You email associated with your account here is about to become very important to your ability to log in. You better know it and make sure it is not some old email from a work account or anything like that. You may move on from that job so why use that one anyway? This happens a lot so using it as a point of emphasis to know your email associated here and make sure you have access to it.

This is an RFN event and if you do not do this you will be sorry. I have made it simple for you too, click this link and it will take you directly to your account page to check the email and even change it to something else if need be.

If it all falls apart for you click the "contact us" at the bottom of the page if you lose access but I'm trying to head that off because I can honestly tell you I only check in on that every few days to a week so help yourself out here and follow my instructions on this.