View Full Version : Page title question

July 6th, 2005, 04:53 PM
Okay guys... its that time of year again. I have been working on my site alot the last couple of weeks trying to get it ready for this up coming season. Problem is because I use a free service on geocities that it limits my bandwidth like crazy. I want to buy a domain name to increase my site to a whole new level. I am looking for suggestions as what I should get for a name that will go with a UMass football theme... so can anyone help me out?

July 6th, 2005, 05:36 PM
Just don't use mine... ;)

July 6th, 2005, 05:46 PM
Well im going to buy a name so I can expand and not sure if I should just stick with UMassZone... I never even noticed your piece... some interesting info.

July 6th, 2005, 06:03 PM
"The UMassfan Fantasy Zone".
"Excellence In Football" :D

July 6th, 2005, 06:07 PM
I knew this would happen :o ... but seriously... any real options?

July 6th, 2005, 06:07 PM
"The UMassfan Fantasy Zone".
"Excellence In Football" :D
I knew someone was not going to be able to control themselves.

July 6th, 2005, 06:13 PM
Good luck with your site. Let us know when it's up and running. Are you planning a discussion board? I don't think I'll ever have one.

BTW, if you click on the "next blog" button on my site it's a surreal trip through cyber space. Porn blogs, military units, chamber of commerces, tons of woe-is-me blogs and one written in arabic with lots of exclaimation points written by "The Avenger".

With modest pride, I think Colgate 13 and I do a pretty good fan blog. At least I've got UMass stuff going back 30 years, so I should be set for material for a while. :)

July 6th, 2005, 06:18 PM
Good luck with your site. Let us know when it's up and running. Are you planning a discussion board? I don't think I'll ever have one.

BTW, if you click on the "next blog" button on my site it's a surreal trip through cyber space. Porn blogs, military units, chamber of commerces, tons of woe-is-me blogs and one written in arabic with lots of exclaimation points written by "The Avenger".

With modest pride, I think Colgate 13 and I do a pretty good fan blog. At least I've got UMass stuff going back 30 years, so I should be set for material for a while. :)
I might need your help with the football info that has predated me. I only go back 18 years of being a UMass football fan so everything before that I have just heard bits and pieces from my pops.

July 6th, 2005, 06:29 PM
Good luck with your site. Let us know when it's up and running. Are you planning a discussion board? I don't think I'll ever have one.

BTW, if you click on the "next blog" button on my site it's a surreal trip through cyber space. Porn blogs, military units, chamber of commerces, tons of woe-is-me blogs and one written in arabic with lots of exclaimation points written by "The Avenger".

With modest pride, I think Colgate 13 and I do a pretty good fan blog. At least I've got UMass stuff going back 30 years, so I should be set for material for a while. :)
I liked your blog 74. I will have to check out the next blog stuff as I love the military unit stuff and all that (not to mention the porn.). Do you have anything on Greg Landry who went to the Lions? I saw the 1st Umass UD game as a kid and I thought he was the QB.

July 6th, 2005, 06:32 PM
I am correcting myself. I was at the 2nd Umass-UD game as a kid.

July 6th, 2005, 06:35 PM
I took ralphs name and went with www.umassfan.com .... simple, easy and explains the site to a T... a site about UMass fan football site.

July 6th, 2005, 06:36 PM
I just noticed that you have I-AA.org spelled "1-AA.org" on your blog!

LOL. Ralph Colgate 13 already caught me on that one.Then I forgot to change it! I'll correct it soon. :o

July 6th, 2005, 06:45 PM
I liked your blog 74. I will have to check out the next blog stuff as I love the military unit stuff and all that (not to mention the porn.). Do you have anything on Greg Landry who went to the Lions? I saw the 1st Umass UD game as a kid and I thought he was the QB.

Yes, I have a good amount of material on Landry. He followed the QB Jerry Whelchel that I just did an article on. I'm sure I'll do an article on him sooner or later.

I've been trying to do at least two posts a week.

My next project is to digitalize some of the 30 years of UMass programs that I've collected. For example, I've got the UMass-Villanova program that Howie Long was NG for the Wildcats. He had a VERY good day against us. I'd like to do the cover page and then the roster pages for both teams. Should be some good I-AA history buried in there. Not sure if the roster pages will be readable given the size. Guess I'll have to try it and see.

