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View Full Version : W&M 2004 Football DVD

June 25th, 2005, 08:48 PM
Just received, and immediately watched, the DVD of the 2004 W&M football season. This is a great production done by the Tribe Club and I love having it, seeing that I live a long way from campus and seldom get back to Williamsburg.

W&M Highlight Video (http://www.tribeclub.com/)

June 26th, 2005, 02:15 AM
That's really cool that your boosters do stuff like that.

I wish UM had that kind of thing -- KPAX TV in Missoula used to distribute a production like that every year but I haven't seen them come out with one since the `96 season and the 2001 championship year. You would think with all the media attention the Griz get around the region that it wouldn't be difficult to put footage together. Every Griz game has been televised since 2000.

Make sure your program keeps doing that. I bet it comes in handy during the summer withdrawals. Are there any other I-AAs out there that get this kind of thing? (Other than JMU because with the title its a given)

June 26th, 2005, 07:58 AM
Our Booster organization packaged all 6 of our championship winning games on DVD's. Not just a highlight video, the entire game...minus commercials. Believe me it comes in very handy during this time of the year. In addition, they did put together nice professional hour long highlight videos of our 1999 and 2000 championship seasons.

June 27th, 2005, 06:43 PM
There is a Griz DVD without commericals and with special features for the 2001 title game, but other than that nothing.

Does GSU distribute a video for the regular season even if there is no national title game appearence? Because THAT would be handy.