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August 30th, 2006, 06:51 AM
Another beautiful day in Huntsville allowed the former ball coach, Ron Randleman to come out to Bowers Stadium to watch Rhett Bomar, who reminded him of former Kats QB Josh McCown, now in the NFL.

Bomar has already met with head coach Todd Whitten and offensive coordinator James Ferguson to begin going over the offense and Bomar was hitting Kats WRs all over the field already, getting in the routine of finding his young, but very capable targets.

Good to see the ole ball coach out at practice. He's a staple in Huntsville and one of the most well-liked, most respected guys with any ties to SHSU what so ever.

Bearkats, Bomar look sharp together

Quarterback cleared to practice, but he'll have to wait before he can play
By Tom Waddill
Sports Editor

Ron Randleman sat in the stands and smiled Tuesday.

When the former Sam Houston State football boss looked down on the Bowers Stadium turf, he saw another talented quarterback slinging the ball around, someone who reminded him of a guy who is competing for a starting job this fall with the Detroit Lions.

“He’s very good. He reminds me of Josh,” Randleman said, comparing Rhett Bomar, the Bearkats’ most recent transfer quarterback, to Josh McCown, who came here in 2001 and led SHSU to the quarterfinals of the NCAA Division I-AA playoffs.

It didn’t take Randleman long to realize his successor had found a young man who could be very special.

Todd Whitten, who took over for Randleman last year, knows how fortunate he and the Bearkats are to have Bomar, who’s only a sophomore, on their side.


August 30th, 2006, 08:50 AM
i blasted JSU about Marcel Frost, so its only right that i say that is Rhett Bomar plays football in 2006 then shame on SHSU. :nono:

At what point will these athletes stop being handed free passes. When is enough, enough?

Let him sit out the season, losing a year of eligibility and come back next year.

August 30th, 2006, 08:53 AM
i blasted JSU about Marcel Frost, so its only right that i say that is Rhett Bomar plays football in 2006 then shame on SHSU. :nono:

At what point will these athletes stop being handed free passes. When is enough, enough?

Let him sit out the season, losing a year of eligibility and come back next year.

If he wins the job then why make him sit out? I think everyone has the wrong idea here. He will have to EARN the starting job, it will not just be handed to him. However, he does appear to be the best QB on the roster so he will most likely start when he is able to.

August 30th, 2006, 09:21 AM
He willingly and knowingly received illegal benefits. Allowing him to transfer and play immediately sends a bad message IMO. Where is the consequence for his actions? Just having to leave OU is not enough considering the gravity of the infraction. I think six games should be the minimum. Second chances are fine, second chances with no consequences equal a free pass for bad behavior.

August 30th, 2006, 03:54 PM
If he wins the job then why make him sit out? I think everyone has the wrong idea here. He will have to EARN the starting job, it will not just be handed to him. However, he does appear to be the best QB on the roster so he will most likely start when he is able to.

This has nothing to do with his athletic ability, i am talking about not making people accountable for the acts. Frost is suspended from OSU, he plays at JSU. Bomar is suspended from OU he may play at SHSU. This is how Maurice Claret's are made, when your athletic talent can no longer help benefit others you must then face reality.

August 30th, 2006, 06:43 PM
This has nothing to do with his athletic ability, i am talking about not making people accountable for the acts. Frost is suspended from OSU, he plays at JSU. Bomar is suspended from OU he may play at SHSU. This is how Maurice Claret's are made, when your athletic talent can no longer help benefit others you must then face reality.

These guys are no where near the same league of jackass that Claret is in. They're stupid, not psychotic.

August 30th, 2006, 08:23 PM
it was only freaking money. What college kid is not going to be excited at that opportunity. IT HAPPENS EVERYWHERE! Word has been that it will be 5 or 6 games. BTW, he has already paid it back.

August 30th, 2006, 08:42 PM
It doesn't happen everywhere, and even it did it wouldn't make it right. Paying back the money doesn't erase the crime either. That's like robbing a bank and avoiding jail time as long as you give the money back. Plenty of kids manage to do the right thing and play by the rules. The "everybody is doing it excuse" is about as lame as it gets. Adrian Peterson worked at the same car dealership, but apparently his hours matched his pay and didn't raise any flags.

