Quote Originally Posted by Derby City Duke View Post
Even though I didn't join AGS as a member until last December, I had been reading it for about 6-7 months and had an understanding of what a 'Decembrist' was. I mostly have posted in the FCS board, though I've stuck a note or two into the lounge. In my initial post I announced my intent to NOT be a Decembrist, but that 'the doctors might have something to say' about it. I've been mostly absent since the end of February because...

...the docs have spoken: In my mid-50s I've been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer that includes an extra special small cell version...inoperable and my care plan is manage/control/palliative, not curative.

This has all come to light over the past 8 weeks and I am halfway through six 3-day sessions of chemo in order to try to control/manage this crap. I get two weeks between each round of chemo to recover. Last weekend I had a seizure-type episode and spent a few days in the hospital finding out my heart and brain are fine and there was no sepsis either (the fact there was a brain detected will come as a surprise to some). Next week I will get a new set of CT and full-body bone scans to see where we stand, then back to chemo the following week.

I've made it to Senior Prom with my students; graduation is the next milestone, in 31 days. Hope to make it to Bridgeforth for a regular season and playoff game this year, mostly because that will mean I'm still kicking.

I plan to be as active as I can for as long as I can, but I really have no real appreciation for how events will develop and play out.

I enjoy reading the banter (mostly good-natured) and have worked hard to be fair and objective in my comments -- I will continue to do so as I can. If the docs are 100% right, I will make sure somebody comes on to post a farewell. I only have one request - to not be remembered as a Decembrist.

I'm not sure if this is where this thread actually belongs, so if it gets moved, that's fine.

I'm glad I joined the AGS community! #ArmyStrong, kicking cancer's butt 1 day at a time.
Sorry to here this. I live in the Derby City also and also Army Strong!!

PM me if you'd like to meet up sometime. I have a fond spot in my heart for brothers in arms. Also I'm one of few YSU fans that think Dukes fans are pretty cool