Troy, I'm sorry to hear that your Dad's condition has worsened.

Thanks for bumping this up to it's own thread and thanks for sharing your story...and for all of the other support direct and indirect you've given the ride through the years.

Without your support - and The Rev's initial cheerleading - we might not have raised a dime on AGS. I'd made a few posts in 2010 and 2011, resulting in crickets, but it wasn't until you and The Rev got behind it that it really picked up steam...

I like the CB/message board analogy. I've always been struck by the similarities....

Like a lot of the years, I originally thought I'd sorta take it slow and quiet this year, to give the donors a rest and to focus on work that's been picking up a lot over the last several months, but when I read stories like your Dad's I think going slow and quiet sounds pretty stupid. Cancer's not taking it slowly nor is it going about things quietly. It's making a lot of ****ing noise...

I need to do that, too...

It's almost too easy on this end. I make some goofy social media posts, promise to wear stuff I'd normally never wear on the ride, send a few mass e-mails and good folks like you and the other AGS donors respond and every year we raise $8-10K for the fight. It's a drop in the bucket, of course, but it's one that's necessary and it would kinda be negligent NOT to do it since it's obvious you guys are willing and able to support the cause.

Thanks again for bumping this up to the top and I'm honored to ride for The Starfire Kid...