August 30th, 2006, 09:07 PM
it was only freaking money. What college kid is not going to be excited at that opportunity.


And *YOU* called *ME* a jackass on the other thread??!?!?


Ah yes, the mating call of the morally bankrupt!

Word has been that it will be 5 or 6 games. BTW, he has already paid it back.

Huh? Where have you heard this? Because according to his dad..."He's going to pay the money back, whether he's [forced] to or not," Bomar told the newspaper. "His parents are not going to give it to him, so he's going to have to earn it."


Now where in the world did Bomar earn that much money that quickly???

August 30th, 2006, 09:52 PM
well if he didn't spend what was given to him by the car dealer then he could just give it right back xidiotx

August 30th, 2006, 09:55 PM
well if he didn't spend what was given to him by the car dealer then he could just give it right back xidiotx

Yeah, that's it. He just broke a MAJOR NCAA rule for the *****s and giggles of having 18,000 bucks. Yep, just to have it. C'mon man, are you serious?:rotateh:

August 30th, 2006, 10:00 PM
Yeah, that's it. He just broke a MAJOR NCAA rule for the *****s and giggles of having 18,000 bucks. Yep, just to have it. C'mon man, are you serious?:rotateh:

Some people do things called investing and saving their money instead of just blowing it.

Maybe he was saving towards something and didn't spend it. What would you know?

August 31st, 2006, 12:15 AM
You can't seriously believe he took the money to "invest" it. Please... if you weren't a SHSU fan you would be saying the same thing as everyone else. He F'd up and at this point has no consequence. Talent should not allow someone a free pass to make mistakes. The NCAA regardless of 1A or 1AA should have concrete rules against transfering to another NCAA institution and should make their penalties enforcable no matter what level of competition. He should sit and pay for his mistake. If after a year he wants to play again so be it, but he should not suit up this season for anyone. Same to be said for the lineman going to Montana

August 31st, 2006, 12:29 AM
You really think that he spent every last cent of the extra money and is flat broke ? Do you really think that ? I don't think he put the money in a bank account or anything but I don't think he went and spent all of it either. It has not been made public what he did with the money so no one really knows.

Players getting "benefits" (define benefits however you want) at bigtime college programs happens everywhere. Anyone who thinks it doesn't happen at all the OU's, Notre Dames, and USC's of the world is very naive. I'm not saying its right, but it does happen.

The outright hatred for the guy by some is what gets me. You would think he was a murderer or a child molester the way some people are flipping out.

and I expect all of you dogging Bomar to jump all over Montana's case as well since J.D. Quinn is there (thank you siugrad)

August 31st, 2006, 01:02 AM
I don't see the uproar over this. Especially at the kid. I'm all for personal responsibility, and definately think the kid broke the rules. Just as hundreds of other kids do all across the country. The kid who's coach gives him 5 bucks and is payed back the next week is breaking the same rule unless he give the coach back $5 plus interest.
Those who should shoulder the brunt of the richeous indignation of some of you posters are the boosters and institutions that know this is going on, or are directly involved in it themselves.
The institutions (colleges mostly) make millions of off the backs of these kids, as does TV, the NCAA, and on and on.
Booster pay big money to the universities and the universities take it and get the player a job with those boosters. Universities by way of coaches or other staff get these kids jobs, make no mistake about it, and they know who is hiring them and why. They may not know that they are getting grossly overpaid all the time. But you can bet they know sometimes, or at least avoid finding out.
The kids know it is wrong, but the entire system seems to support it to them in many cases, so they go along with it.
But it doesn't make them devoid of morals or cheaters. It could be just about any kid who just doesn't get the gravity of it, or could be a kid who is a bad seed. But it doesn't prove they are bad kids or that they deserve a year's suspension.

