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/southern-utah/)
09/10 - Chadron State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/chadron-state/)
09/17 - at Weber State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/weber-state/)
10/15 - at Northern Iowa (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/northern-iowa/)
10/29 - at North Dakota (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/north-dakota/)
11/05 - Sam Houston State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/sam-houston-state/)
11/12 - at Idaho State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/idaho-state/)
11/19 - at BYU (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/byu/)

2023 ... 9 total games so far, 8 FCS, 6 of 8 on road, 1 weak FBS

09/02 - at Montana State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/montana-state/)
09/09 - Montana (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/montana/)
09/16 - at Northern Arizona (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/northern-arizona/)
09/23 - at Missouri State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/missouri-state/)
09/30 - at Colorado State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/colorado-state/)
10/07 - North Alabama (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/north-alabama/)
10/21 - at Idaho (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/idaho/)
11/04 - at Sam Houston State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/sam-houston-state/)
11/18 - at Illinois State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/illinois-state/)

The remaining years are pretty sparse at this point, but similarly impressive.

2024 (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa-2024/team/dixie-state)

08/31 - Montana State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/montana-state/)
09/07 - Southern Utah (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/southern-utah/)
09/14 - Northern Arizona (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/northern-arizona/)
09/21 - at UC Davis (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/uc-davis/)
11/09 - North Dakota (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/north-dakota/)
TBA - at Idaho (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/idaho/)

2025 (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa-2025/team/dixie-state)

08/30 - UC Davis (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/uc-davis/)
09/06 - at Northern Arizona (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/northern-arizona/)
09/13 - Idaho State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/idaho-state/)
09/20 - at Idaho (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/idaho/)
11/15 - Northern Iowa (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/northern-iowa/)

2026 (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa-2026/team/dixie-state)

09/05 - at Montana (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/montana/)
09/12 - Illinois State (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/illinois-state/)
09/19 - Northern Arizona (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/northern-arizona/)

2027 (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa-2027/team/dixie-state)

09/04 - at Northern Arizona (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/northern-arizona/)
09/18 - at Montana (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/montana/)

2028 (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa-2028/team/dixie-state)

09/16 - Northern Arizona (https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/northern-arizona/)

February 13th, 2020, 01:44 PM
Missed this one, thanks.

This is what interests me most .. how did they make all these h&h's happen. What leverage did they have to get these top tier programs to agree to return a game at their place, for what should be a patsy game. It's not like when all the teams that formed Great West and the Dakota's joined MVFC .. they could fill their schedules immediately with h&h games. These guys are independent for football for now.

As for ISUr, we're all wondering why we have to travel (i.e. fly) to Utah for what should be a patsy game ... especially since wwe already do a h&h with rival OOC EIU. The fact that they did this with 7 teams now (incl SHSU) just seems amazing. What did they do to get all these top 10 level programs to agree to h&h ? I wonder if they agreed to pay for everyone's travel or something like that. ISUr has not disclosed terms of the deal and I assume it might be confidential.

Does this seem unusual to anyone else ?

This doesn't seem unusual at all. St. George is in a great location. I'm sure the team will fly into Vegas at a fairly reasonable cost and then bus to St. George (slightly less than 2 hours).

The location is a great getaway for fans from the Midwest. I remember UND's first trip to Cedar City in 2007 (about another 50 minutes up the road), there were several hundred UND fans there.

Although the numbers progressively decreased as the novelty wore off over the years (and there were more games out west), the experience allows fans to fly cheaply into Vegas, spend time at a beautiful game location and then spend the rest of the weekend in Las Vegas or Zions National Park.

Redbird 4th & short
February 13th, 2020, 01:54 PM
This doesn't seem unusual at all. St. George is in a great location. I'm sure the team will fly into Vegas at a fairly reasonable cost and then bus to St. George (slightly less than 2 hours).

The location is a great getaway for fans from the Midwest. I remember UND's first trip to Cedar City in 2007 (about another 50 minutes up the road), there were several hundred UND fans there.

