Don't forget about winter. Even with no extra week between the semifinals and championship, the season would start on Feb 4th this year if you want to have the championship game on Memorial Day weekend.

Quote Originally Posted by RootinFerDukes View Post
I'm not a weather expert, i'll admit that, but isn't the spring the least predictable of all four seasons? Why would you put an outdoor sport into that?

If you think there's enough rain games in the fall, just wait until it's March-July. I also like it going from really hot to then just right and finally cold. You're now going from kind of cold, to a brief period of nice weather coupled with endless rain, then it's suddenly hot a **** and only getting worse for the final 2-3 months.

School gets out, people have planned vacations with family that grandma would murder you if you suggested moving for football of all things.

Good luck. It might actually make interest even lower and further drive home how "second tier" it is. The WNBA and AFL try to move their seasons away from their main competitor's season and it hasn't done anything to increase interest notably.