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View Full Version : Georgetown Signing Day: Coming Soon

May 2nd, 2014, 08:21 AM
For almost every other school, schools announced their recruit lists on or about Feb. 4. For Georgetown, it's after May 1, owing to the fact that the list can't actually be announced until deposits are due, which is May 1. If an athletic scholarship was in play, there would be a National Letter of Intent which would commit both sides, but the NLI requires an athletic scholarship. Nothing suggests this is changing for Georgetown, which is for another discussion.

There is a practical side to this delay, namely, it limits posting names of players who don't get admitted and/or decommit and go elsewhere. And if gives LFN some extra time for the recruit ratings. Realistically, though, the list is probably finalized earlier, but they just can't say so.

May 2nd, 2014, 10:43 AM
As far as I know, a NLI is independent of anything else and is a simple contract in which the signee promises to enroll at the school that fall.

I don't see why the NLI is or has to be tied to athletic scholarships. I think for example a music department could ask a talented high school musician to sign a NLI and so on.

May 2nd, 2014, 11:38 AM
As far as I know, a NLI is independent of anything else and is a simple contract in which the signee promises to enroll at the school that fall. I don't see why the NLI is or has to be tied to athletic scholarships.

It should be, but it's not.


May 2nd, 2014, 11:23 PM
Hoping it is a good class for the Hoyas.

May 3rd, 2014, 08:35 AM
Ah yes, it's May and the time that both Hoya football fans turn their attention to recruiting.

May 3rd, 2014, 10:54 AM
It should be, but it's not.


Interesting, did not know that it was an NCAA program tied directly to athletic scholarships. Thanks for the correction.

So let me come at your original post from the other angle: just because Georgetown is going to start awarding athletic scholarships in football, does not automatically obligate them to have those football recruits sign a NLI. Probably the same can be said for the rest of the Patriot League football teams.

May 3rd, 2014, 10:57 AM
Here's the exact wording.


The NCAA manages the daily operations of the NLI program while the Collegiate Commissioners Association (CCA) provides governance oversight of the program. Started in 1964 with seven conferences and eight independent institutions, the program now includes 635 Division I and Division II participating institutions.

The NLI is a voluntary program with regard to both institutions and student-athletes. No prospective student-athlete or parent is required to sign the National Letter of Intent, and no institution is required to join the program.

By signing a National Letter of Intent, a prospective student-athlete agrees to attend the designated college or university for one academic year. Pursuant to the terms of the National Letter of Intent program, participating institutions agree to provide athletics financial aid to the student-athlete, provided he/she is admitted to the institution and is eligible for financial aid under NCAA rules. An important provision of the National Letter of Intent program is a recruiting prohibition applied after a prospective student-athlete signs a Letter of Intent. This prohibition requires participating institutions to cease recruitment of a prospective student-athlete once a National Letter of Intent is signed with another institution.

The National Letter of Intent has many advantages to both prospective student-athletes and participating educational institutions:

Once a National Letter of Intent is signed, prospective student-athletes are no longer subject to further recruiting contacts and calls.

Student-athletes are assured of an athletics scholarship for a minimum of one full academic year.

By emphasizing a commitment to an educational institution, not particular coaches or teams, the program focuses on a prospective student-athlete's educational objectives.

May 4th, 2014, 10:33 PM
Ah yes, it's May and the time that both Hoya football fans turn their attention to recruiting.

May 8th, 2014, 07:28 PM
The class has been announced, and, once again, there is attrition.

Georgetown's top rated recruit, QB Sam Vaughn, decommitted to walk-on at Georgia. Its leading receiver prospect, Zach Matthews, posted on his Twitter feed on Apr. 25--five days before the deposit date-- that he's going to Georgia Tech.

LFN can provide all the details, but it's a second weak class for a 2-9 team losing 26 seniors and 16 starters.


May 8th, 2014, 08:08 PM
6-7 very good recruits. Some solid players also even if not stars. LMen quite weak overall. Skills have best players as usual for GU. Given what he has to work with,coach recruited well. Does lock Hoyas into basement.

May 9th, 2014, 12:03 PM
The class has been announced, and, once again, there is attrition.

Georgetown's top rated recruit, QB Sam Vaughn, decommitted to walk-on at Georgia. Its leading receiver prospect, Zach Matthews, posted on his Twitter feed on Apr. 25--five days before the deposit date-- that he's going to Georgia Tech.

LFN can provide all the details, but it's a second weak class for a 2-9 team losing 26 seniors and 16 starters.


Would participation in the NLI have helped Gtown retain those recruits for a year, at least? And do you know if Gtown is going to participate in the NLI for the limited football scholarships they'll be offering? Do they participate in the NLI for men's basketball scholarships?

May 9th, 2014, 12:49 PM
Would participation in the NLI have helped Gtown retain those recruits for a year, at least? And do you know if Gtown is going to participate in the NLI for the limited football scholarships they'll be offering? Do they participate in the NLI for men's basketball scholarships?

