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January 25th, 2007, 05:07 PM
carpetbagger (kahr-pit-bag-er) noun.
1. Historically, a northerner who goes to the south for political or financial advantage.
2. An outsider who presumptuously seeks a position or success in a new locality.
3. A person who seizes political power and plunders the helpless population of the south.
4. A politician who moves to a place where he/she sees an opportunity to promote his/her career
5. Any opportunistic or exploitive outsider.
6. A derogatory term, suggesting an exploiter who does not plan to stay.

Four-Hundred and Four Days

In a period of only four-hundred and four days, the pride and joy of many citizens of the southern lands was severely shaken by an outsider who tried to change the very foundations of these citizens' beliefs. In this short period of time, lasting just more than a calendar year, the students, administrators, benefactors and fans that comprised this group of citizens experienced the initial excitement, followed by disbelief, disappointment, sadness and anger that had only taken place once in the southland's history. This deja vu for these good people reflected on a time from one-hundred forty years earlier in their history, a time that was among the darkest of all.

For twelve long years, fourteen decades in the past, ancestors of the southern lands' citizens were subjected to northern salesmen and politicians who traveled across their land from county to county, plundering towns and communities by belittling their beliefs, destroying their dreams and taking their riches. Never with intentions to stay in the southern lands, these yankee merchants were known as carpetbaggers, and they were only interested in keeping themselves in positions of political power while plundering the finances of their victims.

One-hundred forty years later, similar harbingers arrived in the southern lands.

For four-hundred and four days a self-serving individual, now known as The Carpetbagger, made his way through the southern lands giving himself credit for many things that were not apparent to the naked eye. Stroking his hubris while selling himself as a football deity, The Carpetbagger enjoying the financial spoils of his conquests while tearing down long-held beliefs and traditions of the local citizens. He initially fooled both the wise and experienced among the good citizens of the southern lands, but time was on the side of their pride and glory, and The Carpetbagger was too blinded by his lust for power to foresee his shortcomings and the future.

As he began to implement his dogmas and his grandiose ways, and more losses than victories were recorded, the citizens gathered and began to question his motives and true aspirations. But The Carpetbagger would only respond to their concerns and answer their questions with conceited and vain talk, all while wearing a dubious smile partially hidden from sight by a bushy patch of facial hair. Blinded by his own swagger and vanity, The Carpetbagger failed to realize his own inadequacies were in fact allowing himself and his minions to dig a hole from which he was incapable of climbing from.

When the stark realities of his failures finally blinded his own sight and dulled his ambitions, and when the enslaved masses began to rebel and speak forthrightly against his wretched possession and undoing of their pride and glory, The Carpetbagger quickly departed the southern lands for new conquests in lands more ripe for his spoil. Before departing the southern lands, he made several attempts to preserve his stature and solidify his legacy as both a savior and a visionary to the citizens of his former home. His efforts failed to sway the good citizens, and their opinions of The Carpetbagger grew more harsh and distasteful. He even went as far as changing his physical characteristics, removing facial hair so he might not be recognized while seeking refuge in the new lands. But he will always be remembered in the southern lands, for he was The Carpetbagger.

Fortunately for the good citizens of the southern lands, The Carpetbagger's campaign was cut short by his failure to secure victories in enough contests to satisfy the local population, his inability to win over new and enthusiastic supporters, and his pretentiousness. The will of the good people to return to their traditions of winning was growing and The Carpetbagger was finally able to see his future as being one filled with tumultuous challenges and ever increasing chances of being exposed as a fraud in a manner observant by the public. Thus, The Carpetbagger's tenure was cut short and the damage inflicted on the southern lands, although drastic, was limited to only four-hundred and four days days.

Four-hundred and four long days.

The wise and experienced among the good citizens of the southern lands searched and found a new leader for their cause, and the consummation of the citizens' pride and glory will determine this new leader's legacy. He comes to the southern lands young in age, but rich in knowledge and concern for the southern lands' traditions. Should he do right, the good people will again be full of joy and happiness, and all will be well in the southern lands.

January 25th, 2007, 07:11 PM
Only in South Georgia is Atlanta considered up north:nod:

January 25th, 2007, 08:16 PM
Only in South Georgia is Atlanta considered up north:nod:

I had a guy from Brownsville, Texas who worked for me in the Navy. His most memorable line was this: "We're so far South, we consider people from Dallas yankees." xlolx xlolx xlolx

January 25th, 2007, 08:58 PM
I had a guy from Brownsville, Texas who worked for me in the Navy. His most memorable line was this: "We're so far South, we consider people from Dallas yankees." xlolx xlolx xlolx

xlolx and he is right. I grew up down there and when you have to drive 5 hours to get to San Antonio and you are still in South Texas, LOL, Dallas is wayyyyyyyyyy north

January 25th, 2007, 10:05 PM
I was on a plan flight from Detroit to Philadelphia back in 1976. A high school senior was sitting next to me and told me she was looking forward to her visit to Philly since she had "never been down South before.":nod:

January 26th, 2007, 01:22 AM
VanGorder is from Michigan btw... That's why they are labeling him as a yankee carpetbagger...

January 29th, 2007, 04:53 PM

January 29th, 2007, 08:43 PM

I see your bump and raise you another bump!!:D