July 6th, 2005, 06:53 PM
BTW, congrats on your 3,000 post! :hurray:

Thanks that took alot of hard work :cool:

July 6th, 2005, 06:53 PM
BTW, if you click on the "next blog" button on my site it's a surreal trip through cyber space. Porn blogs, military units, chamber of commerces, tons of woe-is-me blogs and one written in arabic with lots of exclaimation points written by "The Avenger".
Yeah, blogger.com has some crazy blogs. I have mine on there, and yeah, hitting next blog will get you some really diverse results.

July 6th, 2005, 06:54 PM
I too saw Howie Long. He was great but the rest of the team stunk and Ud won. UD's blocking schemes called for double and triple blocking on Long and for the most part it worked.

July 6th, 2005, 07:00 PM
I too saw Howie Long. He was great but the rest of the team stunk and Ud won. UD's blocking schemes called for double and triple blocking on Long and for the most part it worked.

From the UMass vs Villanova program 09/16/78.

Starting for the Wildcats at NG: #55 Howie Long So. 6-4 255.

July 6th, 2005, 07:08 PM
From the UMass vs Villanova program 09/16/78.

Starting for the Wildcats at NG: #55 Howie Long So. 6-4 255.

BTW, playing for UMass that day was Bruce Kimball OG Sr 6-2 260, who went on to win a Super Bowl ring with the Redskins. Also playing for UMass was Joe McLaughlin LB Sr. 6-1 230, who played a number of years for the Giants. :)

That was the UMass team that played in the first ever I-AA championship game against FAMU...

July 6th, 2005, 07:37 PM
I'd recommend the two of you join forces...

I-AA Fan
July 6th, 2005, 07:57 PM
I have to agree with Ralph here. Just a few words of advice:

1. Keep is simple, one or 2 words at most. Make certain you use the entire word.

2. always use a .com extension. No matter what you read, eveyone knows ".com".

3. If you are on a narrow band width ... try to use as much CSS as you can and make certain you use a remotely hosted blog/board. Just because it fits, doesn't mean it works. Just how fast is your pc when the drive is almost full?

4. never use pluralisms in your name ie: umassfans ... instead .. umassfan. Much better chance of being hit by those searching. maybe "minutemen.com"

5.Most importantly, domains are cheap $4 to $9 a year, so buy more than one & have them all point to the same site. Most places will not charge for that. Then after a year, you can see which domain(s) had the most hits and trim out the garbage names. The rename your site to the one that was most popular.

July 6th, 2005, 08:03 PM
I'd recommend the two of you join forces...
Not a bad idea. I will gladly help 74. He has a nice blog and I appreciate the fact that he is trying to educate Umass folks about the prior greats of Umass. Of course I may have a slight UD bias when reporting on the series. But, I have never been bashful about admitting this and folks can take that for what it is worth. I have seen most of the Umass-Ud games at Newark since 1968 and some at Amherst so I think I have some perspective.

Whatever promotes the rivalry of 2 great programs and interest in I-AA is a good thing. I hope the rivalry can continue. I'm not one of those who think that non CAA teams should be kicked to the side in the future. I like the rivalries with all the New England teams.

I think a premature move to I-A by Umass would not be in their own interests and certainly not of all of I-AA. Now that Umass does not have the brother of a Mafia guy running the system, maybe some sensible decisions can be made. ;) :) :D (You didn't expect an entirely respectful post did you?)

July 7th, 2005, 01:31 PM
We are doing alot to get over that time in our history. Currently we have a great athletic staff(mostly all new) that has done great work since they have been there. I cant wait for my trip home in Oct to see the different changes. Plus I get to see us beat on the defending NCs :D

July 11th, 2005, 01:30 AM
Now that I am getting things moving... If any of you would like to help me out and donate just some loose change so I can expand even more... I would appreciate it. Also if anyone is good at doing images and would like to work a few things up for me... I would love it. Thanks again for your support....


July 11th, 2005, 03:11 AM
Okay guys... its that time of year again. I have been working on my site alot the last couple of weeks trying to get it ready for this up coming season. Problem is because I use a free service on geocities that it limits my bandwidth like crazy. I want to buy a domain name to increase my site to a whole new level. I am looking for suggestions as what I should get for a name that will go with a UMass football theme... so can anyone help me out?

I was going to suggest 60-MiinuteMen!! :)