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View Full Version : What ever happened to the Hofstra football renewal effort

October 15th, 2011, 01:40 PM
After Hoftra U dropped thier program thier was alot of outrage and
support to bring it back . As I recall they even had some major
financial alumni backing it so far ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Where does the
effort stand now. With the event of the new club league starting last year.
It would seem like a chance to get the program going on the club level.
Then rally the alums and students, raise money and go from there.
Anybody have info on other schools trying to get there programs back.
The Yankee Collegiate football conference is a start.
It includes MAine, BU, Clarkson, Vermont and teams in Ct and the Bronx.
So it can be done. Any news on the subject.
Or is out of site out of mind.