1. The NLI binds the prospect (and the school) for at least one year. Of equal impact, according to the NLI web site: "I understand all participating conferences and institutions are obligated to respect my signing and shall cease contact with me and my family members after my signing this NLI which includes me and my family members not initiating contact with athletic staffs at other institutions."

2. Georgetown has not committed to any athletic scholarships in football, even as all other PL schools will be at 60 in two years. The oft-discussed financial aid buyouts remain 100% need-based, and insufficient vs. what the other six schools offer.

3. To my understanding, men's basketball does participate in the NLI, but the NLI is void without an athletic grant of aid.

May 9th, 2014, 01:09 PM
Why is Gtown allowed to not provide any scholarships? I can understand not going to the max, but not provide any?? The Patriot League should put them on probation (unable to win the conference championship for two years) and if they refuse to comply, then expel them from the conference.

If they want the Pioneer League model, then that's where they should go.

May 9th, 2014, 01:38 PM
If they want the Pioneer League model, then that's where they should go.

Georgetown definitely does not want the Pioneer model. In fact, Pioneer schools can offer academic aid via merit scholarships to prospects that Georgetown does not offer to any student, athlete or not.

It's a big mess for a new head coach, but Rob Sgarlata understands it as well as anyone.

May 9th, 2014, 02:20 PM
Gtown does not offer any merit scholarships?? They only give aid for financial need?? Is that an Ivy thing?

May 11th, 2014, 11:06 PM
Why is Gtown allowed to not provide any scholarships? I can understand not going to the max, but not provide any?? The Patriot League should put them on probation (unable to win the conference championship for two years) and if they refuse to comply, then expel them from the conference.

If they want the Pioneer League model, then that's where they should go.

Do you ever get tired of railing on Georgetown football?

Why would someone whose podunk, third tier school has no ties to Georgetown care at all?

May 11th, 2014, 11:23 PM
Do you ever get tired of railing on Georgetown football?

Why would someone whose podunk, third tier school has no ties to Georgetown care at all?


May 12th, 2014, 11:38 AM
Do you ever get tired of railing on Georgetown football?

Why would someone whose podunk, third tier school has no ties to Georgetown care at all?

I would like for Gtown to comply with the competitive model of the Patriot League and offer athletic merit scholarships in football, like they do in Big East sports.

Thank you

May 12th, 2014, 12:02 PM
Agree mpls,it would be great for PL if they could. Not likely anytime soon.

May 12th, 2014, 12:05 PM
I would like for Gtown to comply with the competitive model of the Patriot League and offer athletic merit scholarships in football, like they do in Big East sports.

Thank you

I would comment on your school, but I have no idea what conference they are in, since I don't even have a passing interest in schools that Georgetown has no tangential ties to, and that are otherwise insignificant.

May 12th, 2014, 12:11 PM
I would comment on your school, but I have no idea what conference they are in, since I don't even have a passing interest in schools that Georgetown has no tangential ties to, and that are otherwise insignificant.

Sounds good.

Should be no reason for you to continue posting on the topic, in that case.

May 12th, 2014, 04:12 PM
Sounds good.

Should be no reason for you to continue posting on the topic, in that case.

Why not? This thread is about GEORGETOWN not Podunk State U.

Bogus Megapardus
May 12th, 2014, 05:55 PM
Why is Gtown allowed to not provide any scholarships? I can understand not going to the max, but not provide any?? The Patriot League should put them on probation (unable to win the conference championship for two years) and if they refuse to comply, then expel them from the conference.

If they want the Pioneer League model, then that's where they should go.

That's enough, MplsBison. Just drop it.

You know nothing about Patriot League football and you don't care to know. That's fine, but please don't presume to tell Georgetown what to do. Georgetown's administration and its coaching staff say that the Hoyas want to participate in Patriot League football. The Patriot League wants Georgetown, too, and we all hope they're here to stay. The PL has no scholarship "requirement" and, if you possibly can conceive of this, many fine football players want to attend Georgetown regardless of scholarships.

I, and some others on this board, have a little fun with Georgetown now and again for reasons entirely unrelated to the quality of the institution and its "worthiness" as a PL member. We do that because they're our conference brothers and annual foes. For us it's all in good fun and, as our contemporaries, they know that. You on the other hand are simply mean-spirited and ignorant.

I'd prefer that you limit your remarks to your team and your conference but I have a feeling that you won't.

May 12th, 2014, 06:10 PM
So to make it clear:

- when Fordham defied Patriot League competitive model by awarding scholarships before they were officially allowed: probation (and all the "conference brothers" agreed that was appropriate)

- when Gtown defied Patriot League competitive model by refusing to award scholarships once they were officially allowed: oh well, that's our ol' boy Gtown!