Mr. C
August 31st, 2006, 01:34 AM
So why did this kid get kicked out of Oklahoma? Because he CHEATED. This is a MAJOR violation. You are talking about the QB of a BCS championship-caliber team taking $18,000. Anyone who can try to justify Bomar has to be crazy.xidiotx

I'm all for second chances, but he has to be penalized big time, like suspended for a WHOLE season. Otherwise, other kids are encouraged to cheat.

Sorry to say, but if Bomar had found his way to Texas State, you know that Sam Houston State's fans would have been leading the charge against him.

And it is becoming very apparant that there is a problem with the type of kids that the Bearkats accept as transfers. You had Dustin Long two years ago and his charade of attending SHSU. Last year, Noah Allen got nailed for steroids after transferring into the program. This year, you take a player in Bomar that is obviously lacking in character and good morals.

Too bad Randy Moss doesn't have any college eligibility left. SHSU seems to be heading the route that Marshall did in the 1990s. Win at all costs and forget about the consequences.: smh : :eek: :nonono2:

August 31st, 2006, 07:17 AM
So why did this kid get kicked out of Oklahoma? Because he CHEATED. This is a MAJOR violation. You are talking about the QB of a BCS championship-caliber team taking $18,000. Anyone who can try to justify Bomar has to be crazy.xidiotx

I'm all for second chances, but he has to be penalized big time, like suspended for a WHOLE season. Otherwise, other kids are encouraged to cheat.

Sorry to say, but if Bomar had found his way to Texas State, you know that Sam Houston State's fans would have been leading the charge against him.

And it is becoming very apparant that there is a problem with the type of kids that the Bearkats accept as transfers. You had Dustin Long two years ago and his charade of attending SHSU. Last year, Noah Allen got nailed for steroids after transferring into the program. This year, you take a player in Bomar that is obviously lacking in character and good morals.

Too bad Randy Moss doesn't have any college eligibility left. SHSU seems to be heading the route that Marshall did in the 1990s. Win at all costs and forget about the consequences.: smh : :eek: :nonono2:

It is a violation yes but I don't see it as cheating. In no way did earning extra money help him on the field.

If he had gone to Tx St I can tell you that I would be upset that he wasn't at Sam but I would not show the outright HATRED of him that many of you are showing.

And questionable transfers Mr C.? Dustin Long did what? Graduated from A&M or didn't shake the hands of the UM players? Pool loser maybe but not bad character. Noah Allen had no previous violations so how were the Kats to know he would do something like that? It could happen anywhere. Think clearly man.

August 31st, 2006, 07:29 AM
It is a violation yes but I don't see it as cheating. In no way did earning extra money help him on the field.

If he had gone to Tx St I can tell you that I would be upset that he wasn't at Sam but I would not show the outright HATRED of him that many of you are showing.

And questionable transfers Mr C.? Dustin Long did what? Graduated from A&M or didn't shake the hands of the UM players? Pool loser maybe but not bad character. Noah Allen had no previous violations so how were the Kats to know he would do something like that? It could happen anywhere. Think clearly man.

First paragraph - this was the methodology used by cheating schools for years to recruit top players. An alum pays the player not the school. And just because the school may not be involved does not mean it is not cheating.

What amazes me is not that SHST fans are happy to have him, ( That is no surprise) but the lack of questioning this decision. I have said before, it is hard to know with out knowing the kid. but just to say he's a good football player, I don't care what he did or who kicked him out of which school - I want him playing for my school- is a very sad situation when it comes to student athletes.

I understand people getting their backs up when they believe their side is receiving undue criticism but the question is where does an institution whose primary purpose is education, not football, draw the line. I can tell you my preference would be for my alma mater to have said no thanks.

Ok I am through with this one. :nod: :smiley_wi

August 31st, 2006, 07:50 AM
It is a violation yes but I don't see it as cheating. In no way did earning extra money help him on the field.

If he had gone to Tx St I can tell you that I would be upset that he wasn't at Sam but I would not show the outright HATRED of him that many of you are showing.