Although the numbers progressively decreased as the novelty wore off over the years (and there were more games out west), the experience allows fans to fly cheaply into Vegas, spend time at a beautiful game location and then spend the rest of the weekend in Las Vegas or Zions National Park.

I'm not sure any D-II team has made the jump, started independent, and scheduled this many competitive games so quickly. Being independent certainly forced their hand in large part, so they gave up a lot of home games to get this schedule. But surely, this is very unusual compared to how most teams make the jump .. granted, they are starting as an independent, which changes the scheduling dynamics.

Note, UND made the jump along with several other similar geography D-II teams ... so that helped ease their transition to FCS.

But my bottom line point, this is a very impressive and aggressive schedule for a D-II team making the jump. They will need to tep up their game and recruitment very fast.

I must also acknowledge ... others will have much better historical perspectives on stuff like this, than me.

February 13th, 2020, 04:03 PM
Oddly, all the talk here has been about St Thomas probably getting the go ahead for D1. They have been officially invited to the Summit and Augie hasn't (although everyone knows that there is something under the table.) From what I have heard- both of them would probably go Pioneer. Augie has around 2000 students so I doubt if they have the dough to go FCS scholarship- even Sanford Health doesn't want to put in that much more money.

Augie has no lights for Kirkeby-Owen, which is a beautiful stadium. Traditionally they have been much more of a basketball school than football. They have won D2 titles recently in men's basketball, baseball and softball, and have a long tradition of good cross country and track. But they are still going to be #3 behind USD and SDSU.

MSU beat Tarleton in the famous Snow Game with the 12 minute drive in the quarterfinals two years ago. I'm wondering what the long range goals are for them and Dixie. Now, you could get Northern Arizona and Southern Utah for football but that still isn't enough to start WAC football at this point.

I would love for them to convince about 5-6 teams from the Big Sky to leave.

February 13th, 2020, 04:16 PM
I would love for them to convince about 5-6 teams from the Big Sky to leave.

I pick Montana, Idaho, Northern Colorado, Portland State and Cal Poly. Heckuva 6 team conference you would be in!

February 14th, 2020, 01:56 PM
Brutal. Welcome to FCS?

Redbird 4th & short
February 14th, 2020, 06:03 PM
I would love for them to convince about 5-6 teams from the Big Sky to leave.
this makes a lot of sense for Big Sky to split off some of those 14 teams, starting with UND this past year.

February 15th, 2020, 04:26 PM
With 4 pages of threads on New Haven, I thought Dixie St deserved some attention. i am curious to know how they were able to convince 6 quality FCS programs, all from the 2 top conferences, to schedule all these h&h games. I'm guessing there had to be some incentive they offered to secure these in advance.

Because they will be an easy win. Next question?

February 15th, 2020, 07:09 PM
Dixie State will continue to get home and homes with teams west of the Mississippi (or just past it) because Dixie State has some schedule flexibility. They are an independent school, with no conference games, so they pick as they want..

Also consider the number of teams in the Big Sky, Missouri Valley, and Southland Conferences starting in 2020:

Big Sky - 13 teams
Missouri Valley - 11 teams
Southland - 11 teams

This means that there will always be at least 1 team with a bye week throughout the whole conference season. Most teams in these conference will try to fill that late season bye with a game if the can, and Dixie State would be a natural partner (as would Tarleton State).

This is why teams will do home and homes with Dixie State. But I doubt that Dixie would be paying travel costs both ways.

There are a few games that Dixie scheduled that are guarantee games (the South Dakota State game), but most teams will be happy to do home and homes.

I also agree with the other comments - it is a great place to go. I was in St. George this past summer and went to Zion and toured the area on the way to to Salt Lake City. I flew to Vegas and drove up and loved the drive. It would be a great trip for fans to make a vacation out of.

Redbird 4th & short
February 16th, 2020, 09:07 AM
Dixie State will continue to get home and homes with teams west of the Mississippi (or just past it) because Dixie State has some schedule flexibility. They are an independent school, with no conference games, so they pick as they want..

