Quote Originally Posted by uofmman1122 View Post
This simultaneously makes me really nervous, and somehow actually gives me a little bit of confidence (with a caveat).

McDowell has looked....uh....downright bad the last 2 games. Worse than he's looked all season. That's a credit to Furman and NDSU, but he's making bad decisions and overthinking reads he wasn't struggling with just weeks ago. For example, I think he left nearly 100 yards of scrambles on the field by not taking easy, open running lanes last Saturday, opting to make bad throws, instead. If SDSU can befuddle him like he has been, they'll win easily, but if he can get to playing loose like he was before the Furman game, his playmaking can keep us in it.

He's a frustrating QB to defend against because he's not the best thrower, and he's incredibly awkward running the ball at times, but you lose track of him and suddenly he's either lobbing it to one of our 3 great receivers that's gotten open, or gangling down the field 20 yards at a time after escaping the pocket lol
It looked to me he may have been told not to scramble or try to plush the ball downfield as much as possible, There were a couple times during the game where he could have taken off for 15+ yards but instead kept looking and took a sack, cost us FG range once and potentially a TD. Good news is we have three weeks to get completely healthy on the offensive line which will help and for him to work out some things.