Bogus Megapardus
May 12th, 2014, 06:35 PM
So to make it clear:

- when Fordham defied Patriot League competitive model by awarding scholarships before they were officially allowed: probation (and all the "conference brothers" agreed that was appropriate)

- when Gtown defied Patriot League competitive model by refusing to award scholarships once they were officially allowed: oh well, that's our ol' boy Gtown!

Ten colleges voted on the Patriot League proposal to permit football merit aid; eight full members (American, Army, Bucknell, Colgate, Holy Cross, Navy, Lafayette and Lehigh) and two football members (Fordham and Georgetown). The measure passed on consent but no tally of votes was made public.

How do you know that Georgetown did not vote in favor of the proposal?

May 12th, 2014, 07:53 PM
So to make it clear:

- when Fordham defied Patriot League competitive model by awarding scholarships before they were officially allowed: probation (and all the "conference brothers" agreed that was appropriate)

- when Gtown defied Patriot League competitive model by refusing to award scholarships once they were officially allowed: oh well, that's our ol' boy Gtown!

If you really can't understand the difference...well, actually, you did go to North Dakota State, so I get it.

May 12th, 2014, 08:02 PM
Ten colleges voted on the Patriot League proposal to permit football merit aid; eight full members (American, Army, Bucknell, Colgate, Holy Cross, Navy, Lafayette and Lehigh) and two football members (Fordham and Georgetown). The measure passed on consent but no tally of votes was made public.

How do you know that Georgetown did not vote in favor of the proposal?

Since when does the existence of a minority dissent enable that minority to reject compliance with the majority decision??

I guess since I voted no on the tax hike, that means I don't have to pay?

May 12th, 2014, 08:22 PM
I would comment on your school, but I have no idea what conference they are in, since I don't even have a passing interest in schools that Georgetown has no tangential ties to, and that are otherwise insignificant.

So you've been a member here since 2008 and have never heard of the Missouri Valley Football Conference. Winning three Chippers in a row is not insignificant. I don't think patrick ewing would have been able to graduate from NDSU. Please take your elitism elsewhere. I took up for mpls.............I need a shower.

Bogus Megapardus
May 12th, 2014, 08:43 PM
I need a shower.

So they have indoor plumbing these days down south? Who knew?

May 12th, 2014, 08:49 PM
Since when does the existence of a minority dissent enable that minority to reject compliance with the majority decision??

I guess since I voted no on the tax hike, that means I don't have to pay?
I guess you would have to understand that a decision to allow scholarships is not the same as a decision to require scholarships.

But then, as you almost said in the Tressel thread: " There are simply a few members of (the media) this forum who feel it is their job to (smear Tressel) deliberately act dense. Probably because they know it will generate attention for themselves, via riling people up. After all, (as a journalist) to a troll any attention is good attention."

May 12th, 2014, 08:59 PM
That's why I was careful to say that Gtown is defying the PL competitive model. I did not say that they are defying the PL bylaws.

May 12th, 2014, 09:01 PM
So they have indoor plumbing these days down south? Who knew?

usually we just furman in the woods

Lehigh Football Nation
May 12th, 2014, 09:05 PM
usually we just furman in the woods

I'd hate to think what VMIng is then...

Bogus Megapardus
May 12th, 2014, 09:12 PM
usually we just furman in the woods

If a Bulldog furmans in the woods but nobody is there to smell it . . . .

May 12th, 2014, 10:22 PM
If a Bulldog furmans in the woods but nobody is there to smell it . . . .

But they have Bellhops to pick it up.

May 12th, 2014, 10:36 PM
So you've been a member here since 2008 and have never heard of the Missouri Valley Football Conference. Winning three Chippers in a row is not insignificant. I don't think patrick ewing would have been able to graduate from NDSU. Please take your elitism elsewhere. I took up for mpls.............I need a shower.

Patrick Ewing = Black basketball player, therefore = dumb?

Well thanks for the southern contribution to this thread.

May 13th, 2014, 09:26 AM
Patrick Ewing = Black basketball player, therefore = dumb?

Well thanks for the southern contribution to this thread.
Lets not confuse citdog's acerbic wit with anything else. While he can be annoying and occasionally funny,he is an equal opportunity curmudgeon. Dont forget he is almost 200 yrs old :)

May 13th, 2014, 10:23 AM
Patrick Ewing = Black basketball player, therefore = dumb?

Well thanks for the southern contribution to this thread.

we already saw your yankee elitism. did any of the jesuits play with your winkie? we don't need 'fans' like you here. you should just forego basketball, which lets face it daddy's boy has made into a shadow of its former self, and get your 'football' team to division iii where it belongs.

Lehigh Football Nation
May 13th, 2014, 03:40 PM
One thing I have to say about Georgetown's incoming class: I believe they have the first-ever Patriot League Hawai'i recruit in history.

Bogus Megapardus
May 13th, 2014, 05:36 PM
One thing I have to say about Georgetown's incoming class: I believe they have the first-ever Patriot League Hawai'i recruit in history.

I wonder how many of the Hoya staff got to fly out to meet with him.