Also consider the number of teams in the Big Sky, Missouri Valley, and Southland Conferences starting in 2020:

Big Sky - 13 teams
Missouri Valley - 11 teams
Southland - 11 teams

This means that there will always be at least 1 team with a bye week throughout the whole conference season. Most teams in these conference will try to fill that late season bye with a game if the can, and Dixie State would be a natural partner (as would Tarleton State).

This is why teams will do home and homes with Dixie State. But I doubt that Dixie would be paying travel costs both ways.

There are a few games that Dixie scheduled that are guarantee games (the South Dakota State game), but most teams will be happy to do home and homes.

I also agree with the other comments - it is a great place to go. I was in St. George this past summer and went to Zion and toured the area on the way to to Salt Lake City. I flew to Vegas and drove up and loved the drive. It would be a great trip for fans to make a vacation out of.

I think part of the answer is that several of us got a 2 for 1 deal ... for instance, we get 2 home games against them first (2020 & 2023) and don't have to play at their place until 2026. But yes, for the teams further west, who usually have to fly to most games anyway, what you say makes a little more sense. Not the case as you get to midwest and further east .. we have more options within a bus ride.

But I originally thought we did a straight up h&h deal .. that made no sense to me .. flying to a patsy game. Then I heard we might get a 2 for 1. We do pretty well financially, but struggle with athletic budgets like most FCS teams. That is, home games vs travel games (bus vs plane) are important to manage. That was the main reason our AD scheduled NAIA St Xavier in 2018 (1 hour bus ride for them) and refused to reschedule it .. cheap home buy game. Problem was in 2017, we couldn't get an FBS buy game thanks to Barry Alvarez ban on FCS games (since softened), plus we had to fly to NAU, plus we only had 5 home games. So we got stuck with the NAIA game in 2018 due to not making budget in 2017.

February 16th, 2020, 09:59 AM
I think part of the answer is that several of us got a 2 for 1 deal ... for instance, we get 2 home games against them first (2020 & 2023) and don't have to play at their place until 2026. But yes, for the teams further west, who usually have to fly to most games anyway, what you say makes a little more sense. Not the case as you get to midwest and further east .. we have more options within a bus ride.

But I originally thought we did a straight up h&h deal .. that made no sense to me .. flying to a patsy game. Then I heard we might get a 2 for 1. We do pretty well financially, but struggle with athletic budgets like most FCS teams. That is, home games vs travel games (bus vs plane) are important to manage. That was the main reason our AD scheduled NAIA St Xavier in 2018 (1 hour bus ride for them) and refused to reschedule it .. cheap home buy game. Problem was in 2017, we couldn't get an FBS buy game thanks to Barry Alvarez ban on FCS games (since softened), plus we had to fly to NAU, plus we only had 5 home games. So we got stuck with the NAIA game in 2018 due to not making budget in 2017.

Yes, the 2 for 1 deal works out fairly well for both sides.

Because Dixie State doesn't qualify for the playoffs for a while, it makes no sense to try to get all games at home versus name FCS programs. They might as well play as many home games against lower division teams as the can to save on money while going on the road for the FCS and FBS games. If they can get get the return games from FCS opponents when they are eligible for the playoffs, it would be a major score for them.

Also, playing home games against lower teams gives fans in St. George the change to see wins, and it also allows for any stadium improvements to be done. And lets not forget, they may not be very good the first couple of years they move up. Getting slaughtered on the road is a lot more acceptable than getting slaughtered at home - to the fans and to the rest of FCS for that matter.

February 16th, 2020, 07:21 PM
Utah is also home to the Jazz. According to a Wikipedia article, that's because there wasn't enough time to get a name change approved when the team moved.

How is Dixie State not in...The land of Dixie????


February 16th, 2020, 09:35 PM
Utah is also home to the Jazz. According to a Wikipedia article, that's because there wasn't enough time to get a name change approved when the team moved.

The Lakers and North Stars should have left there names in Minnesota. Don't know of any lakes around LA- they could have been the Aquaducts. I suppose maybe you can see Polaris in Dallas, just not near as well as you can here.