And questionable transfers Mr C.? Dustin Long did what? Graduated from A&M or didn't shake the hands of the UM players? Pool loser maybe but not bad character. Noah Allen had no previous violations so how were the Kats to know he would do something like that? It could happen anywhere. Think clearly man.

It may not be cheating ON THE FIELD but it is cheating nonetheless. He broke a rule big time and whether it was $18 or $18,000 it is cheating.

August 31st, 2006, 09:02 AM
It is a violation yes but I don't see it as cheating. In no way did earning extra money help him on the field.

If he had gone to Tx St I can tell you that I would be upset that he wasn't at Sam but I would not show the outright HATRED of him that many of you are showing.

And questionable transfers Mr C.? Dustin Long did what? Graduated from A&M or didn't shake the hands of the UM players? Pool loser maybe but not bad character. Noah Allen had no previous violations so how were the Kats to know he would do something like that? It could happen anywhere. Think clearly man.

Not meaning to hijack this but....

How bout this "questionable" transfer - Billy Skinner

Now back to the thread....
IMO If Bomar were to have to transferred to TxSt (remember Bomar's cousin Luke played here)....SHSU fans (and probably I-AA fans in general) would be posting the same thing that you guys are getting.

SHSU is taking a BIG risk in accepting him...what if the NCAA decides to penalize the University as well along with Bomar? (ala Kelvin Sampson sanctions @IU for his dealings @Oklahoma).

Dont get me wrong.....Bomar is one HECK of an athlete, but he is providing one BIG headache for the AD there. I hope its worth it.

If I were SHSU - I'd have a compliance officer shadowing him all over the place!

August 31st, 2006, 09:15 AM
Some people do things called investing and saving their money instead of just blowing it.

Maybe he was saving towards something and didn't spend it. What would you know?

That's absolutely hilarious. Every other Kat fan is brushing off his offense because "he just a college kid" and now you're hypothesizing that the college kid actually invested the money??!?!?

This may be the greatest incidence of suspension of reality in the name of fandom that I've ever seen.

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

August 31st, 2006, 09:17 AM
College kids don't invest, why do you think they have hoards of people giving out free t-shirts if you sign up for a credit card. Those people are on campuses all the time

August 31st, 2006, 09:22 AM
well if he didn't spend what was given to him by the car dealer then he could just give it right back xidiotx


Let's see, his *FATHER* tells the media, "He's going to pay the money back...His parents are not going to give it to him, so he's going to have to earn it."

Now, does that sound like he didn't spend it?

Or maybe the 19-yo kid who repeatedly violated rules by accepting $18K over a period of many months was actually socking the money away in a low-risk mutual fund, and didn't tell his father that part...

August 31st, 2006, 09:29 AM
and I expect all of you dogging Bomar to jump all over Montana's case as well since J.D. Quinn is there (thank you siugrad)

1. Bomar has been in trouble a couple of times before at OU. I'm not aware of any previous problems with Quinn.

2. Bomar (and his dad) acted like jackasses when he was being recruited.

3. Montana's entire fanbase is not trotting out the very original "everyone cheats" justification.

August 31st, 2006, 09:30 AM
1. Bomar has been in trouble a couple of times before at OU. I'm not aware of any previous problems with Quinn.

2. Bomar (and his dad) acted like jackasses when he was being recruited.

3. Montana's entire fanbase is not trotting out the very original "everyone cheats" justification.

and isn't Quinn walking on? Montana isn't giving him anything

August 31st, 2006, 09:37 AM
SHSU is taking a BIG risk in accepting him...what if the NCAA decides to penalize the University as well along with Bomar? (ala Kelvin Sampson sanctions @IU for his dealings @Oklahoma).

Nah, I disagree with this. SHSU hasn't had any recent problems with the NCAA. Texas State taking Bomar would have been a different story, because they're still on probation from the Matsakis era/year. SHSU's only risk is if Bomar continues to walk around with his hand out.

Dont get me wrong.....Bomar is one HECK of an athlete, but he is providing one BIG headache for the AD there. I hope its worth it.

