Quote Originally Posted by clenz View Post
It should also be noted these look, and are, unbalanced


It's been well documented, by multiple people, at multiple schools, who don't talk to each other, who have different sources that the Dakota schools threw a fit to make sure they played each other every year and would almost never miss each other

To throw that fit to ensure you have that protection and then bitch (I realize fans bitching isn't the schools bitching) that the schedules are unbalanced because your schools threw the **** fit to make sure they played the other Dakota schools is....well...there's a lot of irony slapping people in the face that they don't realize.
And I'm sure those schools in the east didn't object too strenuously when the Dakota schools volunteered to play each other thereby saving a trip west for the eastern schools and a probable automatic L on the schedule.

I will be disappointed to not play UNI as most Coyote fans see them as the 4th rival because the fan bases do interact with each other being, basically, a quick trip across Hwy 20 and with so many Iowa kids attending USD. I come across UNI grads out in the world as much as I come across grads of the other Dakota schools.