IMO, the summation of the past year or so is that YSU doesn't care about public perception or concerns. Recruiting a rapist, doubling down on the rapist despite a huge public outcry against it and international media shame, Ticketgate, the Ticketgate cover-up, and even the terrible OOC FB schedule. YSU is so far from the NCAA mainstream in terms of recruiting ethics and even seems proud of it. Schools like Indiana expressly forbid convicted sexual predators in their athletic programs. If I were Tressel, I personally would've investigated it and someone (possibly multiple ppl) would've been fired, and then I would've released a statement about the ethical standards YSU embraces and the zero tolerance of allowing current registered sex offenders on any athletic program. Every female student on campus now has to deal with the fact that a gang rapist was lured to campus by the FB program and its HC. Absolutely unreal....and the University says F you to all of them.