Bomar will be far and away the most talented QB in the Southland. If I'm Whitten, this is an absolute no-brainer -- I'm paid to win games. The potential reward in this situation is huge. The risk is only moderate. (I just wouldn't be happy about it if I were an alum.)

That said, Bomar's high school team was only 3-7 during his senior season, so it's not like he's automatically going to carry the team to a conference championship.

August 31st, 2006, 09:39 AM
I like this quote by the coach...
“You can’t go around giving 100 percent of the players second and third chances, but as educators, it is our job to evaluate the situation and make a good decision. When you can give someone a second chance, I think that is a good thing.”

While you can't do it for everyone, you can do it for those particular few that can help you out.;)

August 31st, 2006, 10:30 AM
You people who think the kid cheated are lost, IMO. If the university had any knowledge of it (which I bet some did, or at least they turned a blind eye) then it was the university who cheated. They cheated by enticing kids with extra money and thus cheated in the recruiting process.

Sure the kid broke the rules, but that doesn't equate to cheating, or mean he is a cheater.

Opinions vary, but I personally think Oklahoma is covering their asses by kicking these kids of of the team. Anyone want to bet that these weren't the only two players on the team receiving some sort of extra "help"? Anyone want to bet that nearly every team in the BCS does it to some extent.

It is ridiculous to put all the blame on the kids, this stuff was going on long before they got to Ok. And they didn't go out asking for extra money. The booster, who really should know better, and who I guarantee has done this for every player he's had, or most at least needs to share a lot of the blame. You can bet he talked the kids into this.

Did they do wrong, hell yes, but should they be turned away from every other school because of it...hell no.

Just my opionion, not saying I'm right or wrong, but I just don't see this particular problem as being one that should completely ruin a kid.

August 31st, 2006, 12:45 PM
Not meaning to hijack this but....

How bout this "questionable" transfer - Billy Skinner

Now back to the thread....
IMO If Bomar were to have to transferred to TxSt (remember Bomar's cousin Luke played here)....SHSU fans (and probably I-AA fans in general) would be posting the same thing that you guys are getting.

SHSU is taking a BIG risk in accepting him...what if the NCAA decides to penalize the University as well along with Bomar? (ala Kelvin Sampson sanctions @IU for his dealings @Oklahoma).

Dont get me wrong.....Bomar is one HECK of an athlete, but he is providing one BIG headache for the AD there. I hope its worth it.

If I were SHSU - I'd have a compliance officer shadowing him all over the place!

Fine by me.:nod:

August 31st, 2006, 05:20 PM
"What college kid is not going to be excited at that opportunity"

and hey there is no problm with that and if they are not an NCAA athlete and want to keep their ameautur (sp) status then take the 18 grand or million but when you are an NCAA athelete that **** is against the rules...plain and simple...any an all college kids can take the money but if they want to they shouldnt expect to remain eligible to participate without a hefty penalty

August 31st, 2006, 05:27 PM
Some people do things called investing and saving their money instead of just blowing it.

Maybe he was saving towards something and didn't spend it. What would you know?

Really? You think that a 20-21 year old college kid is going to invest $18,000 that he got over the span of a year?? C'mon man, don't be so nieve. I hope Bomar screws ya'll over cause it would make my day. :D

August 31st, 2006, 05:54 PM
Really? You think that a 20-21 year old college kid is going to invest $18,000 that he got over the span of a year?? C'mon man, don't be so nieve. I hope Bomar screws ya'll over cause it would make my day. :D

I hope he helps us kick your bobkitties asses. That would make my day.:D

August 31st, 2006, 09:35 PM
I guess we should hang him from the tallest tree in Huntsville and then tar and feather him. :anim_chai Would you all be happy then? Yes he was GIVEN MONEY not stolen, but given.

Look what happened at Colorado last year or the year before with the sex parties they had. Did Colorado get probation? No because they played in a bowl game that year.

I bet each of us can name other programs around the country that had things happen, and the NCAA did not do a thing. I am not saying RB should play right away, but whatever the NCAA (GOD to college sports) says will be fine with me.

