View Full Version : Youngstown Vindicator: How the Playoff Teams are Selected

November 22nd, 2013, 06:17 AM
Interesting Q/A with YSU Athletic Director Ron Strollo who sat on the committee for 4 years.

Read here: http://www.vindy.com/news/2013/nov/22/ysus-strollo-clarifies-playoff-process

November 22nd, 2013, 06:29 AM
seems to be taking a shot at Fordham, mentioned 8-4 teams vs 11-1 teams competing for a spot?

November 22nd, 2013, 06:51 AM
WOW! Very enlightening…or darkening depending on you see it. Thanks for posting.

A couple of standout lines:

Q. Like GPI and polls?
A. Yeah, although that’s not a formal thing. They actually develop a more formal RPI to use as a tool [called the NCAA Simple Rating System]. No one knows how those numbers are going to work out and who it’s going to favor or whatever.

No one knows how those numbers are going to work out…or whatever? Yikes

Once the bracket is done, they’ll go through and open the two bids between the two teams. And whoever has the higher bid, as long as the facility is adequate, they’ll more than likely get the home game. So, you could be the 24th team in, but if you bid enough, you can still be at home.

Please define adequate and more than likely...

A. (Laughs.) You know, I can assure you there’s no conspiracy theories, but there may be biases based upon there being more schools and conferences in the east, therefore there’s more representatives from the schools in the east. And they may have more of a bias because they’ve seen those teams play or they’ve seen teams that those other teams have played.

And there it is…not surprising...

November 22nd, 2013, 10:39 AM
As the only possible school within 400 miles of Fargo, I absolutely detest that arrangements are such that bus trips for potential 2nd round match-ups is #2 criteria after selection to the play-offs. It is patently unfair that a 100 game + rival, and conference foe should almost always end up playing early in the play-offs for the right to advance, simply because they are close. Hope Towson doesn't get the same treatment getting the winner of Del vs Lehigh/Lafayette (example) or EWU playing MSU/MT after a game vs. Southland or OVC runner up.

November 22nd, 2013, 11:21 AM
As the only possible school within 400 miles of Fargo, I absolutely detest that arrangements are such that bus trips for potential 2nd round match-ups is #2 criteria after selection to the play-offs. It is patently unfair that a 100 game + rival, and conference foe should almost always end up playing early in the play-offs for the right to advance, simply because they are close. Hope Towson doesn't get the same treatment getting the winner of Del vs Lehigh/Lafayette (example) or EWU playing MSU/MT after a game vs. Southland or OVC runner up.

What makes you think EWU would be playing in the game after the Southland runnerup? :D

November 22nd, 2013, 11:47 AM
seems to be taking a shot at Fordham, mentioned 8-4 teams vs 11-1 teams competing for a spot?
That is a shot at Lehigh and Fordham. Agreed.

November 22nd, 2013, 11:50 AM
As the only possible school within 400 miles of Fargo, I absolutely detest that arrangements are such that bus trips for potential 2nd round match-ups is #2 criteria after selection to the play-offs. It is patently unfair that a 100 game + rival, and conference foe should almost always end up playing early in the play-offs for the right to advance, simply because they are close. Hope Towson doesn't get the same treatment getting the winner of Del vs Lehigh/Lafayette (example) or EWU playing MSU/MT after a game vs. Southland or OVC runner up.

Just because it happened once, doesn't mean it's always going to be that way. I can only remember one year where Montana and Montana State had the potential to meet up in the second round. I do remember Montana playing Cal Poly in the first round after playing them just a month before that. Two years later they played Wofford in the first round. Then in 2008 they were in the same quarter as Cal Poly vs. Weber State, both teams they had played. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't get too worked up quite yet over something that's just happened once.

November 22nd, 2013, 11:59 AM
As the only possible school within 400 miles of Fargo, I absolutely detest that arrangements are such that bus trips for potential 2nd round match-ups is #2 criteria after selection to the play-offs. It is patently unfair that a 100 game + rival, and conference foe should almost always end up playing early in the play-offs for the right to advance, simply because they are close. Hope Towson doesn't get the same treatment getting the winner of Del vs Lehigh/Lafayette (example) or EWU playing MSU/MT after a game vs. Southland or OVC runner up.

I don't disagree with this at all but don't you have a game this weekend you have to win before you are going to sniff the playoffs? If you lose this will be a non factor for the Rabbits (this year anyway)