View Full Version : Playoff selection process to be explained further to participating members

March 28th, 2018, 11:48 PM
Good small move by the committee... xcoffeex


Redbird 4th & short
March 30th, 2018, 03:22 PM
translated .. we heard the UNH criticism loud & clear. The notion that bias and influence plays zero role .. I call BS .. partly. I will say it has improved considerably since the 2011 sham which had EKU buying their way into playoffs and CAA getting 5 teams in field of 20 .. while MVFC got just 2 teams despite being the highest rated FCS conference according to Massey Composite of 35 polls.

So it has slowly improved, And I liked the step they took 2 years ago announcing their top 10 leading up to games 9 and 10. I'm not completely sure of their rationale for not doing same leading up to game 11. I see more good than harm (i.e. being held too accountable for their week 11 rankings) announcing their top 10 leading up to the 3 final games. I think the idea of being transparent is great. But what makes it great is that the committee can hear the criticisms and arguments before making their actual selections after game 11.

My additional suggestion is to be more transparent about strength of schedule playing a direct factor into their selections. Very simply .. when you have a 9-2 team that played the 60th ranked SOS being compared to a 7-4 team who played the 6th ranked SOS, combined with quality of wins and losses (appropriate margins against opponents). As for the 7-4 "qualifying" record, while I love the Austin Peay story last year, they had zero quality wins .. yet they were supposedly on the bubble.

We'll see if there is any tangible benefit to this latest announcement .. explanations and open dialogue can only help the impartiality. I appreciate that it has improved considerably since 2011 .. but stil some work to do and the committee should welcome this kind of scrutiny .. it can only help the game.

Bison Fan in NW MN
March 30th, 2018, 03:34 PM
translated .. we heard the UNH criticism loud & clear. The notion that bias and influence plays zero role .. I call BS .. partly. I will say it has improved considerably since the 2011 sham which had EKU buying their way into playoffs and CAA getting 5 teams in field of 20 .. while MVFC got just 2 teams despite being the highest rated FCS conference according to Massey Composite of 35 polls.

So it has slowly improved, And I liked the step they took 2 years ago announcing their top 10 leading up to games 9 and 10. I'm not completely sure of their rationale for not doing same leading up to game 11. I see more good than harm (i.e. being held too accountable for their week 11 rankings) announcing their top 10 leading up to the 3 final games. I think the idea of being transparent is great. But what makes it great is that the committee can hear the criticisms and arguments before making their actual selections after game 11.

My additional suggestion is to be more transparent about strength of schedule playing a direct factor into their selections. Very simply .. when you have a 9-2 team that played the 60th ranked SOS being compared to a 7-4 team who played the 6th ranked SOS, combined with quality of wins and losses (appropriate margins against opponents). As for the 7-4 "qualifying" record, while I love the Austin Peay story last year, they had zero quality wins .. yet they were supposedly on the bubble.

We'll see if there is any tangible benefit to this latest announcement .. explanations and open dialogue can only help the impartiality. I appreciate that it has improved considerably since 2011 .. but stil some work to do and the committee should welcome this kind of scrutiny .. it can only help the game.

IMO, Austin Peay should have never been on any "bubble list".....like you said, zero quality wins.

2011 was a joke with only 2 Valley teams in....xconfusedxxrolleyesxxmadx

Redbird 4th & short
March 30th, 2018, 04:22 PM
IMO, Austin Peay should have never been on any "bubble list".....like you said, zero quality wins.

2011 was a joke with only 2 Valley teams in....xconfusedxxrolleyesxxmadx

2012 saw us get 3 teams, when we arguably deserved 4. But then right back to 2 teams in 2013 .. when we were again the top ranked conference in FCS. It wasn't until 2014 when we totally dominated in way CAA never did, that we started getting treated more fairly. Except then in 2015, another very strong year, so they put all 5 MVFC teams on same half bracket. Something they never came close to doing when CAA dominated playoff selections from 2005-2011 .. their unprecedented decision in 2016 forced the committee to admit it was a mistake.

These unfair decisions were not that long ago .. and they were made with most of the very same members (ahem, wink, nod, etc) making the above inequities happen. So others will have to forgive my continued skepticism.

Redbird 4th & short
March 30th, 2018, 05:23 PM
2011 selections were Towson, James Madison (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_James_Madison_Dukes_football_team), Maine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Maine_Black_Bears_football_team), New Hampshire (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_New_Hampshire_Wildcats_football_team), Old Dominion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Old_Dominion_Monarchs_football_team). They went 3-5 with 2 of the wins against very weak teams .. EKU and Norfolk. Massey had EKU 40th and Norfolk 60th

EKU was at large ... paid big bucks to get that bid. Norfolk was a bad autobid. Maine had only decent win in round of 16 but lost in round of 8. Very bad year for CAA and selection committtee.