Mr. C
August 31st, 2006, 11:07 PM
It is a violation yes but I don't see it as cheating. In no way did earning extra money help him on the field.

If he had gone to Tx St I can tell you that I would be upset that he wasn't at Sam but I would not show the outright HATRED of him that many of you are showing.

And questionable transfers Mr C.? Dustin Long did what? Graduated from A&M or didn't shake the hands of the UM players? Pool loser maybe but not bad character. Noah Allen had no previous violations so how were the Kats to know he would do something like that? It could happen anywhere. Think clearly man.
The powers of I-AA were so bothered by Dustin Long's case that they CHANGED THE RULES, so that most transfers with one year of eligibility left cannot play at a I-AA school. And about his character, if you had seen him and his entourage carrying on in the Chattanooga Choo Choo bar after The Sports Network banquet in 2004 (along with the other things, like the Montana incident), you might have some other questions about Long's character. Was Dustin a great QB? No doubt. But his decisions give me serious questions about his character. I wouldn't want him on my team.

As far as Noah Allen is concerned, saying it was his first offense may or may not be true. He may have just never been caught. In many programs, one bad steroid test and he would have been history. A lot of schools have ZERO tolerance for this stuff.

I'm not the one making excuses for my program.

Mr. C
August 31st, 2006, 11:10 PM
You people who think the kid cheated are lost, IMO. If the university had any knowledge of it (which I bet some did, or at least they turned a blind eye) then it was the university who cheated. They cheated by enticing kids with extra money and thus cheated in the recruiting process.

Sure the kid broke the rules, but that doesn't equate to cheating, or mean he is a cheater.

Opinions vary, but I personally think Oklahoma is covering their asses by kicking these kids of of the team. Anyone want to bet that these weren't the only two players on the team receiving some sort of extra "help"? Anyone want to bet that nearly every team in the BCS does it to some extent.

It is ridiculous to put all the blame on the kids, this stuff was going on long before they got to Ok. And they didn't go out asking for extra money. The booster, who really should know better, and who I guarantee has done this for every player he's had, or most at least needs to share a lot of the blame. You can bet he talked the kids into this.

Did they do wrong, hell yes, but should they be turned away from every other school because of it...hell no.

Just my opionion, not saying I'm right or wrong, but I just don't see this particular problem as being one that should completely ruin a kid.
Boy aren't we playing symantic here. Breaking MAJOR rules is considered CHEATING by the NCAA. If Oklahoma hadn't gotten rid of Bomar, they would have been looking at MAJOR trouble as a repeat violator. The NCAA takes this seriously and so do a lot of fans.

September 1st, 2006, 09:43 AM
The powers of I-AA were so bothered by Dustin Long's case that they CHANGED THE RULES, so that most transfers with one year of eligibility left cannot play at a I-AA school. And about his character, if you had seen him and his entourage carrying on in the Chattanooga Choo Choo bar after The Sports Network banquet in 2004 (along with the other things, like the Montana incident), you might have some other questions about Long's character. Was Dustin a great QB? No doubt. But his decisions give me serious questions about his character. I wouldn't want him on my team.

As far as Noah Allen is concerned, saying it was his first offense may or may not be true. He may have just never been caught. In many programs, one bad steroid test and he would have been history. A lot of schools have ZERO tolerance for this stuff.

I'm not the one making excuses for my program.

Not making excuses. If Dustin Long's character wasn't the best it wouldn't be the first time an athlete did stuff like that. He helped us win, end of story. He didn't break any rules he was just a jerk to the opposition and maybe a bad sportsman if thing didn't go his way. ***** happens.

As for as Allen is concerned I just stated that when he transferred here he had no history of breaking any rules. He did not transfer under the same cloud that Bomar did. He just wanted a chance to play.

September 1st, 2006, 10:00 AM
Wouldn't be the first transfer this year with rule violations...

• FL Catron Houston is kicked off the team for undisclosed rules violations. He has three years of eligibility remaining. He subsequently transfers to Sam Houston State.
