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September 4th, 2006, 07:55 AM
From Colorado's head coach, Dan Hawkins:

"They came in and made the plays they needed to make and we didn't," Hawkins said after Colorado's first game against a lower division team. "That's pretty much the sum of it."

"You know, I've been doing this for a long time and I've lost before," he said. "If you can't understand how to deal with losses, you're never going to win. To me, it's only devastating if people make it devastating."

From Duke RB Re'quan Boyette

"It's real hard losing anyway, but after you put in the work and then go out and play your heart out and you lose, it's a pretty bad feeling," Duke running back Re'quan Boyette said. "It's a disappointment any time you lose, Division I-A, I-AA or whoever, it really doesn't matter.

"We felt like we could beat this team, but they came out and played hard. They deserve to win."

Duke linebacker Michael Tauliili...

"This is a wake-up call. Now we know we've got to come to play, regardless of who it is -- a Division I-AA or an ACC team," Tauiliili said. "I think maybe some guys eased up a little bit with it being Richmond, a I-AA team. Granted they are a good team, but I think a lot of guys expected to win and thought they didn't need to come.

New Mexico QB Kole McKamey...

"We just completely failed to perform," McKamey said. "I can't point out anything we did in the second half or explain why we shut down. I just take full responsibility for failing to get this team a win."


September 4th, 2006, 08:09 AM
From Colorado's head coach, Dan Hawkins:

"They came in and made the plays they needed to make and we didn't," Hawkins said after Colorado's first game against a lower division team. "That's pretty much the sum of it."

"You know, I've been doing this for a long time and I've lost before," he said. "If you can't understand how to deal with losses, you're never going to win. To me, it's only devastating if people make it devastating."

From Duke RB Re'quan Boyette

"It's real hard losing anyway, but after you put in the work and then go out and play your heart out and you lose, it's a pretty bad feeling," Duke running back Re'quan Boyette said. "It's a disappointment any time you lose, Division I-A, I-AA or whoever, it really doesn't matter.

"We felt like we could beat this team, but they came out and played hard. They deserve to win."

Duke linebacker Michael Tauliili...

"This is a wake-up call. Now we know we've got to come to play, regardless of who it is -- a Division I-AA or an ACC team," Tauiliili said. "I think maybe some guys eased up a little bit with it being Richmond, a I-AA team. Granted they are a good team, but I think a lot of guys expected to win and thought they didn't need to come.

New Mexico QB Kole McKamey...

"We just completely failed to perform," McKamey said. "I can't point out anything we did in the second half or explain why we shut down. I just take full responsibility for failing to get this team a win."


Duke linebacker Michael Tauliili...

"This is a wake-up call. Now we know we've got to come to play, regardless of who it is -- a Division I-AA or an ACC team," Tauiliili said. "I think maybe some guys eased up a little bit with it being Richmond, a I-AA team. Granted they are a good team, but I think a lot of guys expected to win and thought they didn't need to come

:D :D :D This was a wake up call? Duke has had 59 wake-up calls (losses) since the 2000 season. How the heck did that guy get such a good academic school as Duke? Must be smart but just can't remember back further than last week.

September 4th, 2006, 08:58 AM
This was a wake up call? Duke has had 59 wake-up calls (losses) since the 2000 season. How the heck did that guy get such a good academic school as Duke? Must be smart but just can't remember back further than last week.

Duke football gets a bad rap on this. The level of instuitutional support for the football program has only recently been put into gear--at one point in the 1980's Duke's facilities were closer to Cornell's than Carolina's.

Recruiting and retention is a problem for Duke, and, of course, losing seasons make it even more challenging to bring in talent. But to borrow a phrase from a former Georgetown coach, Duke can be a "gold mine" if the right pieces are in place--maybe not the BCS, but steady bowl bids and positive national exposure. Northwestern did this, TCU is doing this, and Stanford will be in back the mix within a few years as well.

Sam Adams
September 4th, 2006, 09:42 AM
Duke is a basketball school. Nobody cares enough about the football team to compromise academic stds just to have a mediocre football program. In the wake of the lacrosse fiasco lowering stds for jocks is just not going to fly at Duke. Duke football has been a joke for decades and will continue to be a joke.

September 4th, 2006, 10:14 AM
At least Duke football has academic control. Compare this to UVA who is terrible and has no academic control. Those players can and do anything. Just look at the number of arrests coming out of that program. Plus they are poor on the field.

September 4th, 2006, 01:17 PM
Maybe Duke football should move "down" to I-AA...

September 4th, 2006, 02:03 PM
Maybe Duke football should move "down" to I-AA...

theyll never give up the money they get from the ACC.

Golden Eagle
September 4th, 2006, 02:04 PM
Not to mention that other sport, the one with the round orange ball...