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Thread: Useful FCS Stuff You Should Know...

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  1. #1
    I'm no better than you...probably
    ursus arctos horribilis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    My Team

    Useful FCS Stuff You Should Know...

    FCS Map 2021

    Starting a Game Thread

    NCAA FCS Selection Committee, NCAA By Laws, & the SRS Basics

    FCS Game Day Pics

    Formerly Titled:
    Threads of lesser adhesion...former stickies

    Threads in here won't be here forever but are semi important and will be stashed here for easy reference for a while. If they are important to you they should be subscribed to for easy reference.

    Notes For The Newbs - A Trip Down Memory Lane

    2019 The FCS Wedge Podcasts & Articles

    JMU vs YSU
    Last edited by ursus arctos horribilis; November 8th, 2021 at 01:18 PM.


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