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View Full Version : Lehigh/Holy Cross: Sunday's Word: Mud

Lehigh Football Nation
October 30th, 2006, 10:21 AM
Almost forgot to shamelessly promote my blog writing this morning. What was I thinking? :doh:


October 30th, 2006, 11:55 AM
Good writeup LFN...especially liked the part about how the "hogs" are coming together and the team is gaining confidence...sounds alot like what I saw from the Leopards this past weekend...if Lehigh can control the line, then they can control the game...

Lehigh Football Nation
October 30th, 2006, 12:29 PM
Thanks L04. By the way, congrats on your Leopards taking it to the Raiders last weekend. I still can't believe you dominated so badly. That was the only silver lining to the lightning delay - I could switch the channel to the Lafayette game to scout two of our next three opponents! :D

Pards Rule
October 30th, 2006, 12:31 PM
Yo LF04, was the weather bad in Hamilton, NY? I am so charged by the Pards finally getting some traction (pun intended) especially since the Eagles blow!!! Got my Lehigh tix (as opposed to last year!) and ready to rock and roll!

October 30th, 2006, 12:34 PM
Yo LF04, was the weather bad in Hamilton, NY? I am so charged by the Pards finally getting some traction (pun intended) especially since the Eagles blow!!! Got my Lehigh tix (as opposed to last year!) and ready to rock and roll!

Wasn't there...saw it on TV...didn't look quite as bad as how Worcester looked...

And yes, thankfully the Leopards won to save an otherwise crappy football weekend in these parts...:bang:

Pards Rule
October 30th, 2006, 12:36 PM
Dont get LSN in South Jersey...I am going to that beerfest Friday evening before game in that taproom off Center Square. Will you be there?

October 30th, 2006, 12:39 PM
Nope, looks like we're just heading up for the game...I almost didn't get to go last year either...at the last minute a friend bailed me out with a ticket...

As for LSN...they stated on the telecast on Saturday that it's being expanded...maybe South Jersey will get it soon...

October 30th, 2006, 12:57 PM
Yo LF04, was the weather bad in Hamilton, NY? I am so charged by the Pards finally getting some traction (pun intended) especially since the Eagles blow!!! Got my Lehigh tix (as opposed to last year!) and ready to rock and roll!

Also saw it on TV. The field itself did not appear to be in bad condition, and even the broadcasters commented on that fact. The rain just kept on acomin' however.

Have we hijacked LFN again?

Lehigh Football Nation
October 30th, 2006, 01:00 PM
As long as that hit count stays up there, I ain't complaining.


Dig the new avatar, BTW? Thought this was a great pic.

October 30th, 2006, 01:04 PM
LFN, the betting line between my ears says that Colgate does not have the horses to win this year at Goodman. Their defensive front really got worn down on Saturday. Lehigh may be able to do the same. On defense, Lafayette seemed determined not to be beaten by Scott. As a result, whenever Saraceno pulled the ball down and ran he had some room. You're going to need at least 4 scores to win.

Lehigh Football Nation
October 30th, 2006, 01:15 PM
LFN, the betting line between my ears says that Colgate does not have the horses to win this year at Goodman. Their defensive front really got worn down on Saturday. Lehigh may be able to do the same. On defense, Lafayette seemed determined not to be beaten by Scott. As a result, whenever Saraceno pulled the ball down and ran he had some room. You're going to need at least 4 scores to win.

Hope you're right, but Colgate will be ready to go and playing for their lives. I don't expect a cakewalk. :twocents: Having said that, if Colgate has to play catch-up through the air they could be in trouble. Colgate really seems to miss DeWayne Long in that receiving corps. (He seems like he played against us for six years! Wait a minute... :D )

Pards Rule
October 30th, 2006, 02:18 PM
LFN, the avatar doesnt look like the Pards missing the guy, so its cool with me. Yeah, I had to find my ticket on the ground! Lucky, lucky me! Are you playing Colgate at Goodman? God, it ALWAYS seems like you guys are playing at Goodman!