Quote Originally Posted by Derby City Duke View Post
Even though I didn't join AGS as a member until last December, I had been reading it for about 6-7 months and had an understanding of what a 'Decembrist' was. I mostly have posted in the FCS board, though I've stuck a note or two into the lounge. In my initial post I announced my intent to NOT be a Decembrist, but that 'the doctors might have something to say' about it. I've been mostly absent since the end of February because...

...the docs have spoken: In my mid-50s I've been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer that includes an extra special small cell version...inoperable and my care plan is manage/control/palliative, not curative.

This has all come to light over the past 8 weeks and I am halfway through six 3-day sessions of chemo in order to try to control/manage this crap. I get two weeks between each round of chemo to recover. Last weekend I had a seizure-type episode and spent a few days in the hospital finding out my heart and brain are fine and there was no sepsis either (the fact there was a brain detected will come as a surprise to some). Next week I will get a new set of CT and full-body bone scans to see where we stand, then back to chemo the following week.

I've made it to Senior Prom with my students; graduation is the next milestone, in 31 days. Hope to make it to Bridgeforth for a regular season and playoff game this year, mostly because that will mean I'm still kicking.

I plan to be as active as I can for as long as I can, but I really have no real appreciation for how events will develop and play out.

I enjoy reading the banter (mostly good-natured) and have worked hard to be fair and objective in my comments -- I will continue to do so as I can. If the docs are 100% right, I will make sure somebody comes on to post a farewell. I only have one request - to not be remembered as a Decembrist.

I'm not sure if this is where this thread actually belongs, so if it gets moved, that's fine.

I'm glad I joined the AGS community! #ArmyStrong, kicking cancer's butt 1 day at a time.
Really, the Novemberist/Decemberist tag is just a level of hazing most new members who join in football season have to endure. If you can make it through the first year, and not disappear for months at a time, the stigma usually fades. It only sticks around if you ONLY appear late in the season and then immediately disappear once your team gets knocked out of the playoffs.

Sorry to hear about the cancer diagnosis, hope chemo helps you recover.