Quote Originally Posted by youcanbankit View Post

Samford Projected Starters

OL 6-7 335
OL 6-4 312
OL 6-5 325
OL 6-6 325
OL 6-7 345

Average 6.56 328
In this year's FBS National Championship Game, Clemson's OL 2-Deep averaged 6-3.8 315 and Alabama's OL 2-Deep averaged 6-4.8 308.

So, at almost 6-6 328 Samford is most definitely out-recruiting the 2 best college football teams in the country for OL talent. I mean, they must be, right? Obviously Alabama and Clemson would much rather have those Sammy behemoths than the little pee-dabs they have playing for them now. It's just common sense...or...