NCAA facilitates absurd mismatches in college football

"The NCAA should be mortified that Pitt and Youngstown State will play a football game Sept. 24 at Heinz Field.
And that West Virginia will butt heads with Wofford a week before that.

No disrespect to Youngstown State or Wofford, but there oughta be a law against this.

Division I-A teams should not, under any circumstances, play I-AA competition. Mostly because it's unfair. The difference can be measured in the 22 additional scholarships (85 to 63) available to I-A teams.

But instead of seeking to bar such "games," as it should have done long ago, the NCAA board of directors recently passed legislation that essentially sanctions such games and surely will increase them.

Anyone for Southern Cal vs. Duquesne?"

I guess he missed Rutgers and Mississippi state losing to I-AA teams? He's also pretty stupid in using Pitt as an example. They needed OT to be Furman!

Please, bombard this idiot with the facts: [email protected]