Quote Originally Posted by Professor Chaos View Post
SDSU is going to be rock solid - clear #1 and no one particularly close IMO. NDSU is clearly below them but probably clearly above the rest of the league still. I'm on the fence about NDSU being the #2 team country - they're replacing so much and I'm not sure the QB Cam Miller has the "it factor" previous Bison QB have had who led the team to national title heights.

UNI should be tough this year - they probably have the best pure QB in the MVFC with Theo Day. Last year their defense kind of let them down which is a rarity during Farley's tenure so if he can fix their defense and the offense continues it's trajectory from last year UNI has top 10 potential. Once again though UNI doesn't play NDSU during the conference schedule.

YSU and UND are the next best in the MVFC and should be in contention for the playoffs. Who knows about Illinois St - seems like they can never find offense to match their defense and I'm not sure this year is likely bring back the offensive output of their glory days with Roberson and Coprich. SIU will also be an unknown since I think they're losing a lot and faded towards the end of last year on top of it. USD always has the potential to be good but they lost their multi-year starting QB to transfer I believe so pretty unlikely they contend for the playoffs this year. The rest (Indiana St, Murray St, and WIU) are likely the conference bottom feeders.
The USD QB lost his job mid-season and got pushed out by Aiden Bouman last year, a transfer from Minnesota.

Given the amount of activity in the transfer portal in college football these days, I think it is getting harder to make predictions. I know USD has brought quite a few FBS transfers in so we'll see how it all comes together.

What gives me the most confidence is what we have brought in for a coaching staff. Josh Davis as OC from SDSU was a big get and I like our OL coaching hire. Was not always confident in our offensive coaching and OL in particular, and am very confident in those positions now.