March 30th, 2018, 06:35 PM
translated .. we heard the UNH criticism loud & clear. The notion that bias and influence plays zero role .. I call BS .. partly. I will say it has improved considerably since the 2011 sham which had EKU buying their way into playoffs and CAA getting 5 teams in field of 20 .. while MVFC got just 2 teams despite being the highest rated FCS conference according to Massey Composite of 35 polls.

So it has slowly improved, And I liked the step they took 2 years ago announcing their top 10 leading up to games 9 and 10. I'm not completely sure of their rationale for not doing same leading up to game 11. I see more good than harm (i.e. being held too accountable for their week 11 rankings) announcing their top 10 leading up to the 3 final games. I think the idea of being transparent is great. But what makes it great is that the committee can hear the criticisms and arguments before making their actual selections after game 11.

My additional suggestion is to be more transparent about strength of schedule playing a direct factor into their selections. Very simply .. when you have a 9-2 team that played the 60th ranked SOS being compared to a 7-4 team who played the 6th ranked SOS, combined with quality of wins and losses (appropriate margins against opponents). As for the 7-4 "qualifying" record, while I love the Austin Peay story last year, they had zero quality wins .. yet they were supposedly on the bubble.

We'll see if there is any tangible benefit to this latest announcement .. explanations and open dialogue can only help the impartiality. I appreciate that it has improved considerably since 2011 .. but stil some work to do and the committee should welcome this kind of scrutiny .. it can only help the game.

I always find it funny when person talks about impartiality then immediately dives into subjective criteria like quality losses and wins

Bison Fan in NW MN
March 30th, 2018, 07:06 PM
I always find it funny when person talks about impartiality then immediately dives into subjective criteria like quality losses and wins

He has a point. I do not remember the CAA ever having all their teams on the same side of the bracket like the Valley had in '15. Where was the "impartiality" there?

So, for example, Austin Peay should have gotten "credit" for quality losses like Cincinnati, Miami (OH) and JSU?

IMO, a quality loss is NDSU going into Montana and losing with 1 second left in '15. That is a "quality loss", not Miami (OH)....but that is me.....

Redbird 4th & short
March 30th, 2018, 07:43 PM
I always find it funny when person talks about impartiality then immediately dives into subjective criteria like quality losses and wins

Yes, when being impartial, I think it is absolutely necessary to assess both objective and subjective criteria in coming to a sound conclusion objectively. Some wittingly or unwittingly choose to let their subjectivity get in the way .. and they make bad decisions.

Again, I think the committee has improved but there is room for improvement .. last year was further example so the transparency and dialogue proposed is appreciated.

Redbird 4th & short
March 30th, 2018, 07:50 PM
He has a point. I do not remember the CAA ever having all their teams on the same side of the bracket like the Valley had in '15. Where was the "impartiality" there?

So, for example, Austin Peay should have gotten "credit" for quality losses like Cincinnati, Miami (OH) and JSU?

IMO, a quality loss is NDSU going into Montana and losing with 1 second left in '15. That is a "quality loss", not Miami (OH)....but that is me.....
I confirmed this a while ago .. when CAA was getting 4 or 5 teams in playoffs from 2005 to 2011 and was admittedly the best/deepest conference up until 2010, they were always spread to either 3 or 4 regions .. no exceptions. In 2014, no one expected #5 ISUr to win on road at #4 EWU and #1 UNH to get to final against #2 NDSU. So they made sure an all MVFC final couldn't happen again in 2015. The MVFC kicked and screamed, and the FCS admitted it was wrong .. convenient how it never happened before 2015, and they've since outlawed it after doing it once.

Redbird 4th & short
March 30th, 2018, 08:05 PM
I confirmed this a while ago .. when CAA was getting 4 or 5 teams in playoffs from 2005 to 2011 and was admittedly the best/deepest conference up until 2010, they were always spread to either 3 or 4 regions .. no exceptions. In 2014, no one expected #5 ISUr to win on road at #4 EWU and #1 UNH to get to final against #2 NDSU. So they made sure an all MVFC final couldn't happen again in 2015. The MVFC kicked and screamed, and the FCS admitted it was wrong .. convenient how it never happened before 2015, and they've since outlawed it after doing it once ... once.

MVFC is to FCS selection committee like Danny Vermin (Joe Piscopo) was to Johnny Dangerously (Keaton) ...


http://www.anygivensaturday.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxISEhUTExMVFRUXFx0aGBcVFxcXFRgYFRcXGBcdFx cYHSggGB0lHRcXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGi0lHx8tLS0tLS8tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAL4BCQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGBwj/xABFEAABAwEFAwcHCgUDBQAAAAABAAIRAwQFEiExBkFREyJhcY GRsSMycqHB0fAHFDNCUmKCkrLhFSRTovEWwtJjc6Sz4v/EABgBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgME/8QAIBEBAQACAwEBAQADAAAAAAAAAAECEQMhMRJBUQQiYf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A4s5uaJzUJzRlAFTUkMy3JhuqlA5JUzLgE gdSccM0hBHABwQYwScvqn3og1KpjP8AC79JTCdc9JpDpAOY1AV 9ddlYarAWNjPVo yVS3KPO7PatDdn0tPr9hRPU1lrTQAqvEADEVLFgaecRECHZCAR w659SRbabuVcQD58TGUkTHXCFcHDEEfWIz1PH43rTHUZZb/KhikC7QR2T2rS2C62MqebOOxVakODSJdZ6jgWwN0DXMLPNpZrX 0mTVs543c8f NaApiqoLRd4ZQp1APpC/VrY8mQOaZneNQO1R20xHmjuHuVveLj80sknfX/XTVSwZiOCZHGU2/ZHcForBZKZszSabJxnPCOnoWfwrSXaf5VvpnxKdoxS7tsVI1GT Tp cPqt49Sd2vvaz2PCxlnovqOEwWNhrdATAzkzl0FC6j5Vnpj9Sw 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(https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpluckyoutoo.files.word press.com%2F2008%2F06%2Fjd028.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fthomaspluck.com%2F2008%2F0 6%2F14%2F80s-trash-of-the-week-johnny-dangerously-2%2F&docid=5b3CF3887b-0KM&tbnid=snomHhfEhKcGBM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwii3KeIr5XaAhVB21MKHVXfDMEQMwg7KAAwAA.. i&w=1600&h=1151&bih=589&biw=1280&q=johnny%20dangerously%20nobody%20hangs%20me%20on% 20a%20hook&ved=0ahUKEwii3KeIr5XaAhVB21MKHVXfDMEQMwg7KAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8)

March 30th, 2018, 08:08 PM
For transparency sake, we start every season with a clean slate and all teams have an equal chance of losing out on an at large bid to a 7-4 UNH.

March 30th, 2018, 10:28 PM
For transparency sake, we start every season with a clean slate and all teams have an equal chance of losing out on an at large bid to a 7-4 UNH.

I laughed harder at this than I should have. Unfortunately, it is true.

Redbird 4th & short
March 31st, 2018, 09:26 AM
2011 selections were Towson, James Madison (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_James_Madison_Dukes_football_team), Maine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Maine_Black_Bears_football_team), New Hampshire (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_New_Hampshire_Wildcats_football_team), Old Dominion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Old_Dominion_Monarchs_football_team). They went 3-5 with 2 of the wins against very weak teams .. EKU and Norfolk. Massey had EKU 40th and Norfolk 60th

EKU was at large ... paid big bucks to get that bid. Norfolk was a bad autobid. Maine had only decent win in round of 16 but lost in round of 8. Very bad year for CAA and selection committtee.

xconfusedx hmmm ... somebody deleted a post stating only 4 CAA teams missed made playoffs in 2011

March 31st, 2018, 10:50 AM
For transparency sake, we start every season with a clean slate and all teams have an equal chance of losing out on an at large bid to a 7-4 UNH.

As it should be! :D

For the record, the five UNH 7-4 regular season teams since 2010 have a combined playoff record of 7-5. I suspect that is substantially better than the entire Patriot League.

Redbird 4th & short
April 11th, 2018, 06:22 PM
As it should be! :D

For the record, the five UNH 7-4 regular season teams since 2010 have a combined playoff record of 7-5. I suspect that is substantially better than the entire Patriot League.

that has to be true .. most of those UNH wins were against Patriot autobids ... and a couple more against MEAC and NEC. In fact, one of your losses was against Patriot autobid. The geography aspect really sucks for Midwest and west teams.

April 11th, 2018, 06:58 PM
Let's be clear--it's about the conference you're in. 7-4 in the CAA, you're in contention. Go 8-3 in the PL and...well...forget it.

April 11th, 2018, 07:43 PM
that has to be true .. most of those UNH wins were against Patriot autobids ... and a couple more against MEAC and NEC. In fact, one of your losses was against Patriot autobid. The geography aspect really sucks for Midwest and west teams.
No need to remind us, sending really good SDSU teams to lose in Fargo kind of sucked. Especially 2014, that team would’ve made the semis had they not gone to Fargo.

April 11th, 2018, 11:29 PM
that has to be true .. most of those UNH wins were against Patriot autobids ... and a couple more against MEAC and NEC. In fact, one of your losses was against Patriot autobid. The geography aspect really sucks for Midwest and Southern teams.

FIFY xnodx

NY Crusader 2010
April 15th, 2018, 04:12 PM
No need to remind us, sending really good SDSU teams to lose in Fargo kind of sucked. Especially 2014, that team would’ve made the semis had they not gone to Fargo.

While regionalization is a fact of life and never going away - only NCAA playoff tournaments seeded nationally are men's and women's basketball - there is one thing I would like to see the committee do to eliminate these kinds of scenarios:

Create a rule that eliminates conference rematches until AFTER the Round of 16. Schools playing in the same conference but who hadn't met in the regular season would be eligible to play each other in any round.